The Digital Influence program had been launched in February 2010, after almost eight months of planning. Seventy-five software subject matter experts (SMEs) were selected to help the firm achieve its desired objectives.
On August 16, 2011, in dialogue with Roshni Sengupta, Digital Strategy and Marketing manager, IBM Software Group, India/South Asia, (see Exhibit 1), Bajaj asserted that IBM’s achievements, though commendable in such a short time, were not unexpected.
However, the objectives of the digital influence strategy—an increase in brand perception and the creation of technology evangelists— remained to be achieved.
Within a year, in 2011, share of reach for all the brands had improved substantially. Lotus had the maximum rate of increase at 1,933 per cent, followed by Information Management (IM) with 421.8 per cent.
Although the percentage increase was as per the projections, Bajaj was hesitant about declaring victory at this point.Was the model sustainable? What challenges did IBM face in the implementation process? Would the current plan of operations help IBM gain market space and create technical evangelists?
Read the case study here >>
The law of attraction is, in some ways, similar to the power of positive thinking. You must think positive thoughts and try to eliminate negative thoughts in order for it to work.
However, instead of working solely based on thinking positive thoughts, it requires you to actually imagine yourself as already having whatever it is you desire.
With the power of positive thinking you would say, “I know I can become wealthy.” With the law of attraction, you would close your eyes and imagine what your life would be like if you were already wealthy. You would picture yourself living in the home of your dreams, taking the vacation you’ve always wanted, or owning everything you’ve always hoped to own.
There are two theories as to why this may work. One group says there are magnetic forces all around us. If you think positive thoughts, you attract things to you like a magnet. If you think negative thoughts, you repel them – pushing them further and further away.
The other group claims that the theory is good in principle, but only because it works on the same principle as the power of positive thinking. If you think positive thoughts, good things naturally happen.
If you’re skeptical about the theories regarding mystical energy flows and magnets, it’s understandable. Many people have a hard time grasping the concept, and for those people, it can sometimes hinder their use of the methods.
However, you don’t have to believe in the mystical side of it to actually take advantage of the techniques. Like the power of positive thinking, the law of attraction can work simply by helping you turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
Let’s say you lost your job and now you are homeless. Most people who are homeless are constantly thinking negative thoughts. It’s natural. Most people in a situation that bad would feel negative.
They think things like:
“Why me?”
“This sucks. I will be homeless forever!”
“Man, why is everyone else warm and cozy in a home, and I’m freezing on the streets?”
Those are negative thoughts. They put that person into a constant state of depression. When you are depressed and angry, it’s hard to get anything done. How can you change your situation when you feel hopeless? You can’t. Unless you change your thinking, you’re stuck!
However, if that person would spend some time each day imagining themselves with a good job they really enjoyed, living in a lovely home, their bills paid and food on the table, they would probably feel a little more hope. In fact, the more often they pictured it, the more real it would become to them.
Once their brain finally began to see that situation as “possible”, they would probably become passionate about making it happen. Because their brain finally believes it really is possible to have that kind of life again, they can shift out of their negative mode and into a positive one.
Someone who is depressed and negative cannot function well. Many people who are severely depressed cannot even get out of bed! But when you begin to picture yourself in a better position and your brain begins to believe it could happen, you will work much harder to make it happen.
I don’t know which group is right. What I do know is that the law of attraction certainly does work. Whether there are invisible energy forces at work, or just good old fashioned brain training, the law of attraction can make a difference in your life!
Last night marked the first Full Moon of 2022 and here’s what it could mean for you and me :
It’s the perfect time to start thinking about what you want to let go of or release from 2021.
Ask yourself: what’s holding you back? What do you need to shake free of so you can move forward on your spiritual path?
I was woken up from my sleep at 5:45 am to go and watch her set from the balcony and I witnessed this phenomenon and felt very blessed and overwhelmed with joy 🤩
This year I’m going to focus on what brings me true and release anything that brings me down or weighs me down.
I’m letting go of those modalities and practices that helped others but did not bring my soul the true Joy and sparkle ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
What are you ready to let go?
Decluttering challenge starts today ! Join me on a 21 day challenge to decluttering your home !
Are you constantly Binge Eating ? Do you feel that are you dealing with Self worth issues ? Do you always find yourself justifying your image and identity to people ? Have you been through Body shaming ? If you are nodding to any of these challenges then read on….
I fundamentally believe in tapping on the meridians and unlocking the trapped energies for creating a new association for the neurological pathways . It is possible that any negative or unresourceful behaviours and habits that are carried out at the physical level can be rewired and repatterned with new language , new words and affirmations provided there is a space created for awareness , stillness and pause . When one enters into a deep contemplation and peaceful state of mind , then one is infused with and surrounded with white Light ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Here is a video on How I used EFT Therapy with NLP and counselling for a client who had eating disorders and magic happened when awareness kicked in and realisations that made her feel powerful at the end session !
If you are Interested In joining me for a customised tapping sessions then DM me !
If you own your own business or are an entrepreneur, you can often be faced with challenges that strike down your motivation to go on.
But here are a few ways you can reign in the troops and find the spirit to keep going.
Define your core values. I realised it late in my journey that it is important to understand and identify my Core business values encapsulated in my mission statement.It guided my actions and my venture through times good and bad times by helping me find direction and bringing me through turbulent times.
“Making money” is not a goal that’s sure to keep you motivated when clients aren’t coming, but “delivering sustainable sources of energy” or something similarly specific will help you stay motivated towards a goal that forms the bigger picture.
Take a look at the checkpoints. There was initially a gap between my desired results and the actual results of what’s happened so far because my goal was monolithic and too far into the future. I took a look at smaller components to get a more accurate picture of how things were progressing, which also bolstered my motivation to continue carrying the torch for others.
Surround yourself with friends. The people around me played a big role in my success. When it came to running my own business, there are a lot of naysayers out there who would throw in their two cents, but I learnt to take it all with a grain of salt. Instead, seek out like-minded visionaries and entrepreneurs, both at networking events and in casual contexts. Get inspiration and motivation from those in a similar station who also have an imaginative vision for the future.
Remember that the grass isn’t always greener. If you’re one of those business owners who have previous experience in the nine-to-five economy, remember what it was like to sign away your schedule and practically your soul to a corporate overlord. While running your business is tough, it sure beats being underpaid, unappreciated, and overworked by someone who can just flick you away at the drop of the hat. Do you really want to return to that kind of environment?
Figure out what you want. Desire is the motivating force behind almost anything, and business is no different. If you’ve pegged your desires as shallow goals like making more cash, it can be easy to get discouraged. But if you dig a little deeper and get to some core reasons for being inspired, it’s easier to stay the course—for example, a better home, providing for your family, or enjoying life to the fullest.
“You have got to do your own growing , no matter how tall your grandfather was.”
Irish proverb
When I read this proverb ,for the first time, a few years in a book by #Shishir Srivastava (author of the book) namely “The Eight Powers within you” , it didn’t make sense to me.
When I look back today ,after 8 years, it just made me feel powerful and I honored myself and my soul with immense gratitude. I said what a wise saying by a wise person. I used be carried away by motivational speakers and personal development leaders and entrepreneurs – for eg Vishen Lakhiani Tony Robbins Robin Sharma and many others.
I used to follow whatever strategies and talks and think that oh! they can do the stuff but I cannot because of umpteen reasons I could think of !!
But when I started on my journey to self realization,I got to know one thing..there is something common that we all have within us – It is that Will Power, that divine spark and each one of us are given a new day with an opportunity to learn , reflect , act , unlearn , let go and grow.
And if we keep doing one thing out of this again and again -we can certainly grow. You cant see this in a tangible way , it can be only experienced through your reflections , thought process , behaviours and feelings of happiness, inner tranquility, mental equilibrium, joy.
So I invite each one of you today, is to look within and identify that one big learning or area of growth . write down in one statement – Where has the biggest learning come from, in your life ?
* Does it come from relationships ? Career ? Fitness? Community ? Business ? Profession? and let me know here!
Chances are that the person who has done the qualitative analysis between Becoming and Doing by pausing , reflecting ,regathering their energy and have acted wisely have grown immensely and not the ones who are constantly busy in the act of ‘doing’ …
I’d rather ‘Become’ who I want to ‘BE’ than ‘DO’ the things I don’t wan’t to ‘BE”. That’s what defines my growth and learning.
The following are news channels in the same or similar niche or category. You can Gain more information and upskill yourself by reading and educating yourself on the latest trends.
SEARCHING FOR THE LATEST NEWS ■ ABC News ( ■ CBS News ( ■ CNN ( ■ Fox News ( ■ MSNBC ( ■ New York Times ( ■ USA Today (
SEARCHING FOR SPORTS HEADLINES AND SCORES ■ CBS SportsLine ( ■ CNN/Sports Illustrated ( ■ ( ■ FOXSports ( ■ NBC Sports ( ■ The Sporting News (
SEARCHING FOR MEDICAL INFORMATION ■ ( ■ kidsDoctor ( ■ MedExplorer ( ■ MedicineNet ( ■ National Library of Medicine ( ■ Planet Wellness (
When we think of leadership, we sometimes think of epic moments like George Washington crossing the Delaware, or Martin Luther King Jr. speaking on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. But what makes a leader great in a less epic venue, like work?
1. Communication
A good leader at work is a good communicator and clearly spells out expectations. Not only that, they foster good communication between their team. A great leader goes above and beyond leveraging chats, emails, and texting groups to bring their team together around workplace issues. They don’t just offer tools for networking—they help develop a sense of how to communicate effectively.
A good leader in the workplace cares about their employees and shows it. Remembering the details of their lives and asking follow up questions (in a non-invasive way) about spouses, children, parents, and life events shows that they care about their employees and view them as more than just human chattel.
3. Approachability
A good leader is someone who people are not afraid to approach with a question or concern. Sometimes the office door needs to be closed. But when it doesn’t, leave it open, and maybe even have a bowl of candy or some coffee for visiting employees. They shouldn’t dread your office like they did the principal’s; they should know it’s a safe haven they can turn to for help.
source : Cross
4. Generosity
Everybody loves a boss who does nice things for the team, whether it’s renting a food cart for lunch or taking everyone to a movie. Bosses and managers who use rewards to motivate their team rather than threats and punishments will find they have a much more effective workforce.
5. Passion
As the captain of the team, you’ll find that leading with example is the best way to go. If you’re plugged into the mission of your company or care about what your business does, that enthusiasm will be contagious and spread to your workers. Read up regularly on your field, network at events and attend conferences to be a cutting edge player in your line of work.
6. Firmness
Nobody wants a tyrant for a boss, but they also don’t want a pushover. A good leader needs to be firm and resolute and also know when to put their proverbial foot down in a respectful way, whether it’s breaking up a water-cooler party or discussing mismanaged time with an employee. Clarify your principles and rules and stick to your guns—although per our earlier points, know when to bend the rules for extenuating circumstances.
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