Browse Month: November 2021

Divination through Angel card reading (March 2022)

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 Vesta: “Your household situation is improving, either through a move or a healthy change in the occupants.”

Your message from Vesta: “There is an undying flame within your soul, and it is the light, seed and spark of your consciousness. Your outer world reflects your inner world. Take a look around your home. Does it reflect warmth? If not, this is easily remedied and oh so important to do. It is a simple task of using your creative imagination to add warm energy to your household, such as lighting the fireplace or some candles, adding cozy blankets and pillows, or displaying greeting cards and fresh flowers. By warming up to your outer world, your inner flame responds to meet it. This increases your energy level, which automatically shifts all outward appearances toward the better. Watch how these simple steps recharge the flame within everyone in your household. This flame cleanses away negativity and brings in the new with vigor and irresistible invitation.”

Various meanings of this card: You are moving to a new home. You have just moved. A new person is moving in. Someone is moving out. There is increased romance and/or harmony in the home. A problem with neighbours is resolving. Clear the space in your home. Remodel. Know that your home is safe and protected.

About Vesta: (pronounced VEST-uh0: Vesta is the Roman goddess of home and hearth. Vesta is a fire goddess who brings warmth to house holds, both as a temperature and as an emotion. In ancient Rome, a temple in her honour bore a flame that burned continually. Call upon Vesta to oversee any changes you would like to make in your living situation.

Angel and crystals cards reading (Nov 29 2021)

Tiger’s Eye’s ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby you’d like to try?

A solution to a problem you haven’t considered? An aspect to yourself that you haven’t indulged? Tiger’s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.

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Photography :Own

Clear quartz bracelets ( small and medium )

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Clear quartz is the most iconic of the quartz family. One of the most abundant minerals in the world, clear quartz can develop in a wide range of environments and can be found on every continent. For this reason, quartz is tied into the lore of many ancient cultures from around the world. The term “quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.”

Ancient Greek philosophers like Theophrastus believed that the transparent stone was a form of permanent ice, so cold, it kept from thawing. Every ancient culture had a different clear quartz meaning. In Japan, the clear quartz meaning referred to a “perfect jewel” because they believed it symbolized space, purity and patience.

A scientist at IBM, Marcel Vogel, has studied the connection between human emotion and the molecular structure of crystals. He believed that the crystal’s cellular formation was susceptible to change depending on what he was thinking at the time. According to Vogel, the crystal reacts to your “program”.

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Carnelian crystals help you connect with your innate self and help you transform your feelings and emotions into state of gratitude so that you can manifest with creative feeling and taps into your third eye for clarity in thinking.

Multi flourite crystals bracelets 

#Fluorite often occurs with other common minerals, including #Quartz and #Calcite, which makes it an excellent healing tool for its overall cleansing and purifying effects. It typically contains green and purple colors, giving it an incredible synergistic energy that heals and rejuvenates the aura.

The green cleanses and purifies the heart chakra by aligning your mind with the true desires of the heart. The perfect prescription for a case of existential burnout, the purple colors in the Fluorite crystal stone helps you discover your divine purpose in life.

It opens and stimulates the third eye chakra, clearing the way for spiritual expansion. Keep the creative juices flowing by meditating with the Fluorite crystal, a stone that gives order to chaos. Sit quietly with Fluorite and call on its gentle healing powers to help you coordinate your physical and mental abilities. As you inhale, imagine its white light of healing vibrations infusing your spirit with it.

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Photography : Own
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Photography : Own

Draped in red saree, bedecked with gold ornaments, seated on a lotus, pot in hand, flanked by white elephants, the image of Lakshmi adorns most Hindu homes and business establishments.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfilment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant. 

Yellow Aventurine is a silicon dioxide mineral and member of the Quartz family. It can be found in a variety of yellow hues and gets its color from tiny inclusions of Mica or Muscovite.

Most of the Yellow Aventurine on the market today comes out of Brazil, but there are also important localities within India.

Yellow Aventurine Mala can help remove or unblock Solar Plexus Chakra, Jaap and prayer purpose, this is best energy gemstone for protection.

How to use our Positivity Aura Sprays?

Our Aura sprays are created using a blend of essential oils, sacred chants, Reiki Energy, purified water, essential oils and crystal essences.

There is approx 100 ml in all our sprays.

Spray a few mists into your space and walk through the mist to protect your aura for enhancing positivity energy.

Created with the essence of Clear Quartz, amethyst and black tourmaline , Pyrite , blended gangajal and rose essential oil.

How to use aura sprays ? I make aura sprays for increasing self confidence , releasing negativity, vibes and enhancing positive , positive , uplifting thoughts , gain clarity ,Improve self esteem.
Gain knowledge on root cause for Illness and release those old self beliefs and thought patterns and stored emotions or feelings from your reality ! In-fact , many more ailments and conditions that haven’t been included here.

So essentially the aura sprays, when used regularly, help you to shift the energy absorbed from healing crystals and reiki healing cards from mental,
Physical and emotional illness to wholeness ! Raise above your consciousness , change your reality ! 

Affirmation : “I now attract synchronistic opportunities, business success and wealth while energising and blessing in my workplace. I remove doubts, worries and negative thoughts surrounding abundance, prosperity and wealth, and re-establish my sense of self-worth.I attract career success and I deserve every bit of it .”

Ways to Stay Motivated in Business

If you own your own business or are an entrepreneur, you can often be faced with challenges that strike down your motivation to go on.

But here are a few ways you can reign in the troops and find the spirit to keep going.

  • Define your core values. I realised it late in my journey that it is important to understand and identify my Core business values encapsulated in my mission statement.It guided my actions and my venture through times good and bad times by helping me find direction and bringing me through turbulent times.
  • “Making money” is not a goal that’s sure to keep you motivated when clients aren’t coming, but “delivering sustainable sources of energy” or something similarly specific will help you stay motivated towards a goal that forms the bigger picture.
  • Take a look at the checkpoints. There was initially a gap between my desired results and the actual results of what’s happened so far because my goal was monolithic and too far into the future. I took a look at smaller components to get a more accurate picture of how things were progressing, which also bolstered my motivation to continue carrying the torch for others.
  • Surround yourself with friends. The people around me played a big role in my success. When it came to running my own business, there are a lot of naysayers out there who would throw in their two cents, but I learnt to take it all with a grain of salt. Instead, seek out like-minded visionaries and entrepreneurs, both at networking events and in casual contexts. Get inspiration and motivation from those in a similar station who also have an imaginative vision for the future.
  • Remember that the grass isn’t always greener. If you’re one of those business owners who have previous experience in the nine-to-five economy, remember what it was like to sign away your schedule and practically your soul to a corporate overlord. While running your business is tough, it sure beats being underpaid, unappreciated, and overworked by someone who can just flick you away at the drop of the hat. Do you really want to return to that kind of environment?
  • Figure out what you want. Desire is the motivating force behind almost anything, and business is no different. If you’ve pegged your desires as shallow goals like making more cash, it can be easy to get discouraged. But if you dig a little deeper and get to some core reasons for being inspired, it’s easier to stay the course—for example, a better home, providing for your family, or enjoying life to the fullest.

5 Ways to Drive Away Negative Thinking!

Remember those scenes from The Exorcist where the priest tries to drive the ghost out of the possessed child? Driving away negative thoughts doesnít require as much effort, but it can be a pretty serious battle.

You can’t just tell them to be gone, but instead, need to develop a longstanding strategy for driving them away and keeping them out for good.

1: Admit you have a problem. It can be downright impossible to do self-reflection on this topic, because we often don’t pay attention to your own words or body language. One helpful way to gauge your level of self-defeatist attitude and negativity is to create a chart with two sides. On one side, write down all you positive thoughts that day. On the other, write down all your negative thoughts. You’ll be amazed by how much negativity the average person keeps in their head.

2: Exercise. Getting your body moving is great for changing your mood and your thoughts. You don’t have to run a marathon or swim across the English Channel to make that kind of change…you can just step up, take a walk, do some jumping jacks, or dance. That’s right…dance. Try turning on your favourite music and moving and grooving for a few minutes; see if you’re feeling negative afterward.

3: Practice Gratitude. If making a list of your thoughts was the first step to recognising your negativity problem, building a positive list could be the first step toward solving it. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Having trouble coming up with a list? How about your breath, your pulse, your sight, and all the other basic amenities we take for granted. Once your start writing your list out, you will find that it snowballs and fills your mind with positivity.

4: Talk about it but avoid amplifying it. Find a friend, family member, therapist, or helpful ear to listen to your problems without judgement, and without recommendation (unless you want it). You could also pray, journal, or craft an art project around your feelings. Once they’re out there, you’ll find yourself strangely (perhaps magically is a better word) unburdened of negative thinking.

5: Change your language. Take stock of the vocabulary and phrases you use regularly, as you did in point #1. Eliminate negative phrases and words from your lexicon, and watch your thoughts change as well. You should also take note of your body language and posture. Avoid slouching, and above all, smile!

How to stop taking the energy of others?

How to stop 🛑 Taking on the Energy of Others?

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Resorts: Mahindra Holidays

This post is Especially for Virtual trainers , teachers , counselors , healthcare workers , sellers, sensitive empaths , caring managers , caregivers , counselors , coaches .


To protect ourselves from taking on any negative energy from people or situations, we can learn to shield. 🛑

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🤷🏻‍♀️There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort.
🙅🏼‍♀️It may be that spending time with a particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker exhausts you.
🙅🏼‍♀️Being around toxic or angry people is also draining.
🙅🏼‍♀️And you may even find that being surrounded by a crowd of people lowers your energy levels rather than perks you up.
🙅🏼‍♀️This is not that unusual.

💁‍♀️Each of us radiates energy and is capable of being influenced by the energy of other people.

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🙅🏼‍♀️It is important to learn how to shield yourself, so you don’t unknowingly take on someone else’s energy.
🙆‍♀️While some people know how to instinctively protect themselves from being adversely affected by energy, most of us need to discover and practice the technique that works best.

There are a number of ways to avoid being affected by people’s energy.

✅Shielding is one preventative technique you can use.
✅Center yourself and envision being enveloped in a cocoon of loving and protective light.
This protective layer should allow you to consciously regulate the energy around you.
✅The intent to shield oneself is all you need for this technique to work. You can even create a trigger word to assist you in quickly creating a shield.
✅Say this word each time you create a new shield, until the word and the shield become automatically associated in your mind.
✅If you run into a person whose energy you find draining, you may want to cleanse your own energy field after your encounter.
✅Sage, cold showers, singing, mineral water baths, spending time in nature, and a simple break to recharge are all ways to accomplish this.

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While it is important to know how to shield yourself from energy, there are those energies that you may not want to shut out.
The energy of laughter from a newborn baby, the feeling of joy radiating from someone in love, and the frequency of calm emanating from an enlightened teacher are just some of the energies coming from others that you may want to have around you.

Place : The Scotland of India , Coorg

8 Traits of a Great Leader in Any Context

What are some of the qualities and traits that differentiate between the good and the extra-ordinary leaders?

Through history we have known hundreds of thousands of leaders -and probably millions today, leading the economy or workplaces to their capacities.

1. Integrity: If a leader isn’t honest and doesn’t adhere to a moral code, how can they willingly expect other people to follow them? When people see that a person walks the walk in addition to talking the talk, they have more respect for that person, and more natural desire to follow them.

2. Confidence. A good leader is confident in their ability to lead. If they’re timid and afraid, nobody is going to feel confident following them. A leader who speaks with assertion will find their orders followed effectively, while a leader who hems and haws will frequently open themselves up to negotiation.

3. Commitment. A good leader needs to have resolute commitment to their goals if they want their team to unflaggingly follow them uphill. When a leader shows passion, drive, and a willingness to get their hands dirty, the team will rally to the cause.

4. Communication. It’s incredibly frustrating to work with someone who doesn’t clearly spell out what they want. While miscommunication has literally lost battles and felled empires, good communication can help a leader and their team carry out a mission effectively.

5. Accountability. Nobody wants to work for someone who points fingers and passes the buck. It’s whiny, childish, and almost pitiful to see someone in power try and lay the blame on others, especially when those others are the proverbial little people beneath them. By contrast, people appreciate the humility that comes with a sense of accountability—they find it endearing and bonding.

6. Empathy. The best of leaders not only commands a team—they know their team. A leader who knows names, faces, and stories is someone with a team that feels appreciated, which in turn translates into success.

7. Empowerment. You may think that people have a natural tendency to avoid work, but that’s not entirely true. People actually want to feel useful, and appreciate a leader who can empower them to make the right choices without micromanaging.

8. Intelligence. You don’t have to be the brightest crayon in the box about everything, but you better know what you’re talking about if you’re a leader—and if you don’t, at least surround yourself with people who do.

What comes to your mind when you think of extra ordinary leadership?