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Mental Health n wellness

Was delighted to be a part of this very engaging discussion yesterday evening though for a short period of time 💜❤️

the need arises for mental healthcare with the fact that our culture and population is becoming more and more oriented towards nuclear family culture and joint family structures and cultures are ceasing to exist … So the people at home who are extra sensitive and extra emotional need to pour out their angsts and worries and share their pain with someone who understands them without judging them . And this factor is becoming rarer and rarer …

Thereby people repress or suppress their thoughts or emotions resulting into anxiety and depression. Also results into migraine or frequent headaches . The mental illness is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed with kindness and compassion and empathy .

Conversations were very enriching – catch up on Twitter using #bac68#mentalhealthcarematters

With @nvmantra@dramitinspires
@lsmurthyls and our colleagues Ana panelist #Mr Vijay

Healthy Breakfast Choices

Breakfast Location : Hotel Cirrus ,Goa

Here’s why breakfast is critical. When you first wake up in the morning, your body is prepared to hunt for food! Your metabolism is all fired up and your levels of cortisol and adrenaline are at their greatest. 

Beginning your day with a healthy breakfast not only helps to boost your metabolism and keep you burning off calories throughout the day, but it kicks you into a favorable mindset that begins your day in the life of a “dieter” strong! When I visit restaurants during my holidays , I used to binge eat on everything that is sweet and heavy on the calories.

Later on , I did realize that choosing raw veggies and healthy snacking did really boost my metabolism and made me feel lighter throughout the day.

Initially it was difficult to resist the temptation to eat all thats on the table , but slowly ,with a lot of mind control and focused on my fitness and health goals , I could totally overcome the food cravings.

A lot of the foods consumed these days are the precise reasons why most weight loss prayers go unrequited. Conventional foods are full of pesticides, chemicals, and hormones that go directly into our system. Think about it, if the beef you eat is cut from a cow that has been shot with hormones in order to make it grow faster and larger, it’s inevitable that those hormones will have the same impact on you. 

Add a fruit or raw veggie to each meal starting with your breakfast. Even if you’re eating something truly unhealthy adding fruits and vegetables will help fill you up quicker and give you healthy nutrients that you don’t commonly get. This helps your body “look great” inside and out. 

By consuming a healthy and hearty breakfast that’s packed with protein, you could be saving yourself from calories intake and jump starting your metabolism too!

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Reiki ,Mantra therapy and Vedic Astrology

As a vedic astrology student and learner in life , I am pursuing Vedic astrology from SIVA – Sarvamangala Institute of Vedic Astrology , It sort of integrates my journey into Life Design mandalas with astronomy. I want to share my perspectives of being on a spiritual quest from a long time -led me to the mystical workings of the planetary energies.

No photo description available.

Whenever there is an eclipse or Retrograde , you can pray and surround your aura with positive vibes and the best is chanting mantras and lighting a lamp or a strong intention for protection against the negative effect of the lunar or solar eclipse.

Also as Channels of Reiki , me and my Reiki friends, lately have been experiencing or observing thought waves having lower & negative energies and not so pleasant to deal with .- which are universal or collective projections.

If you have been experiencing or noticing the same let’s all put an intent that these fears and anxieties and lower vibrations dissipate and dissolve along with the eclipse. Please feel to ask for help. Do not take hasty decisions or actions. These global phenomenons don’t have power over us but they do affect people who are extremely sensitive or with a weaker mind/disturbed emotional state. They could be driven to take decisions that may not be fruitful later on .Hence care needs to be taken to not hurry up any decisions till the air or atmosphere around becomes clearer. I am no expert but just sharing a few mantras that can come handy during these times.

I have been listening to some of these and they do have powerful vibes. Chant Aum Namah Shivaya 1008 times

Chant Navagraha mantras Prayers for The Sun Lord either Surya Gayatri or Aditya Hrudhayam

Also chant Hanuman Chalis or listen to it here

Universal Peace Mantra

|| Loka Samantha Sukhino bhavantu || 3 times

To your health and abundance and protection.

Stay safe. My guru’s are Dr Bala Chandra ji and Shailaja Iyer ji PS This is purely my personal opinion and perspective I may be wrong and hence be corrected by my gurus.

Mandala Image : All Copyrights reserved @2021

Medicine Buddha Mantra

During this pandemic I was stretched to think outside the box.I was looking for hope and strength and constructive thoughts to help my state of mind due to some disturbing news I had received a while ago.
I was looking for prayers to share with my students and for self protection and family protection. I was guided to look at the Reiki Medicine Buddha mantra .

Sacred Mantra


Meaning of the Mantra

Tayata = Gone beyond (beyond Samsara and Nirvana)
Om = Om: jewel holder, wish fulfilling one, auspicious
Bhekandze Bhekandze = calling Medicine Buddha
Maha Bhekandze = Greatness of Medicine Buddha
Randza Samungate =Perfectly liberated or awakened
Soha = Dissolve in me

The Twelve Vows of the Medicine Buddha upon attaining Enlightenment, according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra are:

Medicine Buddha
  1. To illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling anyone to become a Buddha just like him.
  2. To awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.
  3. To provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.
  4. To correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Bodhisattva.
  5. To help beings follow the Moral Precepts, even if they failed before.
  6. To heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.
  7. To help relieve the destitute and the sick.
  8. To help women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.
  9. To help heal mental afflictions and delusions.
  10. To help the oppressed be free from suffering.
  11. To relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.
  12. To help clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes.

Benefits of the Mantra

  • If you pray to Medicine Buddha, you will quickly accomplish all that you wish. Just hearing the holy name of Guru Medicine Buddha and the sound of his mantra closes the door to rebirth in the suffering lower realms.
  • Also, by reciting this mantra, you will greatly enhance the power of the medicine that you are taking or giving to others.
  • If you can recite Medicine Buddha mantra as much as you can every day (good to do at least 5 malas), this will purify negative karma and will help you never to be reborn in the lower realms.
  • Besides the benefits you receive from reciting Medicine Buddha mantra, also these are the benefits just from hearing the mantra. With the Medicine Buddha mantra you can liberate numberless sentient beings from oceans of suffering and bring them to enlightenment.

Mantras can Cultivate Inner Peace and Happiness!

Are you struggling with the fact that you really don’t know anything about getting and staying inspired and motivated?

You have to have incentive and drive for following your huge dreams, and likewise for the performance of minor daily jobs and chores,
otherwise, laziness, absence of vitality and procrastination will set in. Rather than suffering, feeling uncomfortable and passive, it would be much
more beneficial to produce enough motivation to take action and accomplish things.

This will make you feel much better, happy and gratified and more successful.

What if I can offer you a solution that will help you to attain greatness, to know exactly what you have to do to be a success, get inspired and inspire others?

In this book, you will learn about what comprises Of Personal Affirmations and Mantras and Inspirational words that matter and motivate yourself and others.

With great power comes great responsibility. Once you know
the secrets in this amazing series, there is no going back.

It’s time to get moving toward developing success in
your self growth and inspiration! Write to me here or comment on my post to learn more about this e-book that I am offering !

9 qualities of the Periwinkle flower that inspires

A Symbol of Friendship

Most notably, periwinkle highlights the beauty of companionship. This convivial color believes in the power of a strong bond. Whether you’ve started a new relationship or seek to strengthen an existing one, periwinkle will fortify your connection. According to periwinkle, friendships make the world go around. If you’re interested in expanding your inner circle, allow periwinkle to lead the way.


The trials and tribulations of life have yet to impact periwinkle. This childlike hue doesn’t succumb to daily pressures. As a result, it maintains its innocence. Unlike most, periwinkle isn’t cynical. It always gives life a chance, which is a beautiful sentiment. If you’ve grown skeptical and need a fresh outlook on life, emulate periwinkle’s approach.

Embraces Femininity and brings elegance

Periwinkle is feminine and proud of it. It doesn’t mind masculinity, but it has a tough time relating to inherently masculine things. For instance, sports and cars.

Aggressively Enterprising

Nothing stands in periwinkle’s path. This spirited hue has a dogged disposition. If periwinkle sets a goal, it’ll go to great lengths to achieve it. Periwinkle is so tenacious because it doesn’t see failure as an obstacle. Instead, periwinkle regards stumbling blocks as opportunities to grow and learn.


Carefree, cheerful, and optimistic, periwinkle doesn’t take life too seriously. After all, there’s no sense in sweating the small stuff. When problems arise, periwinkle addresses them with patience and understanding. It’s for this reason why periwinkle is always at peace. For the sake of remaining cool, calm, and collected, periwinkle only focuses on what matters.

Promotes Productivity

Since periwinkle doesn’t let trivial matters stand in its way, it doesn’t waste time worrying. This bodes well for productivity. Periwinkle sees negativity as a senseless and debilitating factor. When we allow fear to win, we lose our confidence. In the hopes of staying on track, periwinkle remains positive in all that it does.

Represents Eternal Love

If you gift someone a periwinkle present, you’re expressing your everlasting affection for this person. No doubt a sweet gesture, there’s something especially endearing about the color periwinkle. What’s more, if you receive periwinkle jewelry or some other gift, know that your loved one is sending a strong message. This hue is timeless, which is why it’s indicative of infinite love. In essence, periwinkle is a wholehearted lover.


Though periwinkle is carefree, it can sometimes be careless. While it’s acceptable to have an easygoing character, it’s ill-advised to throw caution to the wind. Unfortunately, periwinkle can sometimes be reckless. Some people are reluctant to interact with periwinkle for fear that they’ll shirk responsibility. Periwinkle means well, but it can be a bad influence from time to time.


Periwinkle is so strong-willed that it doesn’t let impurities contaminate it. In other words, it preserves its integrity at all costs. Though it can be easy to yield to temptation, periwinkle makes it look easy. Given its resilient and bold nature, periwinkle doesn’t entertain immoral desires. Rather than give in to impulses, periwinkle stays loyal to its beliefs and values.

Just for today I will not anger

Today I want to talk about why Anger management forms one of the key principles in Reiki .

Anger is an emotion. (Energy in Motion)

text over a background picture of a person

When we get angry we lose control of that emotion.
In order to live by the above principle we must understand what triggers our anger and how we can choose to remove this destructive emotion from our being.
In every confrontation that leads to anger the person or thing pushing your anger trigger has complete power and control over you.

Anger and frustration would result in energy depletion around t he solar plexus and Urinogenital areas or may manifest as energy congest ion around the Solar plexu s and heart areas .

In the first case , it manifests itself as stomach indigestion or loose bowel movement. In the long run, it may manifest itself as ulcers or as gall bladder problem.

Own Photography

In the second case, it may manifest itself as heart enlargement or ot her heart problems . It seems that a certain type of negative emotion may manifest as a certain type of disease in one patient but may manifest as another type of disease in another patient.

There is an exchange of energy between people.If you are both happy & find the meeting was enjoyable then the energy exchange is neutral. However, if you lose control of your emotions and become angry, the other person steals your energy.

Likewise, if someone gets angry at you then you are stealing their energy.
With this, you can counter endless situations or people that in the past have triggered your anger and caused you to react in an unhealthy manner.

Next time someone honks their car horn at you or criticises you for no apparent reason smile and say to yourself “I am not going to let you steal my energy.”

How to release and surrender your anger and anxiety?

There are many ways to release and surrender your emotions .You can contact me for an Angel therapy reading or Chakra therapy .I also conduct workshops and aura + crystal grid channeling to help release your anger and restore your chakras to balance.Even Meditation can help you calm your anger or emotions.

How to open and heal the sacral chakra with crystals therapy?

Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra is located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body.

It is the center of the Life Force of the body. It is the reservoir of the life force and all life flows out from the sacral chakra. It controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other “non-linear” communication comes from this chakra.

When it is out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration and bitterness.

When it is in balance you have grace, feel pleasure in life, enjoy yourself, play, and find you are flexible in both body and mind.

You can “go with the flow” of your life and times, and do so in good spirits.

Treat imbalance with orange or gold crystals to unblock the energy flow and restore your sense of balance and understanding and appreciation of your place in life.

Augment the crystal therapy with yoga exercises that emphasise balance. Engage in creative activities, such as painting, writing, composing, and acting to free up the creative energy, and of course, nothing will help as much as getting out on flowing water and reconnecting with the flow of nature.

Crystal Chakra Photography : Coral and Carnelian are good for root and sacral chakra
Chakra healing card

CARNELIAN. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment – yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life. It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind, helping you to trust yourself and your perceptions.

SUNSTONE. Sunstone is highly effective in cleansing the aura and chakras, and for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers, or anyone draining of your energies. Sunstone surrounds these hooks with love and positive energy, and returns them to the source. It is especially beneficial when ties need to be cut, or if you have difficulty saying “No.”

GOLDSTONE. Although Goldstone is a manmade stone of glass, it contains flecks of copper which give it that shimmering effect and give the stone a lot of metaphysical properties. It is an excellent conductor of energy. It helps balances chakras and connect well with the higher realm. Goldstone is a primary talisman of trust and cheerfulness. 

MOONSTONE. Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. It is an excellent crystal for first or new love, and is a comforting talisman if love must be kept a secret. It was also believed to be able to reunite loved ones who had parted in anger. Moonstone bestows a depth of feeling, a gentleness within the self that brings happiness to the environment in which it resides. Associated with the feminine, it enhances the intuitive side of the mind.

QUARTZ. Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Resonating at the level of an individual’s needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms.

This may accelerate the fulfilment of one’s prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur.

Let me know if these resources helped open up your sacral chakra?

Source: various Internet sources

Images : Own Photography

Positivity Aura Sprays from Ranjinii Rao

Our Aura sprays are created using a blend of essential oils, sacred chants, Reiki Energy, purified water, essential oils and crystal essences.

There is approx 100 ml in all our sprays.

Positivity Aura Sprays

Spray a few mists into your space and walk through the mist to protect your aura for enhancing positivity energy.

Created with the essence of Clear Quartz, Citrine and Yellow Jasper, Carnelian , Pyrite , blended Lavender and Lemongrass essential oils and chants and energy mandalas related to Positivity !

How to open and heal the heart chakra?

Chakra Name: Heart Chakra or Anahata

Focus: Compassion, unconditional love, and empathy

Location: Center of the chest

Colors: Pink

Psychic Focus: Clairsentience and intuition

Stones: Rose quartz, Green Aventurine , Rhodonite

Healing Properties: This rosy stone facilitates heart healing openness to love on all levels and focuses your energy on self-love. It also fosters inner peace, tranquility,and healing.The symbol of love to help amplify the intention of love, peace and harmony.

Gentle and loving, the perfect heart healer and emotional nourisher.

Excellent for de-stressing, soothing and stabilizing. Purifies and supports forgiveness. Teaches you how to love and value yourself.

Message: “I embody the essence of authentic love. By opening your heart chakra to encourage complete self acceptance.”

I help soothe wounds of sadness and distrust with enveloping feelings of unconditional love that allow forgiveness to occur. I remind you that all feel joy and sorrow when they’re in human form, and that emotions are a gift. Operating with me promotes both this regard for yourself and inclusive tolerance.


“Wear me with grace, for I can help attract romantic partners through my soft colors welcoming glow and my calm receptivity, tempered with the strength of feminine power.”

Vibration: High

Holistic Body Healing with Rose Quartz

Qualities: Assimilating, forgiving, releasing, restoring, sedating , for restoring trust, harmony and loving feelings

Organs: Genitals, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs

Glands: Adrenals, thymus

Systems: Circulatory, lymphatic

Chakra: Heart

Dealing with pain

Pain is a signal that something is out of balance in your body. It results from an excess of energy, a blockage or debility, as well as injury or insult to the body. A cool and calming crystal such as Lapis Lazuli or Rose Quartz sedates energy, whereas a stimulating one such as Carnelian or Red Jasper brings about a fast release but can instigate a healing challenge. In a healing challenge, symptoms may be exacerbated before they get better.

Rose quartz other uses:

Rose Quartz draws more love into your life. It gently dissolves old heartbreak, resentment and jealousy and releases them so that joy heals the heart.

Rose Quartz calms the mind and induces clarity.

If you’d like your home to be filled with love and harmony,

Rose Quartz just inside the front door does the trick.

Calming noisy neighbours:

Place Rose Quartz near the wall you share with your noisy

neighbours to radiate peace and calm them down.

Remember to cleanse the crystal regularly.