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Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for anyone, as it is the bodyguard’s stone that protects and extracts harmful energy. These stones symbolize darkness as the place of initiation and transformation that comes from facing your greatest fears.

Who should be considering wearing this?

Black Tourmaline is considered as a strong protective stone. It allows you to maintain your spiritual limits and it can purify any misplaced energy that comes along. Black tourmaline bases divine strength during dark periods for increased radiance and illumination. It strengthens the spiritual consciousness and makes life easier for non-believers. It relieves panic attacks, especially those triggered by dark or cramped spaces or in places where the environment is scary. It is a vital component of daily cleaning activities, owing to its strong ability to remove negativity. This may be helpful to control obsessive or compulsive behaviors, and to abandon chronic issues.

Why should you consider this?

Black Tourmaline is a purification stone, purifying the emotional body from negative emotions, anxieties, rage or feelings of indignity. This helps to resolve misuse of drugs and prevents any suicidal feelings or signs to self-harm. It can be used to break addictions, spiritual liberation, psychic attacks, mitigate curse effects, cleanse the healer’s aura, mental sabotage, self-sabotage, uncursing and shielding the aura from the harmful energies of the above. It has strong Earth energy which makes it a perfect choice for people experiencing changes who feel unfunded or removed from the sense of place. Black tourmaline decreases stress and increases vitality. This provides an excellent protection against contaminants from the atmosphere, electromagnetic smog and radiation connected to mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment.

How to wear it? 

Wearing black tourmaline beaded bracelets or a pendant is a smart idea for empathies that are influenced with the energy from other people. 

In the workplace, hold Black Tourmaline for a couple of minutes when you need to awaken your mind or when you need maximum attention.

Chakra Enhancer:  Black tourmaline helps in balancing the Base Chakra.

The Base or Root Chakra: also known as Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine. Root chakra is the corporeal source of physical and spiritual energy. When physically out of control the symptoms show as lethargy, reduced activity rates, reduced excitement and a need for continuous stimulation.You can feel transient, detached from reality and distant when its spiritual forces are out of control. The base chakra governs our earth grounding and is connected to all our survival instincts and self-reservation. The base chakra also relates to the body, individuality, stability and defense.

Element: Earth Planet: Saturn


Goldstone is a man-made glass, also known as Sunsitara. Copper flecks are suspended in it that gives the stone sparkle of illusion. Goldstone’s sparkles are indicative of the light that can still be found in the night. It is available in two colors Red and Blue.

Who should be considering wearing this?

Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition that, with less effort, helps the wearer achieve his/her goal. It makes the individual creative to make a better life with a clear vision and focused mind. 

Why should you consider this?

Goldstone is used for suppressing heavy emotions and reducing mental strain. It supports building strength, confidence and an optimistic attitude. It is a beautiful piece of gem that attracts wealth, harmonizes all kinds of relationships and motivates the wearer’s creative aspect. It increases trust and motivates you to achieve goals. With its gentle inspiring properties it uplifts vitality. 

Goldstone is available in so many colors; every color has its own properties.

Blue Goldstone looks like a midnight sky with twinkling stars. Blue Stone is ethereal, mysterious, powerful and spiritual stone that transmits healing energy. It is thought to be the perfect compassionate stone that helps wearers to soothe hypersensitivity. It also increases self-acceptance. It allows us to find knowledge which is relevant to “marks.”

Red Goldstone possesses a very discrete energy. It is the stone of trust, motivation and determination. The stone energizes inside us and creates encouragement. It offers a sense of safety, a sense of awareness and removes fear. 

How to wear it? 

Goldstone can be worn as beaded bracelets and necklaces, or as a pendant, ring. 

Also keep a piece of goldstone in your pocket but it gives best results when it is in touch of your body.

Chakra Enhancer:  Blue goldstone activates Throat Chakra and Red Goldstone balances Root Chakra.

Throat Chakra: Throat chakra or Vishuddha Chakra is located at the base of the throat, overlapping the thyroid gland. It is the body’s voice, a pressure valve which allows the other chakras to express their energy. The energy from the lower chakras that springs upward will continue its course allowing for free speech and natural release. It represents communication abilities in a constructive manner and positive self expression. By balancing this chakra you can enhance your creativity and satisfaction.

The Base or Root Chakra: also known as Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine. The base chakra governs our earth grounding and is connected to all our survival instincts and self-reservation. The base chakra also relates to the body, individuality, stability and defense.

Element: Fire and Earth
Planet: Jupiter & Venus


Crystal aids to heal all aspects of mind, body and soul. It brings balance and renovates your energy. It absorbs negative energy and revives positive energy. In this way it brings balance creating an energetic harmony. Malachite is a green colored healing crystal of expression, equilibrium, abundance, and intention. It aids in mood swings by neutralizing bad energy of your life and protecting your spirit from outside toxic energy.

Who should be considering wearing this?

Malachite is considered as the “stone of transformation”. Malachite is useful for those who can’t accept the change & fearful in taking risks and for people who don’t want to take responsibilities. Those who are still following outworn patterns and unwanted ties and don’t want to come out of them. It is also helpful for introverted people.

Why should you consider this?

Malachite is an exceptionally powerful metaphysical stone, and it brings positive transformation to the wearer. It protects you from negative energies and cleanses the environment from pollutants. It brings prosperity, wealth and good luck. It also guides you spiritually. Malachite encourages risk-taking capacities and helps to come out from unwanted alliances.  It relieves mental turmoil and helps to come out of old traumas & dyslexia. 

How to wear it?

Malachite can be worn as a pendant or a ring. If you want to wear it as a ring, it should be worn in the middle finger of your left hand & if you want to wear it as a pendant, it should be worn in the long chain.

Chakra Enhancer: Malachite activates the Anahata or heart chakra and Throat Chakra.

Heart Chakra symbolizes with unconditional love, transformation and acceptance. It resolves energy blockages and brings equilibrium to the heart chakra and aids us to recognize ourselves.

Throat chakra is considered as a communication centre.  It improves communication skills and gives clarity of thoughts.  It increases consciousness and brings emotional balance.

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

What is Mandala Art?

Mandala is an ancient coloring art. Mandalas are mostly used into religious rituals by Buddhists & Hindus. These holy circles help monks to meditate, spiritual enlightenment & awakening. Christians & Native Americans also used this art in their healing circle practices which is done to restore mind, body & soul. 

What is Mandalas?

Mandala is a Sanskrit word which means circle or completion. It is a big circle that comprises different types of geometric shapes and symbols in it. These shapes are filled with vibrant colors. Apart from lines & shapes, there are some common symbols like Sun, Lotus, Eight spokes wheel, Bell & Triangles are used in Buddist Mandala to represent universe, spiritual enlightenment, eight paths of Buddhism, wisdom, energy & creativity. 

A dot is the center of every Mandala. A dot has no dimension hence it represents a free mind, mind without any prejudice that is ready to meditate & devoted to the divine. The center dot is surrounded by different geometric shapes and lines that depict life cycles. Outer big circle is considered as a universe and geometric shapes inside the circle depict different aspects of the universe.

There are 2 types of Mandalas: 1. Temporary Sand Mandalas are religious & destroyed after completion, representing that nothing is eternal in this world, everything is impermanence. 2. Painting Mandalas are used for teaching & healing or meditation purposes.

How significant Mandalas in today’s context?

Mandalas play a very significant role in today’s stressful lifestyle. It becomes an imperative tool in yoga nowadays. It implies the old principles of creating a holy space which is free from outer world’s influences for some time. In this way it rejuvenates the energy, increasing the concentration & inner silence. When someone creates Mandalas & observes all minor finishing work of it, it brings focus in mind and body, that’s how Mandala facilitates in meditation. It’s a guided cosmic practice by which misery is transformed into happiness.

How does it work?

In meditation, Mandalas are tools for healing. Some clinical research shows that it works as an immunity booster & increases the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that slows down the aging process of cells, helps in better sleep & calm the anxiety. In this way, Mandala meditation lessens pain and stress, controls blood pressure and gets rid of depression. 

Mandalas are simple art therapy that doesn’t need expertise but gives a lot of benefits. It’s a beautiful combination of meditation & art therapy that can be done anywhere anytime. It reposes & calms down the eager mind. It also evolves creativity of ones.

It is useful for people of all age groups & gives soothing and nurturing experience. Mandalas with simple coloring are useful for children. Children normally can’t express their feelings; Mandalas makes them more communicative and helps them in dealing with emotions. It boosts immunity thus helps in early recovery in those who have weak resistance power. Some child psychologists are using Mandalas therapy for cancer suffering children. Mandalas art is used as therapy in workshops conducted for adult cancer survivors also. Corporate houses use it for stress management of their employees. Give them a deep sense of inner peace & focused mind. This therapy offers better sleep & good spiritual experience in elderly people who are suffering from insomnia due to their age or any other reason.