Browse Category: Healing & Well Being


Here’s 5 Tips for reducing stress in your work place and for freelancers as an Art therapist , Reiki Master and Counsellor /Executive Coach / Life Coach.

Whether you hold a full-time job as a freelancer , work from home . As the work culture is increasingly changing your lifestyle habits and your routine has changed due to covid 19 conditions , it’s now more important to work more hours for less salary 😟😟 Or more than this it’s important to find a balance – I am a Taj Innercircle Work-life Balance Champion and I could completely understand what you are going through.

I have spent at least 4- 5 years out of a 15 year career with IBM remotely working and I am with you.

So Relax , if you have been stressed out lately from the workload , just follow these simple tips for a quick time out !


👉5 Tips to reduce stress

👉1- Listen to music : If your workplace permits listening to music during working hours, plug-in the headphones and tune in for some light, acoustic music. Not only does relaxing music ease your brain by taking away stress, but it can also give you some much-needed motivation to complete the tasks in hand. Classical symphonies, relaxing OSTs and acoustic sound all work wonders.

👉2- Take a break by taking a walk : With the constant pressure coming from the weight of the world around us, it’s quite easy to feel bogged down and depressed. This is why one must break away from work once in a while even if it sounds implausible. A simple walk around the home can give you a fresh perspective on things and how to get things done, which is essential for slowing down your thinking and detach.

👉3- Exercise : No, I’m not going ask you to abandon work to visit the gym for a 40-minute lifting session. All you have to do is some simple stretches in between work to feel refreshed and relaxed. You can even go for a 10 min jog, do some pushups, or dance around when no one’s looking to bring back peace of mind.

👉4- Play a game ( virtual or a board game ) : There are so many options available, might as well take a quick board game or play a virtual game.

👉5- Take a mandala class and feel socially connected !

“Art is creativity for the Soul”
“Mandalas give a calming and relaxing feeling to your mind”

We have had participants from WNS , EY , Accenture , Infosys , Intel and many corporates who have attended our online workshops.

And they all feel connected and they share their feelings thoughts and emotions and empathise with each other! Don’t think too much just sign up for our upcoming mandala art therapy class and feel the difference !

These are the benefits of stress management and art therapy :

1.Quit smoking (over a period of time)
2.Manage anger

3.Increase self confidence

4.Stress management

5.Mental focus


7,Release stress hormones

8.Reduce anxiety

9.Save costs of a therapist or clinical doctor by understanding your problem yourself

10.Obsessive compulsive disorder

11. How to Reduce weight and reduce Stress

Register here 👇👇👇

Don’t think too much; just try out these simple tips the next time you get stressed to feel the difference!

Watch the video here !

“Manifest Your Dreams” -Grab Your Free Copy Of Our Special Report!

Manifest your dreams

Discover the power of positive thinking and how you can make your dreams really come true!
The simple system for utilizing your internal power system to manifest your dreams!
The law of attraction is revealed! Find out how you can seize the power that lies within!
How to immediately eliminate negative energy and use affirmations to turn dreams into reality!
And Much, Much More!

Submit your details Form to grab your FREE REPORT NOW!!

Listing your dreams- activity!

Image may contain: Ranjini Rao, standing and sitting
Photography Credits : Matar Media , Masterlife , Venue : The Hub Bengaluru ,

With A small list of wishes is how I started my journey into product + services entrepreneurship 💕💕

Are you amazed by the “power of journaling your wishes and dreams” from the heart ? 

Try it today ! Dreams come true ! We need to trust 🙇‍♀️ and surrender 🎈🎈🎈

Take a deep breath and relax 
Write down all your wishes with a fun mindset without any expectations and then place it in front of you ! 

Everyday in the morning – look at it and say “I’m truly grateful becoz this too shall come true !“ 

“Gratitude” is the mother of all attitudes 🌸

Art of letting go and moving on- Part 2

Why it is hard to let go?

Humans are emotional beings; we make connections with inanimate or animate things. And, so we do with our current environment. Sometimes, we become comfortable in discomfort. It is downright sadistic and you are inflicting pain on yourself. No sane person would want to feel pain all the time. 

You want to leave them behind and have a fresh start with spontaneity and positive feelings. But your mind has become used to of these negative thoughts, how do you overcome that? It will not let go of something it has invested so much energy and time to hold and pile up. It works against you. It would tend to make you weak. But your will alone will help you triumph. 

Make drastic changes, and command your mind to cope with it. Don’t let it fool you with the illusions of finding happiness in the darkness. Darkness makes you lose vision – the vision of life, opportunity, love, kindness, positivity; the list goes on. Nothing takes root in toxic soil. You have to nourish it again and that can happen only in the light. 

Would letting go make you win the war? 

Letting go is the first signal you give to your brain that you want to quit living like a victim. You want to cherish your battle scars and move on to the next level, and keep it up.  

It is just a battle; a long war awaits you. But the first step will always be letting go of the baggage and taking time from that exhausting sulking to evaluate your environment. It includes giving up on your pre-notions, it is about adapting to the changes in your mental and physical environment and doing your best to survive. Above all, never forget to keep moving forward. Remember it is a war, and you don’t run back or standstill in the war you have to keep leading your life forward to win. 

My rendezvous with letting go 

Working for IBM for 15 years and having total work experience of 23 years, I too grew a lot attached to the badge that I was wearing. Being a part of a prestigious organization, people identifying me with the name of the brand, I was scared to take that sharp exit from that lane towards a new beginning – the making of Ranjini Rao, a life coach, and an entrepreneur.

But despite making peace with something that never gave me wholesome satisfaction, I gave up the comfort that emptiness offered me. I decided to take a rocky road, right up to the hilltop. It is never easy; it is never intended to be easy. Afterall battling with self is like fighting someone who knows all your secrets, it knows your strategy, and worse part is your brain has the power of seeding an illusion. See-through does lies and I am sure, even the simplest strategy will work out. Take firm decisions, challenge your mind to accept the ground reality and it will lose. You control your mind, and the rest is history.

Art of letting go pain and misery – Part 1

We always talk about the pain people have caused us over the years. Surprisingly, we never talk about our own actions that are holding us back. Every opportunity that life offers us to find love, balance, stability in our personal and professional life, can have a positive or negative result. Meanwhile, we happily accept the positive outcomes and move on, we hold back the negative ones that make us excessively heavy.

It is of utmost importance that we address these negative feelings sooner than later. Letting go of old baggage will free up your body to store positive energy and get a new outlook towards life.

What is letting go and why it is important?

Imagine yourself as a clock, where all three hands have to work right to work properly. These three hands are mind, body, and soul. Holding up on your past, and not giving your life another opportunity, will burden either or all three, and the equilibrium of life is lost. Letting go is losing those feelings and set things right again. It is an exercise to become emotionally lighter. It is about leaving the hurtful feelings behind and moving on. Let go of the pain that has been holding you from reaching your full potential. 

Pain and misery are a part of life, sometimes these negative feelings feast on a person’s childhood to impact most of their adult life. This makes us realize that the practice of letting go is not just something that is for a full-blown adult but also, for the children that are currently seeing a bad childhood or battling trauma and misery.

Like no two people think alike, even letting go of something has no defined process. Every person has their own mechanism to process the pain to the extent that finally, it steams out. Holding back negative feelings is not doing any harm to the people who have caused you pain, rather it is disturbing your own equilibrium.

Above all, we should not forget that we humans can only move forward. That is how life is. Holding up to something and waiting to change something that has already been done is wasting your time and energy on something that will never happen. We have done enough damage by drinking the poison of fear, hatred, regret, and emptiness, let’s not make another by carrying it our entire life.

See it as, trying to jump higher and higher every time to reach a goal. The lighter you are the higher you can jump. You need to unbuckle these feelings behind to take a higher jump each time while aiming for pedestal.

Mindfulness Meditation: Unlock the power of your mind and body -Free Guided Meditation Online by Ranjini Rao

Mindfulness meditation for peace , stress management and awareness

Mindfulness Meditation: Unlock the power of your mind and body

It is very hard to handle stressful situations. Every individual should learn how to become aware of it and accepting it.

One form of meditation which is very effective in dealing with the problems and difficult situations of life is known as mindfulness mediation or awareness meditation. This is often considered by many people as a miraculous technique.

It is a fact that frustrations, stress, disappointments, anger, and other related negative emotions affects the mind and body adversely. Such negative actions and emotions must be handled effectively.

Likewise, set backs must be accepted truly without causing health problems. Insight meditation is like a medicine that helps people in dealing with negative situations and emotion in a manner that is most effective to them.

Mindfulness meditation allows or requires individuals to become aware of their environment. They are more likely sensitive in perceiving each moment.
Thus, they prefer to accept situations that are stressful rather than avoiding it. If you become aware about the internal status of your mind upon insight meditation, then you can learn to accept difficult circumstances without too much resistance.

By practicing mindfulness meditation, you can train your mind in achieving a tranquil state without being affected by external forces. The mind is aided in developing the needed strength to obtain such peacefulness.

Listen to this 5 minutes guided meditation that may bring out self awareness within and leave us a feedback!

Illustrated Mandala art by Ranjini Rao

So, you can say goodbye to your problems and live a better and a healthy life.

Life Wellness Hacks for Entrepreneurs : Time to unlock yourself of fears!

In the wake of bouncing back or getting back to the workplace ,during the unlock phase of COVID-19 , it’s a new norm but business as usual. It’s Important to bear in mind a few things:

1- continue to wear the mask , keep the sanitiser handy and avoid crowds or touching any surfaces that used by many people.

2- continue to eat healthy food or home cooked food for some more time . Workout regularly and avoid junk food ! Build your immunity by thinking positive and be strong !!

Let’s keep the conversation on!


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  • Twitter: @iampositive2k / @raoranji

Mandala Art: An alternative for Addiction treatment -Part 1

Addiction of drugs or alcohol is not only a crisis globally found but is less talked about too. But not many people are able to resist the urge of consuming addictive stuff after they have been discharged from the facilities. Reason, they are not accepted easily back in their old lives and they are beings that have already lost hope and positivity from their life. Thus, it becomes necessary that we establish a new way to not only help individuals fighting their way back to a normal life, but also inspire them for positive thinking and betterment in life. 

A couple of new treatments have emerged, today the addiction rehab centres have individual & group therapy sessions and a wide range of other therapeutic methods to treat it as well. These other therapeutic methods include, Mandala Art which is found to be very helpful and has proven effective in helping people in recovery process from addiction and substance abuse. Let’s see how it works in the different phases of treatment. 

Mandala Sessions in Rehab Centres 

Image Credits : Captured at an Event with Partner Lahe Lahe and OncoHappy together with Healing Arts Artist at a Cancer Hospital centre

Mandala art is now becoming popular in many rehab facilities. Mandala is a non-addictive self-soothing technique that can work wonders in inculcating positive self-image and build confidence in person fighting addiction. It helps in augmenting self-image which is necessary for someone who has lost their own-self overtime due to addiction. It is a way to find yourself back and mending the severed strings with yourself over time. 

A mental collapse in adulthood leaves more deeper scares than we can think off. A person is caged in depression and not to forget the withdrawal symptoms that do not leave the person alone for a very long time. The calmness that comes from mandala art can help a person that away those negative thoughts about themselves and pick up their life with new energy and positivity, Mandala art in short delivers a person a will to continue on the path of getting riddance from addiction. 

It is necessary to understand that a person is not only fighting a battle of strong urge that has been gripping them for years, but also a mental battle to gather the strength to fight the distress that comes along. “Will the world take me back?”, a person continues to ask itself that echoes the answer, “Why to change, if nothing is going to fall into place”. We can change that answer into positive one by seeding hope and courage through mandala art form. It is a self-healing procedure which works magic, in finding the answers yourself. It works as meditation, an important medicine to mend yourself on inside. 

So if you are dealing with addictions for which you do not know the cause , you can reach out to [email protected] and we can help you!

Use the imagination of DNA Reiki and your Brain’s Software program to Free yourself from resentments from your DNA!

“Be your own person. Be a conscious co-creator.”

I thanked spirit and my inner divinity and goddess for guiding me as I channeled the message and set out to design the resentment code program.

One fine day I was posting inspirational messages for my clients on the computer and there came a download in my heart – Do you want to let go of Resentment? Of what use it is for you and what kind of energy is it fulfilling within you? I instantly said to my inner guides/Inner council – “Oh no, I’m not in favour of holding back any energy –please help me resolve it!”

(Photography : Ranjini’s own photography )

Let’s decode “Regrets” using the software developer lingo..using DNA Reiki 

The regret list can be longer or smaller depending on how you have been dealing or addressing regrets in your life. Some people do something about it by making new choices or taking action and changing their energy and mindset. Some people chose to live in regrets and resentments.

Here are the Instructions for decoding it as suggested by my council. Firstly before receiving this download you are giving your full consent to the Divine Creator ,Reiki Masters, Soul Guides and keepers of the Light to free yourself from this pattern. 

So for a moment, I’m going to ask you to take a piece of pen and paper and write down all the regrets that you have about your life or career or about relationships…Wish you had or Wish you hadn’t.

Once you have completed the list, Bring your focus and attention to your brain and heart and gut. Imagine this bug called ‘Regret’ has entered your system like a computer virus. 

And you have been wanting to let go of this energy but did not know how?

Suddenly you have access to an anti-virus software to it! It’s in the form of a USB or “Sei Hei Ki” key aka as a software program code (DNA). 

See yourself installing it with a CD or USB having SHK key- SHK is inserting into your brain, heart and gut. 

Turn the SHK key and enter the passkey (as per your creative Imagination) 

Let’s name the passkey as “Progress” & “Leap” and 10-17 (Switchword Number 10 raised to the power of -17 ) (*website )

See your organs processing these software codes. Imagine some clearing is happening inside…some spaces are clearing for new things to enter your life. 

Some creative visual images for Subconscious mind to believe it’s happening is to see it being deleted or uninstalled from your system.

Idea here is to visualise command prompt “Delete Regret Software” Confirm Y or N –Are you sure? Press Y button to continue.”Uninstall complete”100% to 0% .

Uninstalling the imprints. Formatting and re-installing New Blueprints for resentment from Heart Chakra.

Once you feel the job of completely uninstalling or deleting the VIRUS called REGRET is done, It will prompt you -Do you want to install “PROGRESS” or “UPGRADE to LEAP” software?

Again, Y or No as a command prompt to choose the software code and enter CHK symbol passkey to proceed…Once you press Y to confirm see the CHK symbol software installing into your brain,heart and gut and see it getting done from 0% in 100% in less than _3_ mins / 33 seconds. 

Intend and Intone CHK Symbol 333 (3 raised to the power of 33 times) 

And know you are ready to move forward in your life.

You are now FREE from any past regrets or resentments in your life ….

You could now reprogram the new software that you want …

Now re-designing a new empowering program is your choice! 

Give Reiki to the Mind ,Heart and Gut and close with GASSHO gratitude prayer and thank your guides.

This meditation was channeled from Ranjini Rao’s Light Council members on 03/03/2020        

Reinvent yourself -An awareness session on Holistic Fitness & Lifestyle Strategies to deal with stress and women’s wellness related issues

I had partnered with @Lopamudra Banerjee, Founder , Entrepreneur for a joint session 2 hours talk followed by Q&A at Atta Galatta , Koramangala on Weight Loss Strategies for conditions like PCOS & Thyroidism. Lopa shared strategies on how food can impact the body,What are the causes and symptoms of weight gain,PCOS and Thyroidism,Exercise and Nutrition tips to deal with these conditions.

While I covered my personal journey on how I healed myself on PCOS condition by making conscious Lifestyle choices, dissolving stressors from my life by adapting a holistic lifestyle approach – spiritual, mental,physical and emotional wellness and holistic therapies and strategies.I also talked about wellness strategies for women and how they can recognise their emotions and manage stress effectively.Basically,How I reinvented my body and health and Reinvented myself!

A collaborative effort between #GetfitwithLopa and @srishti vataa Arts Centre to organise wellness sessions and motivational talk on how to deal with stress and women’s wellness issues write to us.

Srishti Vataa Arts Centre : [email protected]