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Top Ways to Wake Yourself Up Right Now!

Feeling tired, low on energy or just not as lively and vibrant as you wouíd like to be? Join the queue!

The good news is that there are things you can do about it in the long term and things you can do in the short term to wake up right now.

Here are some of the best options

1-Splash Some Cold Water on Your Face

If you splash some cold water on your face, it will have the reaction of causing blood to rush to your face and head (thus oxygenating your brain), while simultaneously giving you more adrenaline and norepinephrine and which are released whenever we get cold. This is a great way to shock yourself awake and it is something you can do any time ñ just excuse yourself to the bathroom!

2-Jump Up and Down

Woman doing jump squats exercise flat Royalty Free Vector

Physical exercise is a great way to wake yourself up because it gets the heart pumping and blood flowing. This does not have to mean that you’re doing a full-blown workout though. Just jumping up and down or doing some press ups is enough to trigger the right result and you should find this can instantly give you a burst of energy.

3-Power Pose!

The visible midlife Wonder Woman | MIDLIFEXPRESS

A lot of tiredness is psychosomatic: which is to say that it is a combination of both psychological and physical factors. If you are slumped with your shoulders down and arms hanging for instance, this will actually make you feel tireder. Stand with your arms up and out in a V shape on the other hand and you’ll enjoy a surge in energy. This is a power position and it is a proven way to release more testosterone.

Likewise, if you’re feeling down, try smiling! Facial feedback is a psychological phenomenon that tells us you only have to smile to put yourself in a good mood and even if it is a fake smile, it works!

4-Go Outside

Not only will brisk air have the same effect as cold water but any sunshine you get will also trigger the release of positive hormones that help to wake you up and give you more energy. Have a Snack If you are low on blood sugar, then your energy levels will dip in accordance. Do not eat anything too sugary though, as this will cause a sudden spike followed by a serious dip. Instead, eat something that will slowly release energy throughout the day. A great choice is oats or a saturated fat source like avocado.

5-Take a Power Nap

8,775 Nap Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

If you have 10 minutes, grab a power nap. In fact, anything up to 20 minutes or over 90 minutes will work fine. Don’t stop in-between though, or you’ll wake up during the deepest stages of sleep, resulting in grogginess and the dreaded sleep inertia Otherwise, this is a great way to charge your batteries!

6-Listen to Rock Music

Rock music band vector poster flat illustration isolated over white  background, hard rock and heavy metal live sound festival | CanStock

Energizing music is a great way to give yourself a boost. If you don’t fancy rock music, start with something low tempo and then gradually work your way up to faster tracks.

Healthy Breakfast Choices

Breakfast Location : Hotel Cirrus ,Goa

Here’s why breakfast is critical. When you first wake up in the morning, your body is prepared to hunt for food! Your metabolism is all fired up and your levels of cortisol and adrenaline are at their greatest. 

Beginning your day with a healthy breakfast not only helps to boost your metabolism and keep you burning off calories throughout the day, but it kicks you into a favorable mindset that begins your day in the life of a “dieter” strong! When I visit restaurants during my holidays , I used to binge eat on everything that is sweet and heavy on the calories.

Later on , I did realize that choosing raw veggies and healthy snacking did really boost my metabolism and made me feel lighter throughout the day.

Initially it was difficult to resist the temptation to eat all thats on the table , but slowly ,with a lot of mind control and focused on my fitness and health goals , I could totally overcome the food cravings.

A lot of the foods consumed these days are the precise reasons why most weight loss prayers go unrequited. Conventional foods are full of pesticides, chemicals, and hormones that go directly into our system. Think about it, if the beef you eat is cut from a cow that has been shot with hormones in order to make it grow faster and larger, it’s inevitable that those hormones will have the same impact on you. 

Add a fruit or raw veggie to each meal starting with your breakfast. Even if you’re eating something truly unhealthy adding fruits and vegetables will help fill you up quicker and give you healthy nutrients that you don’t commonly get. This helps your body “look great” inside and out. 

By consuming a healthy and hearty breakfast that’s packed with protein, you could be saving yourself from calories intake and jump starting your metabolism too!

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Imagination is the first step towards creating your new reality !

The ability to imagine things pervades our entire existence. It influences everything we do, think about and create. It leads to elaborate theories, dreams and inventions in any profession from the realms of academia to engineering and the arts.

The definition of imagination is the ability to come up with mental images of something that is not real or to come up with new and creative ideas. When a child is playing house and creates a pretend story, this is an example of a child using his imagination.

As per mentor – Bob Proctor his powerful quote actually means “Creation begins in the mind before it becomes physical.”

Everybody has the ability to imagine, but imagination becomes powerful when you turn it into “manifestation”. Every material thing that was created by humans was first imagined.

To imagine that which does not exist in your reality requires Discipline , Determination , Dedication and Belief & Faith. Learn to become a powerful manifestor or generator of positive outcomes in your life .

We are all creators of our destiny but very few people understand the power of imagination to create powerful experiences for themselves.

6 Tips to avoid side track syndrome and focus on your tasks!

Tips on how to avoid multi tasking by prioritising your tasks or To Do lists!

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1-Learn to list down all tasks for the day and prioritise the tasks as urgent and important vs not so urgent / Important

2-Identify the tasks you don’t need to do today

3-Have a definite schedule with a timeframe for each task and put a timer ⏱

4-Manage your time in portions ( just like eating )

 5-Cluster tasks that are similar and correlated to each other

6-Interruptions are unmanageable , keep a pause and resume in your stopwatch to see how much time you have spent on side track conversations!

Hope this helped you to stay focused on your track and achieve more!

5 Tips For Better Self-Care ❤️

It can be difficult to make time for self-care in our busy schedules. We run from one commitment to another, filling every gap in our life with work, study, family and social events. The chaos of modern life makes it even more important that we take the time to care for our individual wellbeing, both physically and mentally. If you are struggling with your own self-care, consider these five tips to improve your habits.

1. Add self-care to your normal routine

When planning your weekly schedule, make sure that you have time for self-care. Cementing its place in your routine means that you will be more likely to commit to self-care as you will have allocated time specifically reserved for it. The more often you practice self-care, the more it will become a habit and part of your regular life.

2. Do what suits you

Self-care looks for different for everyone. Some people enjoy getting outdoors, others like catching up with friends and some people prefer sitting at home losing themselves in a good book or movie. Identify what makes you feel better and commit to that. Don’t feel pressured by what others consider self-care; long walks aren’t for everyone.

3. Practice gratitude

Engaging in regular gratitude practice is a valuable habit and a worthwhile way to spend your allocated self-care time. Take some time each day or week to write down three things that you are grateful for. Try to think of unique things that have happened for that week, rather than repeating the same common things each time. It may be difficult at first, but the more you practice gratitude the easier it will become. Regular participation in gratitude exercises trains your brain to be more thankful and positive about the things you have in your life, rather than focusing on the things you don’t have or things that aren’t going so well.

4. Be brave and try something new

Trying something new is a great way to break the monotony of everyday life. Your mental health will benefit and you will learn new skills, both through the actual activity but also in regard to managing your nerves and being open to new opportunities. It is a great way to take care of your mental, and depending on the activity, physical health.

5. Detox from social media Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with people, but in can also lead to resentment through comparison. If you are feeling overwhelmed or finding yourself in a rut, take a break of social media to become more present and rejuvenate in the real world.

Reiki ,Mantra therapy and Vedic Astrology

As a vedic astrology student and learner in life , I am pursuing Vedic astrology from SIVA – Sarvamangala Institute of Vedic Astrology , It sort of integrates my journey into Life Design mandalas with astronomy. I want to share my perspectives of being on a spiritual quest from a long time -led me to the mystical workings of the planetary energies.

No photo description available.

Whenever there is an eclipse or Retrograde , you can pray and surround your aura with positive vibes and the best is chanting mantras and lighting a lamp or a strong intention for protection against the negative effect of the lunar or solar eclipse.

Also as Channels of Reiki , me and my Reiki friends, lately have been experiencing or observing thought waves having lower & negative energies and not so pleasant to deal with .- which are universal or collective projections.

If you have been experiencing or noticing the same let’s all put an intent that these fears and anxieties and lower vibrations dissipate and dissolve along with the eclipse. Please feel to ask for help. Do not take hasty decisions or actions. These global phenomenons don’t have power over us but they do affect people who are extremely sensitive or with a weaker mind/disturbed emotional state. They could be driven to take decisions that may not be fruitful later on .Hence care needs to be taken to not hurry up any decisions till the air or atmosphere around becomes clearer. I am no expert but just sharing a few mantras that can come handy during these times.

I have been listening to some of these and they do have powerful vibes. Chant Aum Namah Shivaya 1008 times

Chant Navagraha mantras Prayers for The Sun Lord either Surya Gayatri or Aditya Hrudhayam

Also chant Hanuman Chalis or listen to it here

Universal Peace Mantra

|| Loka Samantha Sukhino bhavantu || 3 times

To your health and abundance and protection.

Stay safe. My guru’s are Dr Bala Chandra ji and Shailaja Iyer ji PS This is purely my personal opinion and perspective I may be wrong and hence be corrected by my gurus.

Mandala Image : All Copyrights reserved @2021

Prototyping phase in Design thinking/Sprints

By far one of my favourite sections in Design thinking workshops is the Prototyping phase -where participants/Cohorts learn to build solutions with their hands .They sketch , they create 2D/3D models and have fun.

Why this is the most engaging and rewarding phase of the workshop?

It’s because as designers or participants they have been working right from their vision or goal to identifying stakeholders to creating Empathy Maps, Persona Maps and Defining the Problem statement. Post which they generate multiple ideas and then come to a idea filtration methodology to prototyping ideas/solutions and testing the same with the users.

“For many designers, prototyping is where the fun begins. Sometimes the key to good empathy is sharing or co-creating a prototype with your users and getting feedback. Prototyping helps us learn, solve disagreements, and test hypotheses quickly and with minimal repercussions.”

Rapid prototyping is an iterative learning process that acquires and expresses increasingly complex information of higher fidelity over time through repetitive and cumulative cycles of build, test, see, and refine.

Prototypes are traditionally used in design and engineering environments, but when they become integral to other organizational cultures, they serve to develop a creative mind-set that is able to effectively focus on imagining, socializing, and testing any idea, including work processes, team structures, business models, and, of course, products and services.

Because every output of design thinking begins as a prototype, think of them as part of a culture and not specifically as a tool.

Prototyping is the way to open up that dimension; it’s a relatively low-cost, hands-on activity that helps bring people on to the same conceptual page, uncover new knowledge, and identify and mitigate design and development risks early on. This is done to avoid downstream costs while also building up critical assets for the internal and external communication and socialization of ideas. As part of the hands-on approach, prototyping typically seeks to involve and engage multiple stakeholders and so-called end users as participants at every stage of iteration, from paper to final production.

The next time you are stuck and needing to apply your ideas / solutions in a practical manner and invalidate assumptions – Apply prototyping and see what could happen!


Design Thinking Handbook

Invision : Rapid Protoyping

Passion and Purpose

Do you ever feel confused? Pulled in so many directions at one time that you cannot figure out what you are interested in or how it all could possibly fit together? 

Underneath the indifference and confusion, there is still a voice saying, “There has to be more than this!” 

There is. 

The great news is that it DOES all fit together, because YOU fit together. You would not be the you that you are without all the fabulous bits that come together into the delightfully human you are. 

for eg : 

Do you dream of being on stage? 

• Writing a bestselling novel? 

• Producing a life-changing film? 

• Changing the way people think about their spirituality? 

See, you were designed this way. You have a purpose and a plan and your soul signed you up for ALL the challenges and opportunities you are experiencing. 

Your soul knows what it knows. You would not be called to it if you did not have it in you. If you are called to it, it is part of your purpose! So what are you waiting for ?

My perspectives on Following your Passion and Purpose