Browse Category: Healing & Well Being

4 steps to Inner Richness or Wealth mindset

If your desire is to enjoy riches and wealth, then you need to create an environment for that to grow and prosper.

These 4 steps are key to bringing you closer to enjoying riches.

1. Set Your Money Goals

It ís time to get your pen and paper out, and make some decisions. What is your goal for earnings for the next 6 months? 12 months? 5 years? 25 years? Write it down and in addition create a dream board that is a vision of what wealth is going to look like for you. What are you going to do with your wealth? What are some of the things you are going to buy with your wealth? Think big and don’t hold back.

2. It’s Time to Track Your Spending Habits

It is time to create a journal of how you are spending your money. There is software that can help you do this tracking just where your money is going not just by where you spend it but by category as well. For example, entertainment, utilities, housing, etc.

3. You Need to Create an Income Stream

All around you are business opportunities and you don’t always require a large amount of capital to get started; however, you may need to think outside the box, change the way you are thinking about getting your start. You also need to set at least one goal and more is better. Here are some examples of goals:

  • My goal is to own my own business
  • My goal is to be my own boss
  • My goal is to have financial freedom
  • My goal is to be in control of my life
  • My goal is to create residual income

When you begin to focus on the goals that you set, you will actually reprogram your subconscious suddenly opportunities will begin to pop up everywhere. Isn’t that so exciting?

4. Don’t Be Afraid to be Generous

Be generous with your money. If you have not had money you might tend to want to hang on to your new found money and your growing wealth. But you need to begin to think and act like you have abundance and share it freely. This does not mean that you are being careless. It means that rather than giving the basic 10 % tip you give 20 %. It means helping someone that’s down on their luck, or it means sending flowers to someone that’s important to you. Make a pact with yourself to be generous once a week.

Do try these hacks to prosperity and let me know how it goes!

To your wealth and prosperity! I pray and send you prosperity blessings !

Learning the importance of 5 Elements in Feng Shui

Image Source : element :

The Five Elements of Feng Shui 

The principle of five elements is important to the concept of Feng Shui as they work in certain ways in accordance with the rotation of the Productive and Destructive cycles. All five of the elements correspond with a certain color and some of the elements will use more than one color. Here are the five elements and their corresponding colors: 


The Wood element represents growth, development and planning. This element resides in the East and Southeast areas of your space. It is associated with the brown/green color spectrum and the columnar shape. 


The fire element represents expansion, enthusiasm and transformation and provides energy to things that are career related. It will also assist you in being recognized in your achievements. This element resides in the South, Northeast and Southwest areas of your space. It is associated with the red, orange, purple, pink and strong yellow colour spectrum and the triangular shape.


The water element represents easiness, abundance, freshness, calm and purity. This element can be used in the North, East and Southeast areas of your space. It is associated with the blue and black color spectrum and wavy lines. 


The earth element represents stability, nourishment and protection in relationships. It can be used in the Northeast, Southeast and Center areas of your space. This element is associated with the beige and yellow color spectrum and the square shape. 


The metal element represents accuracy, clarity and efficiency and can be used in the West, North and Northwest areas of your space. This element is ideal for your home or business and is associated with the white and grey colour spectrum and the circle, oval and crescent shapes. 

Article Credits : eBook on Feng Shui

How to be grateful or Be in an attitude of Gratitude?

Developing an attitude of heartfelt and sincere Gratitude for all your current blessings unleashes the ultimate power for obtaining many more. Give thanks each day and you will see how being grateful for everything you have today can create great changes in your life.

“Thank you” – these two simple words can change one’s life. With the problems that we may face every day in our lives, these two little words are often the most neglected words each day. We always see the worst in life that is why we never become truly happy.

Expressing your gratitude or even being thankful about the things you have is really important. This will change your entire life – the way you see life, the way you handle your problems and the way you cope with the daily challenges.

Gratitude means counting your blessings, thankfulness, acknowledging things that you receive and noticing those simple pleasures in your life. The moment you wake up in the morning, say a little prayer, giving thanks to another life given to you. Gratitude means learning to live a kind of life as if things were miracles, and it also means being fully aware on continuous bases about how much you have been given.

Gratitude also shifts your focus from the things you lack in life towards great abundance that is now present. It is also good to note that psychological and behavioral research has shown the most amazing improvements in life brought by the practice of gratitude. Bring thankful and appreciating life and the things life offers you makes us more resilient and even happier.

Resilient in the sense that no matter what challenges and difficulties we experience, we know that life is not cruel to give us something that we can’t bear. It gives us strength with the belief and the mindset that no matter how many problems we may encounter, the blessings we receive are much greater than them. Gratitude strengthens relationships, reduces stress and improves health.

Once you develop an attitude of a sincere attitude for all the blessing you receive, this unleashes the power for you to receive even more than you already have.

Having the feeling of gratitude essentially means taking nothing for granted and giving thanks about the abundance in life that you have obtained. Gratitude actually fits in with abundance in various aspects. As a famous writer says, “ A lot of people are trapped in the state of poverty by having lack of gratitude.”

An Abundance Mindset always goes with gratitude because we can always attract great wealth as well as abundance with the power of gratitude.

Today I want to reward you with a free gift of a Gratitude Mandala Sheet Design and free ebook on how to develop Gratitude – Register here to receive your free Copy on how to be grateful and drawing a Gratitude mandala design!

Let’s take a break!

Who ever thought dreams can make you insomniac, like literally insomniac? Thousands of questions and doubts in our hearts, we take a leap of faith just to find the internal contentment. But sometimes, we just become too hard on ourselves. We forget that we have our limitations. The burden of dreams is like carrying an entire world on your shoulders. You must let that warrior inside you rest for a bit. 

Not a long time ago, I was interviewing Lopamudra Banerjee, an entrepreneur, and a fitness coach. As soon as I made the announcement, I received a flood of messages in my inbox for Lopa to share her entrepreneurial journey. She is one brave soul. But I will tell you why this interview was a lot unique then what we see all the time. Lopa gave us all something to think about. From a sales professional to a personal fitness coach turned health entrepreneur, her journey says a lot about what happens when you choose to not take a break. Meanwhile, we hear people talking about breaking your limits and giving up everything for your goals, she shared the darker aspect of dreaming and overdoing things. 

So, as per my rendezvous with Lopa, I will tell you what I have learned about the dreams and working too hard on yourself. Also, please do visit my Instagram page to find my interview with Lopa, and don’t forget to comment and share your thoughts on dreams. Also, please feel free to share your experience and how you found your warrior spirit.

Phase One: Opportunity knocks

When opportunity knocks our doors, what a time of merriment it is. You are filled with a reviving energy and you are ready to take the world down. But have you planned things the right way? Planning is an essential part of any journey. Do you just take a vacation to a place unknown without even checking the weather of the place? No, everything that we do, requires planning. Deep down we know going without plan is a lot adventurous and we all want to feel the thrill. But a smart person will always be prepared beforehand, so that when the weather is all stormy, they have a safe shelter.

Phase Two: Nobody tells it is going to be stressful 

The actual story begins in phase two. Meanwhile, it is great that you are following your dreams, but the stress is just going to take a toll on your mind and body. It is going to break you and will make you feel helpless. If you are young your body will support you longer in the journey, but eventually depriving it of the needful rest, fun, and peace, you will notice your will starts to wither. The worst part is, you lose the quality at which you were always performing.

For many of us, it is important to give our 100% in whatever we do. But when you face work overload, are you still sure you will be able to keep up the quality? For any person quality is something which we all want to achieve. I am one of those people. Lopa is one of those people. You might be too.

It is essential in these times that we understand our limitations. We have to reinstate the lost balance. Sometimes, in the hurry to catch up with your dreams we leave behind the beautiful moments. We compromise our time with family to work hard. And in the end, we have to make do with whatever little connections are left with our loved ones.

Just like our body, the mind needs to rest too. But how to do that? It is constantly thinking, calculating your next move. Are things in your control when you are already juggling thousands of things at a time. In my conversation with Lopa ,I understood how badly restless she was while managing her growing business. It got her worried when a client did not get the results she promised. Though she never lost the business, it was too bad for her self-esteem.

As a result, things start to fall apart. Brick by brick you are back to square one with the burden of broken dreams. You must realize the importance of rejuvenating yourself. Resting your mind. Investing your time in knowing your limits and realizing when you are overdoing it. Empires aren’t formed in days or months, they take years. When we increase our pace, we forget we don’t have the energy to do it all ourselves. And also, you don’t have the resources to manage it.   

Phase Three: Rejuvenating and Restarting Again

You don’t have to give up on your dreams. Take some time out of work and start working on your peace of mind. In the end, don’t forget you wanted to achieve this all to attain a great degree of self-contentment

Understand where things are going wrong. Make a list of things that you will like to change from the last time. Start working on them. Choose wisely what and how much you want to work. Work exclusive if necessary. In the end entrepreneurship, job or business are not just about money, they are about gaining that expert badge.

4 Tips to Reduce Work Related stress!

Happy Weekend everyone!

If you have landed up on this blog searching for some wellness tips then you are in the right place !

Whether you hold a full-time job or work as a freelancer, work from office or work from home, stress is a real issue that every working professional has to deal with sooner or later. As the work culture gets increasingly complicated and employees are expected to work more for less; it’s now more important than ever to find your own recluse.

Relax, if you’ve been feeling stressed out lately from all the workload, just follow these simple tips for a quick fix.

1.Take frequent walk breaks: With the constant pressure coming from the weight of the world around us, it’s quite easy to feel bogged down and depressed. This is why one must break away from work once in a while even if seems impossible. A short walk break in the home itself can give you a fresh perspective on things and how to get things done, which is essential for clarity and mental fog .

2. Take up an art or hobby
No, we’re not going ask you to abandon work to visit a studio for a 30 minute art or decoupage session. All you have to do is some simple art strokes or sketching in between work to feel refreshed and relaxed!
Or dance around when no one’s looking to bring back peace of mind.

3. Read a book : Working on the computer , especially from home, can get very monotonous at times due to lack of social interaction. In that case, it’s always a good book from a great author is welcome!

4. Take up a touch therapy based activity : Post work Activities like gardening , clay , Pottery , makeup classes are so therapeutic and connects you to your souls essence and your true nature. It also boosts your happy hormones ! Once in a while , do take up whatever is therapeutic to you!

Do you often Choose your Battles in life?

Choose your Battles

From living her dreams to becoming a catalyst in making people’s dreams come true, Deepti Arora has been my support system in finding myself. Each conversation adding something unique, positive, and valuable, I couldn’t wait when Deepti took some time out from her busy schedule to become a part of my vlog series “Warriors of Change”.

Today, Deepti is an entrepreneur and NLP coach at her venture – HealClinc. But once she too was juggling lemons and becoming creative in using them to sometimes make lemonade, or for that matter a tequila. So, without further ado, I will take you to different parts of my interview with her and what I have learned from it. Please do visit my Instagram page to find my full interview with Deepti.

Superheroes need to unwind too… 

There is a superhero that breathes in us all. It would take a load of the entire world on its shoulder and forget to analyze what are their priorities. And when things are not under their control it would freak them out. This is not just tiring; it would just take away what superheroes are known for the most – the smiling face even when things are not right.

That doesn’t sound like a superhero, isn’t it? It is not easy to realize that you are incapable of juggling too many things. If you continue you are not just doing injustice to others but yourself too by stripping off the needful mind-body equilibrium.

Defining your priorities…

I remember reading somewhere, “life never throws at you a challenge so big that you can’t cope with”. It has been with me for a long time now and it has completely changed my outlook towards the bad phases of life. Life is not going to be same all the time. And if you ask me, happiness would lose its meaning too soon if we don’t encounter sadness. We will just forget to cherish the moments in the flow of life.

Sadly, we all go into trance. How to get out of it? How do you find the serenity and happiness in the times when nothing seems to go right? I will give you one hint. Starting owning your mind. Choose your battles. Accept the challenges and meanwhile, everyone would think you just have to jump… I would say no. Never enter a battlefield unprepared.

In modern terms, plan… plan… plan… until you have found the right way to defeat your challenges. Make a priority list and let go of the things that are stopping you from winning the battle. No matter how necessary they might be to you. No matter how attached you are with it. Let go of the things that will make you lose your balance because you have that rope hanging in the air to walk and balance alone is going to get you to the other side.

We are defeated by our prejudices…

Life is all about breaking our conceptions. As Deepti said, we are all here to learn something from our experiences. In the same way, we are stopped from taking the right decision when we limit ourselves in commonly found notions of society. It is necessary to challenge yourself to continuously widen our paradigm.

For example, A working mother, a father who is wanting to quit his job to start his own business, a boy learning ballet, or a girl playing football or cricket. Society accepts us to work in a certain cliché format. We have these affixed notions in the society which want us to align our dreams around it. But happiness and peace of mind won’t come until you are satisfying yourself. Self-satisfaction is not selfish. Depriving yourself of love and dreams is a sadist. Dream and make a plan for life, the universe will fulfill all of it in time.

Having a vision for things…

Not every opportunity you get in your life will pay off. We have been there when something sounds too good to be true, you follow that opportunity but eventually it starts to fall apart. But now, when you don’t have time to invest in each and everything, vision can help you. There is no eeny-meeny-miny-moe way to choose what will be best for you. But having a vision will help you understand whether things are aligning with your long-term and short goals or not. It will not just help you in finding the financial footing, but mental peace too.

Having a vision bestows you the power to say no to the things that don’t align with your goals. Here, patience helps you greatly. When you are drowning, naturally you will pick up anything that looks like a rope to keep you afloat. But it might be a snake in disguise that is going to bite you after. In those times you have that choice to learn to swim too. What will you choose? I choose not to take an easy way out, not without fully analysing it.

Being a warrior means taking charge…

A warrior too can lose the focus. Even when things are going according to you, make sure you are not going back to your old ways. What you have learned from life and variety of experiences mandatorily be adapted in your life, you just need to scale them as per your current situation.

Above all, respect yourself, and your goals. Never let anybody else hold the reins of your life because, in the end, you will lose the power over your dreams. With physical wellness comes the acute need of finding mental wellbeing. And we can’t ignore the role of financial stability all along. Revisit your goals, and plan your life as per your current achievements to find help in a long run.

Bracing the journey of life through courage and grit

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” ~ Willie Nelson.

Life is like a rollercoaster; it has all the highs and lows. One minute you are at the top of the world and a few minutes later you are entering a scary, dark cave. In these grave moments, we must remember – this too shall pass. 

In my conversation with Sujatha Keni, I got a chance to witness some of her challenges when 30 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. Braving her rocky road with hope, courage, and positive thinking she is a turned leaf with more energy and life than ever before. So, without further ado, let’s start our bracing journey of learning how we can win any battle of life with positive thinking. Also, please visit my Instagram page to find my exclusive interview with Mrs.Sujatha Keni, and do like comment and share. 

When light ceases to exist it’s time we light the lamp of hope

We humans have to make rigorous efforts to stimulate positive thoughts. Meanwhile, negative thoughts mostly come uninvited. The fear of difficulties, failures, and disasters can easily grip us to an extent where, no matter how much we try it feels nothing would change in the next lag of life – gloomy, sad and hopeless. 

But why is that? How difficult it can be for our brain to continuously signal positive thoughts? If we go by science, it has a lot to do with the education and environment we are living in. A happy and positive environment is not just necessary for a child’s development but also, it makes a deep impact on the way he or she is going to react to difficult situations. In short, the practice of stimulating positive thinking starts from the very beginning. 

We see through our eyes, but view the world with our mental attitude. Mental health and wellbeing play an important role in giving the “positive filter” to even the most difficult situations. Just is like wearing dark shades, our ambitions, and our circumstances appear dark. Your surrounding and outlook towards life become dark. Replace those dark shades with the rosy ones and see the change.  

How to inculcate the habit of positive thinking?

– Try to look at things positively:

The law of attraction tells us how positive and negative thoughts bring out positive and negative experiences in our life. All across the world people have practiced it, experienced it, and have made positive thinking a crucial part of their life. For changing your life, you need to protect your will the most to overcome your bad situation. It helps you to plan your way out or gives you hope for the good yet to come. 

– Expecting Positive Results: 

When nothing seems right, you must realize and remember your long-term goals. Life is never the same all the time. If there is are dark alleys, it will also give you a chance to walk through beautiful gardens. Hope for positive results that are yet to come. Most of all if you are turning blind towards anything good, you might not even spot an opportunity that could change your life overnight. 

– Don’t give up on your dreams: 

The bad experiences in our lives come to teach us something. If something bad has happened to you automatically you become more cautious about your surrounding and for sure, you will be able to easily spot potholes in the path ahead. But, unlike the first time, you need to keep moving forward with more confidence and energy to struggle for survival. Use your past experiences to fight things strategically.  

Small things to practice each day to overcome negative thinking

Here are a few steps that will help you take over negative thinking. Here are a few tips that can help you avoid negative thinking: 

  1. Every time a negative thought comes in your mind, replace it with a positive one. 
  2. Imagine yourself succeeding whenever you catch yourself visualizing failure. 
  3. Start using more positive words in your conversation, avoid negative words as much as possible.
  4. Speak to yourself, and encourage yourself with powerful words such as “I can”. It will help you boost your self-esteem and give you the courage to experiment with new opportunities. 
  5. Never let the negative words and phrases go on look in your mind. Switch to positive ones. You will soon feel more alert and forthcoming towards making attempts to change your situation. 
  6. Give yourself some break from negativity and don’t be too harsh on yourself. Slowly make your way to a positive attitude.
  7. Sit calmly and decide that from today from this particular moment you will leave the negativity behind and start a new phase – a positive phase of life.

 Surrendering to divine

When something goes out of control and things don’t seem to make much sense resort to god and believe whatever happens it is your destiny and a test that you must pass. Search the divine in yourself. It will work as soup to your soul and will nourish you throughout your journey.

Along with hope and positive thinking, these were some tips that will help you in stopping the train of negative thoughts. Also, positive thinking needs positive actions to translate into change. It is a habit of mind and a very strong way to transform your life.

Can 8-Minute Meditation Give You a Quiet Mind and Change Your Life Forever?

What exactly is meditation? It seems that so many people nowadays are hooked up with this form of activity. By definition, meditation is often used to describe the individual’s state of intense attention on an object of awareness or thought. The individual tries to turn his or her attention inward. Meditation is said to be of Vedic Hinduism origin. This is usually practiced in the eastern religions but now even the western culture is already involved in such activity.

People want to practice meditation so that they can focus their mind to God for their personal development, to attain peace of mind, and to be healthier.

Many people are now involved in some form of meditation. According to Time Magazine there is one meditation practice that can be used by almost anyone.

This can be considered as the basic primer of people wanting to begin meditation but have no idea where to start.

There was a book published last November 2005 authored by Victor Davich that is all about the 8 minute meditation. If you purchase the book and study it carefully, you will learn a lot of things about meditation, and you can do it in just 8 minutes.

Almost every individual who starts with anything new to him or her will often have lingering questions, hopes, and doubts about it. There are even people who hopes that when they begin to meditate, they will be enlightened. Or perhaps you’re one of those individuals who think that meditation is just like an exercise or diet that you’ve been trying to do for the past few months. But these things are normal; so don’t be surprised if you’re also like that.

The best thing to do is to face all the positive and/or negative expectations, and after doing so, forget about them and start with a clean slate. If you want to try the 8-minute program of meditation, you should learn how to approach it one minute at a time.

While many people think that meditation is a simple practice, then you’d better think twice. You might not notice it, but your mind is always racing from here to there. You can’t concentrate. According to the book’s author, you must watch your breath. This is the very first step to meditation. Do your inhalation and exhalation by breathing deeply. If you always do this and just keep on practicing, you can become good in meditation.

As a word of reminder, if you catch yourself thinking about other things, or in other words your mind strays off, focus again on your breathing. After all, meditation is all about concentrating and if you realize that you’re not on the right track, you can always return to that state of mind gently. Don’t get discouraged easily and just keep on practicing.

There is a popular saying that says practice makes perfect; so always keep that in mind. If you quit easily, then you will remain a quitter.

Meditation can help you in achieving peace of mind. With all your problems at work, in your family, and the entire world, you should at least experience a few minutes of peace. Don’t miss this chance to attain personal development at no cost at all.

Why should you take our Reiki101 Basics workshop?

Reiki was looked as a strange practice from the days it was originated in Japan in the year 1922. It was started by Buddhists in Japan with intentions to heal using the palm of the individual in order to release positive energy to the patient.

At times Reiki is considered as oriental method of treatment by specialized medical bodies.

Reiki 101 Basics

Learn The Natural Curing Energies Of Reiki

The Fundamentals

In general it is divided into 3 major stages of proficiency, which are first, second and third degree, those who practice Reiki will be able to prevent illnesses and heal themselves and others as well.

The second stage of practitioners has the capability to cure and heal anyone from a distance, which is referred as distance healing. The final degree (highest) is the vital level in which the practitioner is meticulously knowledge with the essential acquaintance and proficiency to edify and attune others to reiki practice.

In simple words, it is a simple method of healing concept with holistic methods and without using any medications at all. The method is done by the practitioner by placing his or her hands on the person who needs the healing.

If you want more information on Reiki workshops – you can write to [email protected] and we will keep you posted on our upcoming workshops.

Intuitive guidance is a part of spirituality

Intuitive guidance Is a Part of Spirituality

Photography : Kaushalya Kuwadekar capture of an angel formation in the sky

Many a times, you may have faced situations where you might have been in a tumbled situation. If you take a decision in a certain way, then it can harm you or your loved ones, and if you take it the other way, then it can harm you or your loved ones too. Generally, a person left in such a situation hears decisions from the mind. Very few listen to the decisions given by the heart. Those taking decisions from mind think it wise and logical. You must always hear the call of your spirit during these times. However, many people do not how to hear and talk with your soul or spirit. There is a secret, which if a person practices, can hear and talk to his or her heart to take the right decisions. So intuition comes from the “Heart”.

Most of the people cannot make the difference between a thought and a call of spirit. They assume it the same. Though both are nearly the same, there is a very little difference between the two. And, the only person who is able to understand this difference tastes real success. The difference is like differentiating between a glass of water and a glass of soda. Understanding the difference is essential if you want to grow up as a successful individual. 

Intuitive guidance plays a major role while communicating with your spirit. Many people have this element of intuition more while many have this element less. However, by the help of meditation and spiritual guides, it is possible to attain this property of intuition. Intuition is like a message that you inner soul tries to convey you. It is different from thoughts. An intuition is always positive and if negative, then it is in the form of danger warnings. Always use discernment !

Intuition is like Footprints in the sand.All the way it was GOD who carried us , but we felt we were alone.

Intuition can be developed with Psychometry , Channeling , observing and noticing nature , communicating with nature / birds / animals , working with the clouds ,Angelic realm , Crystals , Sound , Smell etc.

Only when a person attains spiritual satisfaction, then he is able to reason out intuition from his or her soul. An intuition guides you, solves problems, helps you to alleviate from a stressful situation, and relieves anxiety and so on. Many a times, it has been seen that mysteries could be resolved by this property of intuition. Overall, it can be called a trust and faith in your inner self that leads to the attainment of the element of intuition. It must not be confused with confidence. Confidence is something different that is temporary. A person can lose confidence anytime, but if a person gains spirituality and intuition, then it is a permanent attainment.

Sync your brain AND heart, and you will find a coherence shift.

Your intelligence expands and your intuition increases making it easier to achieve success.

This “adding heart” instantly shifts your brain into a state of balance and makes it remarkably easier to function at peak efficiency.

This means you can profoundly change the nature of an exchange … a creative venture … a decision … your mental clarity … your physical power… your will power … your drive to achieve … all to enjoy greater success in life.