Browse Author: Ranjini Rao

Every Person Should Have These 5 Life Goals aligned to values

I have heard about goals, they often sound like something that changes year to year, and frequently has to do with my money or my weight loss. I have spent years in weight loss strategies and in gyms and paying trainers . I realized something deeper – it was never about my weight loss at all .. when I started focusing on these top 5 areas in my life and made them my core values – things started shifting immensely.

Here are 5 goals that every person should strive toward every day :-

#1: Finding and Realizing that True Happiness within

Happiness is not really a destination as much as it is a state of mind. A billionaire could be miserable about what they don’t have, while a homeless dude could be happy to score a hot shower and a cooked meal at the local shelter.

Happiness is all about perspective. While goals relating to tangible things like money can prove unsatisfying quests, the search for genuine happiness is one that will help you gain a more fulfilled and serene life.

#2: Integrity

From business to interpersonal relationships, when you live life with honesty and commitment to ethical values, you’ll find that a rewarding sense of wholeness awaits you. Integrity is a goal that will help you feel like you’re making the world a better place with your presence.

#3: Fulfillment

You can plug away at a nine-to-five job until you retire, but chances are that’s not going to make you live life to the fullest. You’ll be one of those faceless people in the crowd who live for the weekend—then trudge back to work.

Instead, reflect on who you are, your strengths, your desires, and act accordingly. Whether it’s learning to find meaning at work, a career path that challenges you, or engaging with some satisfying hobbies, fulfillment in life is a great goal.

#4: Meaningful and Healthy Connections

Human beings are social creatures, so forging good relationships is the key to thriving and feeling happy. Family, professional, and personal relationships are all crucial components to providing a sense of connectedness with the rest of humanity—so make good friendships and foster existing links with family.

At the same time, relationships do need boundaries, so learning how to create healthy interactions is also crucial for developing your sense of identity.

#5: Self-Worth

Nobody can be successful in life if they’re down in the dumps, so fostering a sense of self-worth is an esteemed goal that every person should pursue. There are many simple ways to do this—for example, treating yourself with dignity and respect by wearing clean clothes and practicing good hygiene.

Education is also a key component to developing a sense of worth, because with that knowledge comes better opportunities a sense of security.

Re-Claim your Self-Worth and Creativity through Mandalas !!

Self worth comes with doing and being your highest possible self. And I enable this through art and healing methods.

One should not underestimate the power of creativity due to its simplicity. Because in simplicity is where it’s beauty lies!

Once you start getting the feel of how to create mandalas, you will start spending hours of unwanted thinking and over analysing, and finally start getting things into the flow and in the most productive and most effective manner!

By creating and drawing mandalas , you can understand and discover what gives you that self worth and claim it back.

Amongst all topics – Self Knowledge is the highest form of education than any other and that can give oneself immense satisfaction and joy!

Image : This excerpt is from a self expression of a Participant who found himself over 3 sessions and his inner strength & resilience through water colouring and mandala creation!

Dharma Chakra of Life or Wheel of Powerful Affirmations by Siddharth
Flower of Life Mandala by Siddharth
Seed Of Life Mandala by Siddharth

Mantras can Cultivate Inner Peace and Happiness!

Are you struggling with the fact that you really don’t know anything about getting and staying inspired and motivated?

You have to have incentive and drive for following your huge dreams, and likewise for the performance of minor daily jobs and chores,
otherwise, laziness, absence of vitality and procrastination will set in. Rather than suffering, feeling uncomfortable and passive, it would be much
more beneficial to produce enough motivation to take action and accomplish things.

This will make you feel much better, happy and gratified and more successful.

What if I can offer you a solution that will help you to attain greatness, to know exactly what you have to do to be a success, get inspired and inspire others?

In this book, you will learn about what comprises Of Personal Affirmations and Mantras and Inspirational words that matter and motivate yourself and others.

With great power comes great responsibility. Once you know
the secrets in this amazing series, there is no going back.

It’s time to get moving toward developing success in
your self growth and inspiration! Write to me here or comment on my post to learn more about this e-book that I am offering !

Powerful Helpers to Inner Peace

The Pansy

Inner peace is closely related to happiness. From Buddhist philosophy to Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama, they have all been strong proponents of inner peace.

“The pursuit of inner peace is more important than the search for happiness or success.” – Chris Shea

If you want to find inner peace and happiness, you have come to the right place. The concept of peace (as well as inner peace), its relationship to happiness, and strategies to engage in which may result in an increase of one’s inner peace and happiness. Additionally, some practical mantras and useful quotes are noted as well.

“Inner peace refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of stress”

(Barua, 2014, p. 24).

Inner peace refers to

“a state of calm, serenity and tranquility of mind that arise due to having no sufferings or mental disturbances such as worry, anxiety, greed, desire, hatred, ill-will, delusion and/or other defilements”

(Gogava et al., 2018, p. 4).

“Inner peace refers to emotional self-regulation and the ability to achieve a state of dynamic emotional equilibrium and competence”

(Ward, 2010, p. 48)

*References :

How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness?

1. Nature

Several experts and philosophical treatise have alluded to human’s interaction with nature in increasing one’s inner peace. For instance, Robert Puff, a contributor to Psychology Today noted two types of human-nature interactions that can lead to increment in one’s inner peace and happiness levels.

  • Nature in the short-term: Taking short walks outside on an everyday basis while abstaining from using one’s electronic devices.
  • Nature in the long-term: Taking nature retreats for a few days. These retreats give us an opportunity to avoid day-to-day stress (e.g., work commute, workplace pressure, etc.) and focus on our bodies and minds. Retreats come in several forms and shapes such as visiting national parks, religious and non-religious retreat centers , among others.

When I connect to nature – I feel the oneness and the beauty in the flowers and my soul . It makes me wonder how can I better myself and keep getting every day . How are you motivated to achieve your spiritual goals?

What is Chakra Meditation?

Your health is one of the most important things that you have to take care of. Because of this, a lot of people are doing everything they can just to get the perfect balance of chemicals in their body in order to obtain perfect health. You also need to consider that a lot of people find it hard to relax and control their emotions. You have to remember that anger can contribute to poor health and this is the emotion that you should minimize bringing at as much as possible.

Chakra tapestry

It is important that you should never be angry if you don’t need to be angry in order to balance your spiritual self to promote good health and good healing.

Today, a lot of people are not participating in different kinds of meditation in order to achieve balance in their #emotions and also in their spirit. You have to consider that meditating can contribute a lot of great benefits for your body.

With meditation, you will be able to relax more and you can effectively control your emotions and never be angry if you don’t need to be angry.

Venue : Aroma Home Wellness Centre, Brookefields Bangalore

By not wasting precious energy on being angry, you can put all these negative energies and turn it into positive energies that can be useful in your everyday life. Always remember that nothing uses up a lot of energy more than anger.

Venue : Aroma Home Wellness Centre, Brookefields , Bangalore

So, if you are having problems controlling your emotions, problems in relaxing, or you simply want to experience oneness with yourself, you have to try chakra meditation.

To sign up for a personalised chakra meditation cum therapy session, DM me today!

3 Top Qualities of the Sunflower

Sunflowers also symbolize worship and faithfulness in various religions because of their resemblance to the sun, which is associated with spiritual knowledge and the desire to seek light and truth. The Incas used sunflowers to symbolize the Sun God, and brought them to temples for worship.

Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity. Much of the meaning of sunflowers stems from its namesake, the sun itself.

Spiritually Sunflowers represent Light Consciousness .

Consciousness is made up of two elements, awareness of self and things and forces and conscious-power.

Awareness is the first thing necessary, you have to be aware of things in the right consciousness, in the right way, seeing them in their truth; but awareness by itself is not enough.

There must be a Will and a Force that make the consciousness effective.

(Sri Aurobindo)


In a spiritual meaning, these plants are seen as being genuine followers of the sun. This has a connection with Christians following God and other religions following their spiritual guide or divine being.

No matter how small or how little light there is, sunflowers are believed to seek out the light and hold their heads high as if in worship and adoration of the sun.

They are therefore a symbol of true and faithful loyalty to something that is much brighter and bigger than themselves. The spiritual meaning is much more glamorous than the scientific one below.

9 qualities of the Periwinkle flower that inspires

A Symbol of Friendship

Most notably, periwinkle highlights the beauty of companionship. This convivial color believes in the power of a strong bond. Whether you’ve started a new relationship or seek to strengthen an existing one, periwinkle will fortify your connection. According to periwinkle, friendships make the world go around. If you’re interested in expanding your inner circle, allow periwinkle to lead the way.


The trials and tribulations of life have yet to impact periwinkle. This childlike hue doesn’t succumb to daily pressures. As a result, it maintains its innocence. Unlike most, periwinkle isn’t cynical. It always gives life a chance, which is a beautiful sentiment. If you’ve grown skeptical and need a fresh outlook on life, emulate periwinkle’s approach.

Embraces Femininity and brings elegance

Periwinkle is feminine and proud of it. It doesn’t mind masculinity, but it has a tough time relating to inherently masculine things. For instance, sports and cars.

Aggressively Enterprising

Nothing stands in periwinkle’s path. This spirited hue has a dogged disposition. If periwinkle sets a goal, it’ll go to great lengths to achieve it. Periwinkle is so tenacious because it doesn’t see failure as an obstacle. Instead, periwinkle regards stumbling blocks as opportunities to grow and learn.


Carefree, cheerful, and optimistic, periwinkle doesn’t take life too seriously. After all, there’s no sense in sweating the small stuff. When problems arise, periwinkle addresses them with patience and understanding. It’s for this reason why periwinkle is always at peace. For the sake of remaining cool, calm, and collected, periwinkle only focuses on what matters.

Promotes Productivity

Since periwinkle doesn’t let trivial matters stand in its way, it doesn’t waste time worrying. This bodes well for productivity. Periwinkle sees negativity as a senseless and debilitating factor. When we allow fear to win, we lose our confidence. In the hopes of staying on track, periwinkle remains positive in all that it does.

Represents Eternal Love

If you gift someone a periwinkle present, you’re expressing your everlasting affection for this person. No doubt a sweet gesture, there’s something especially endearing about the color periwinkle. What’s more, if you receive periwinkle jewelry or some other gift, know that your loved one is sending a strong message. This hue is timeless, which is why it’s indicative of infinite love. In essence, periwinkle is a wholehearted lover.


Though periwinkle is carefree, it can sometimes be careless. While it’s acceptable to have an easygoing character, it’s ill-advised to throw caution to the wind. Unfortunately, periwinkle can sometimes be reckless. Some people are reluctant to interact with periwinkle for fear that they’ll shirk responsibility. Periwinkle means well, but it can be a bad influence from time to time.


Periwinkle is so strong-willed that it doesn’t let impurities contaminate it. In other words, it preserves its integrity at all costs. Though it can be easy to yield to temptation, periwinkle makes it look easy. Given its resilient and bold nature, periwinkle doesn’t entertain immoral desires. Rather than give in to impulses, periwinkle stays loyal to its beliefs and values.

5 Reasons Why Setting Intentions is Important in Every Area of Life?

When it comes to most areas of life, people tend to float around and embrace the idea of whatever happens, happens. But here are 5 reasons why setting goals is important, no matter what you’re talking about, whether it’s work, play, or even relationships.

  1. Intentions and Vision keep you focused. Imagine a ship setting sail without a destination in mind—as it traveled wherever the winds take it, supplies would eventually run out, and the crew would probably have to resort to cannibalism in order to survive.

Okay, so maybe a lack of goal setting won’t yield such dire results, but you certainly won’t get anywhere specific if you don’t have a plan. Whether you’re talking about work, hobbies, or relationships, setting an Intention with a goal will keep you moving towards success and fulfillment, without veering off course.

Without Goals or a Solid Plan – You wouldn’t know where you are going
  1. Goals help you make a plan of action. When you know how much you’ve accomplished, you can understand how much you need to achieve and pace yourself accordingly.

For example, if you set an intention or goal for yourself to save up a million dollars for retirement, you believe you’re two decades away from retiring, and have only saved up Rs.50,00,000 you need to know how much you may need to save around per month.

  1. Vision boards or Goal boards to get you motivated. Without an image or board thats placed right in front of you , your goal can end up only being in your mind, you can always say it will happen tomorrow—whatever it is. Of course, once tomorrow arrives, there will be a tomorrow after that, and so on.

Setting a goal with a timeline or date will force you into some accountability for your actions and force you to get up off the proverbial couch.

  1. Intentions and Goals can help you actualize your potential. Each and every one of us has incredible talents and abilities latently existing within, but very few people actually leverage those talents into something useful.

Setting goals and working towards them is a great way to put your skills to work, while developing and sharpening your natural talents.

  1. Goals keep you committed. One of the biggest deterrents to success is that people just give up along the road. If you set a goal for yourself and stick to it, you can block out unhelpful distractions and resist falling into depression or self-pity when things don’t quite go your way.

You know there’s an awesome view at the top of the mountain and you’re committed to seeing it, no matter how arduous the climb.

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing to pursue Goals

If you’ve embraced the wonderful practice of setting goals for yourself, kudos to you—but a new challenge can often arise when we start picking too many goals. Here’s a way to sift through the stars and find which ones to reach for.

1. Think about the biggest picture possible. Sit down for a little reflection, journaling, and exploration of who you are as a person and what matters to you. Try making a list of your ten most important values. Once you’ve done that, think about what you want more than anything else in life, and write that down.

Keep it short, sweet, and to the point, in one sentence—no more. You’ll be amazed about how having clarity on the big picture will help you sort through your goals and find the ones that matter.

2. Think about your budget and compromise accordingly. When it comes to goal setting, it’s important to think about the constraints you face and be realistic. If you’re holding down a nine-to-five gig within the median salary range, saving up a million dollars in one year is not feasible (probably).

Drop that goal or put it aside for the future, and instead pick something more reasonable like saving up a few thousand dollars. Money is not the only factor; time and physical limitations are also important to consider…which brings us to our next point:

3. Think about your health. If you have a work-related goal—say, to hit six figures or something similar—and your  doctor has also told you that your health is in trouble, it may be time to set aside your money related goals and focus on your health.

Perhaps taking a thirty minute walk or run on treadmill every day is more important than squeezing in an extra few hours of work every week. If you don’t pick the former goal, the latter one might drive you to a point where neither goal can be reached.

4. Remember those around you. If you’re in a situation where other people are dependent on you, say a family or colleagues, you may need to set aside some of your personal goals in favor of meeting their needs.

For example, if you’re a parent of several kids and you want to get a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but your kids are struggling in school, you may want to set aside your drive to be Jackie Chan and spend some time each day helping them with their homework. 

Image result for helping kids with homework images hubspot

4 Easy Ways To Headache relief with Reiki and massage

Having headache is annoying and sometimes it is difficult for us to avoid. Mostly when we are under pressure, headache appeared automatically. If it gets worse, we might faint due to the pain we felt.

A headache is a condition of mild to severe pain in the head. It can also attack at our upper back or neck. There are different types of headache, but most of the time headache brought on by stress, too long in front of computer, noise and others. 

One of the main causes of headache is tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and jaw. We usually deal with it by taking some sleep or consume over-the counter aspirin to release our pain. However, can we do this at any place? 

Obviously, we cannot sleep at the office or at the mall. In addition, we might run of aspirin when headache strike us.

Is Aspirin an NSAID?

Do not worry! The easiest way to handle headache and we can do it everywhere is through massage. Massage is the practice of applying pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, to heal injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

When we suffer from headache, we can help ourselves with self-massage. Simple and everybody can do it, either at work or home.

Here are four easy ways in massage to heal our headache. 

1. Eyes Area Massage — Close your eyes. Place your middle fingers to your eyes that are above cheekbones. Massage that area gently but firmly in circular motion for 1 minute.

Acupressure For The Eyes – 10 Massages For Better Vision

2. Eyes to Nose Massage – Using thumb, go along the underside of eyebrows (along the bone on top of eye socket). Feel where this bone meets the bridge of your nose and eyes and find a point where there is a small indentation. Very gentle pressure, press your thumbs into the points. You can do it four times by holding and press that area for 10 seconds in each press.

Self-Massages for 4 Different Headaches | Arapahoe Chiropractic

3. Neck Massage — Massage a point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands to the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specially, at the tops of your neck that meets the base of your skull. Massage for a minutes using finger tips gentle in circular movement.

Your Complete Guide to Self-Massages | Martha Stewart

4. Scalp Massage – Let your palms of your hands massage your scalp on the top of your skull for a minute gently. 

Self Massage: Facial & Scalp | Tiny Needle Acupuncture, LLC.

Once you have done all those massages, start taking a deep breath. Lift your shoulders towards your ears for five to 10 seconds to relief remaining pain, and then let them drop back down into their natural position. 

You are going to feel better when you can do that for a couple of times. Your massage will relief your headache and your head will feel less weighty.