Browse Category: Employee Wellbeing

Release negativity aura sprays

Our Aura sprays are created using a blend of essential oils, crystal essences purified water, essential oils and crystal essence. 

There is approx 100 ml in all our sprays. 

Spray a few mists into your space and walk through the mist to protect your aura from negative energy. 

Created with the essence of Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline Quartz and Black Onyx, blended Pink Grapefruit, Lavender and Lemongrass essential oils.

Career Success Aura Sprays

Career Success Aura Sprays 

DM to contact us to buy these crystal Reiki Infused aura sprays

Our Aura sprays are created using a blend of essential oils, sacred chants, Reiki Energy,  purified water, essential oils and crystal essences. 

There is approx 100 ml in all our sprays. 

Spray a few mists into your space and walk through the mist to energize your aura for enhancing career success energy. 

Created with the essence of Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Green Aventurine, Carnelian , Pyrite , blended Lemongrass essential oils.

Affirmation : “I now attract synchronistic opportunities, business success and wealth while energising and blessing in my workplace. I remove doubts, worries and negative thoughts surrounding abundance, prosperity and wealth, and re-establish my sense of self-worth.I attract career success and i deserve every bit of it “

You can now read raving reviews of the aura sprays here

Jyoti2 reviews “OM DIVINE…. amazing aura water sprays. They are for different purposes and whenever i spray them as suggested by Ranjini, i feel very fresh, light and protected. I use them twice , morning and evening. Stay blessed Ranjini.”

Sreekanth KalyanaramanLocal Guide · 12 reviews · 19 photosAura sprays have magic. It’s been so for me. The obstacle remover actually worked wonders for me in many ways. The obstacles either vanish or a new door opens. Above all this, it’s our mind that finds strength to wade through obstacles. 😇”

Google reviews for Ranjini Rao :

Mindfulness and resilience through Mandala art

According to a HBR study – Organizations are demanding ever-higher performance from their workforces. People are trying to comply, but the usual method—putting in longer hours—has backfired. They’re getting exhausted, disengaged,and sick. And they’re defecting to healthier job environments.Longer days at the office don’t work because time is a limited resource. But personal energy is renewable, say Schwartz and McCarthy.

How might organisations build workers’ physical, emotional, and mental resilience for their employees?

Help your employees systematically rejuvenate their personal energy, and the benefits go straight to your bottom line.

Whats the ROI? Wachovia Bank: Participants in a personal energy renewal program produced 13% points greater YoY in revenues from loans than a control group did. And they exceeded the control group’s gains in revenues from deposits by 20% points.

HOW COMPANIES CAN HELP? By giving their employees a space to express their true selves and manage their energy- at all 4 levels, And….Here’s a great opportunity !

Introducing “Mindfulness through art” workshop that will help employees focus on building mental resilience which is an innate ability to overcome difficult situation, challenges and overall adversities that one faces on a daily basis

It is loaded with activity and action. An action packed day of 1.5 to 2 hours :

1. Understand employee challenges or pain points through non judgemental and non verbal method

2. A mandala art therapy session complimented by a centering meditation technique

3. Body movement to integrated and learn new behaviours or expressions

4. Reflections and wrap up It will help them in developing the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.

Contact : Ranjini Rao through contact us page or email for more details [email protected]

Reiki and crystals grids

As I am celebrating new year , the onset of the new moon that is so special with some Reiki and Crystal grid and some self-healing time. 

They are so lovely and working with crystals is like empowering yourself to meet life goals! 

Let us review the numerous benefits of combining Reiki with Crystals healing :
1- It gives deep relaxation 
2- Joy of connecting to self 
3- harmony and peace within 
4- Vitality and balancing energies and polarities 
5- Relief from all sorts of discomforts 
6- Enhances intuition and creativity 
7- builds self confidence through self- expression 
8- Authentic self 
9- Promotes self healing 
10-Spiritual comforting 
11- Self love and “me time” 
12- Health & well-being 
13-Cellular regeneration & Detoxification
14- Universal life force energy 

#holisitic wellbeing coach #counselor#guide#spiritual mentor

Unlocking the 3 Energetic (Reiki) Keys To Your Success

From so many sessions and interactions with clients , I am just what are the first steps you need to follow to get the best results?

Three simple but powerful Keys to Success to obtain outstanding results:

•🔑 # 1: Increase your level of awareness. Understand your stress level, particularly
around your finances and your career, and what is causing this stress.

•🔑# 2: Be specific and identify the problem

•🔑# 3: Develop good habits to resolve the problem

Start with your habits ! Review your habits ! Change your habits —-

See the change you want to see in the world 🗺 – Mahatma Gandhi .

What habits would you like to change in your routine or incorporate or delete as of today?

“One creates magic in their Life with Reiki”- Reiki Story

These are some stories from my interactions with Clients after a Reiki level 1 or 2 practitioner workshop or therapy session !

Story 1 : Shivani G, a working professional and Jewellery design artist,a lovely soul , over the weekend learnt Reiki level 1 to think creatively and reconnect with herself and her spiritual essence, connect with her guru and guardian angels . It was so beautiful to witness the magic when started communicating with her shoulder to elevate her shoulder pain and it just vanished !

Story 2 : Another professional from the IT Corporate mentioned after her Reiki workshop – Today, I found myself through the journey of Reiki , I always wanted to help others including relatives but first I need to connect to myself .This was my biggest reminder !”

Story 3 : There was an incident that occurred in a students family that kept her thinking and reflecting “who we are” doesn’t determine “what we are today” and what we can become tomorrow . 

She said – If someone is responding and behaving a certain way based on what they are able to see in us , then they are not capable of foreseeing my inner potential and sadly they are limited by their choices. I will not worry and anger because of this …!

If someone is able to see my full potential and believe in me while I’m still on my journey of believing in my self – that person has the ability to see and honor the divine in me while I’m still seeking myself and the divinity within.

At one point there is a path where my divine self meets me and makes me understand that all that person was trying to do was to connect me to reach there. 
Once I recognize that essence or presence then I am connected to myself – then only can begin a journey of unwrapping or unlocking the true potential .

First ,Do I value myself ? Because if I don’t value myself I’m right away disrespecting the divinity within.

Once I honor myself , I fully honor the divinity within.” When we set such powerful intentions then we become Powerful!

Then I start honoring the divinity in others and I respect their ‘being’. 

5 Principles of Reiki :
These pearls of insights are inspired from the 5 principles of Reiki :
Just for today, I will not anger 
Just for today, I will not worry 
Just for today, I count my blessings 
Just for today, I will earn my living honestly 
Just for today, I will respect & honor myself my parents , elders and treat all living beings with respect .” 

Connect with me for enquiries on Reiki Degree 1 , 2 , 3A, 3B and Grandmaster attunement workshops!

Transformation through Alchemy and Vedic Astrology!

I’m a magician and I am not into “woodoo” or “witchcraft”!

But I have been working behind the scenes with my transformational 1:1 coaching with clients to help them unlock & realize their creative , truest potential .Some sessions that I have been taking with young professionals have been truly transformational.

I cherish every client experience and makes me more grateful and make me want to do even more in 2021!

2021 – I cant wait enough for your energetic vibrations!
The number 5 ( 2+0+2+1 ) carries the energy of the Akasha or Ether element and connects you to your souls expression and wisdom and truth through the throat.

01+01+2021 is totalling to number 7 ie signifies completion of a Herculean task or tough lessons Saturn taught us around relationships and connecting us back to our roots.

The wisdom that I carry forward from 2020- is that of connecting back to my soul self,reconnecting to earth’s sphere and collective consciousness of Oneness,powerful Experiences & lessons.

As we usher into 2021, we will be called by the cosmic forces to resonate with “Love” and “Light” based energies and frequencies !

The key message from 2020 that stays with me in the now is Learn to create more “magic” and step into your own ‘Power’!

The world is your stage to perform! How would you like to perform your role in this world?

Full Moon Rituals For Cleansing and Manifestation!

Full Moon Rituals For Cleansing & Manifestation

The full moon, with its intense amount of energy, is a good time for releasing and manifesting. It is important to take action, harness this powerful energy and make use of it in a positive way. Take this time to let go and cleanse. Purge things that no longer serve you, release yourself from old attitudes or thoughts that block you from being your best self. If you are feeling stuck in and having difficulty on moving towards your goals, use this opportunity to tap into the full moon’s energy to bring back growth into your life. Remember that the full moon in its luminescence and brightest phase brings immense energy and amplifies whatever it is that you are thinking, feeling or doing. So stay positive and be positive throughout the full moon.

Make the full moon’s energy work for you. Here are 2 rituals you can perform for cleansing and manifestation.

Full Moon Ritual For Cleansing

What You Need:

Candle and matchbox
Sage stick
Yoga mat

Head to a quiet place outdoors or in a garden, it is best to do this under the moonlight. Find a space where you can sit and lay on your mat.

Light the the candle and center yourself. Think of all the things, patterns and behavior you want to let go in life and begin writing them all down on paper.

“I am ready and willing to let go of…” Say this out loud along with what you have written down on paper. Speaking out gives things more power and makes it more real.

Burn the paper and scatter the ashes on the ground or on water if you are nearby a stream, a river an ocean or lake.

Close your eyes and visualize everything that you are releasing. It could be as symbolic as placing all these things in a box on a boat and sailing it out to sea.

Light the sage stick and wave it across your body and surroundings to cleanse and clear off negative energy.

End with a Cleansing Prayer:

I am now choosing to cleanse myself and release any and all thought forms, beings, situations and energies that are no longer of service to my highest and greatest good… across all planes of my existence, across all universes, and across all lifetimes. I ask that all energies that are less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all. And so it is. YOU ARE LUMINOUS.

Full Moon Ritual For Manifestation

What You Need:

Candle and matchbox
Sage stick
Yoga mat
This ritual best done outdoors under the moonlight but you may also find a peaceful space indoors for performing this ceremony.

Lay your yoga mat on the floor and prepare your sacred altar. Light the candle and set it on your mat together with the sage stick, crystals, pen and paper.

Center yourself and start imagining your goals and dreams. Now visualize these dreams actually happening to you now.

Write the phrase “I Manifest…” on a piece of paper and begin listing down your dreams and desires.

Light the sage stick and wave it across your body and surroundings to clear off any negative energy.

Place the piece of paper by the window where the full moon is shining. If there are trees or any structures blocking the moonlight, don’t worry about it as the intention is there.

End with a Manifestation Prayer:

“Full Moon, I love you. I am grateful for your presence. It is a joy to be with you again. Please, be with me now. Shine your light and love upon my desires. May your energy assist in the manifestation of all of this or better. May I receive all that is in accordance with my highest good. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

7 steps to Living a purpose-ful life!

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” ~ William Shakespeare

Let’s start with the Basics. I wanted to let you all know that finding a purpose or aligning to your life purpose takes time! Whoever told you that it was rocket science is not authetntic …Its a journey and will reveal itself to you only when you intend to committing to discovering yourself.

So I’m sharing a few Basic steps that could lead you to your life purpose :


First, you have to be aware that “what is” is not necessarily the genuine expression of your creative, powerful and true self. You have to begin acknowledging the difference of being mindful of how you live in today, the present moment, and how you constantly project your personal desires in the future which have chances of not turning out real.

2-Be Committed

Show your commitment on working on this present path, made more interesting by the unconscious impulses and discover what it really takes to conquer reactivity. Learn to live intentionally and start expressing the real you.

3-Search for Guidance

To find a new direction, you need to search for proper guidance and gain support for new learning for it is only through this that you will get to discover the authenticity of your life.

4-Go for Clarity

Living on purpose requires you to be clear about your own personality. You need to know what values you uphold and identify your passions, strengths and weaknesses, all of which should be aligned as you claim your life’s purpose together with the intention of serving greater good and meeting humanity’s needs.

5-Render Service

The highest form of life fulfillment stems from serving those around you, driven by your desire to express your purpose after you have finally known your inner self.

6-Take a Step Forward

Commit yourself to your brand new path of living on purpose today and step forward as you create a plan on how to you further develop yourself to become better tomorrow.

7-Be Thankful

At the end of the day, living your life’s purpose boils down on saying thank you and being grateful for being alive, with all the chances of experiencing energy, breath and all of the basic goodness of life.

If you liked what you read- do share or comment in the comments box !

Are you listening to your soul’s call?

There are times when life puts you at crossroads. For some reason, when mine put me in one such situation, I just whispered to myself, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost, Road Not Taken.

It is one of my favourite poems that reminds me that there is a purpose of being for each of us. Every day, every waking moment (and even when you are in a sweet slumber), your soul tries to communicate with you of the void it is feeling.   Questions such as “Who was I born to be?” “What is my purpose here?” “Why do I feel incomplete even after so many accomplishments?” would haunt many. Some chose to play deaf to the soul’s call, and some people like my next guest on Warriors of Change, Mrs. Ashu Khanna, act upon it.

Mrs. Ashu Khanna is a globally celebrated Leadership and Life Coach and a writer of four best-seller self-development books.  In a life-threatening encounter with bees (yes! life has different ways to wake you up), she realized it was time she stops existing and starts living. And that indeed made all the difference. All it takes is listening to that alarming voice of your soul and acting upon it.

What is my destiny?

Uffff… Destiny! How do you explain it? How do you find it? It is a bit confusing and sometimes gimmicky. But honestly, it is just because no other person can tell you what your destiny is. It is a self-discovery process. People can support you, and let me warn you, at the start of the journey, you will find yourself lost, nothing would make sense, and you would feel right inside. But, when you would look around,… how do I say, everything would seem uncertain.

On one hand, you have been so numb to your destiny’s call, and suddenly, when you wake up, you are bound to become sensitive to the things around you. We, humans, create relationships, life, and work around us. Suddenly, it dawns upon you it’s not worth it, and you embark on a new journey altogether. It will be difficult.

How can you be sure it would work for you?

When we are born to do something and be something as per our life’s design or destiny, you will be gifted with all the talent, strengths, and skills to fulfill it. I remember a line from the Holy Bible, which makes a lot of sense here:

“No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people. But God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities. Instead, with the temptation, God will also supply a way out so that you will be able to endure it.” ~ 1 Corinthians (10:13)

Simply put, life and God would not give you a test bigger than you can brave. You are born with talents and gifts that would help you endure your journey to find yourself. In fact, these set-ups are so powerful that it would even weave an environment around you that enables you to realize it and be what you are destined to be. We would find people and resources that would help us fulfill our destiny.

Is everything predestined?

So, your soul has a plan for you. And when you are born, life showers you with innate gifts, collaborates you with the right people, and offers resources to evolve yourself and fulfill your destiny. So, do you not have any control over anything in life?  And if not, how can you be sure you have created it at all.

As per my understanding, humans are born free. Your soul might have a plan for you, but as a being, you have a choice to follow it and be it, or you ditch it entirely or partially. Isn’t it beautiful? You can change the course of life anytime you want. However, what would make you feel complete? What would nourish your soul throughout life for it to become happy? You might have a plan for you, but not every time you can compete with the “perfect” plan destiny has got for you.

It is a deeply meaningful plan that would make sense all your life. It has short-term and long-term goals for you and short-term and long-term benefits to keep you enthusiastic all throughout life.

Should You Take a Leap of Faith Then?

If anything can explain what destiny is, I would say it is a dream of your soul for you. It is what you are meant to be. It is hopeful, joyous, and profoundly satisfying and gives meaning to your whole being.

There are sciences such as palmistry that say before we are born, our life’s design gets imprinted on our palms and fingers, and by reading it, we can understand what we are born for. Not endorsing anything here, but humans have tried to make sense of their being for thousands of years. Dissatisfaction from your actions, especially the goods one, and a void that gets bigger and bigger each day. We have been trying to find the meaning of life for eternity.

Would it be easy to follow my destiny?  

What was ever easy? It is our zeal for survival and finding happiness that gives us the boost of positivity. If we were to get frightened by the challenges and failures, I would say we would not have been the keepers of the world. We would not have created the wonders we see today. That includes everything physical and non-physical.

Somewhere, sometime, someone was frightended to call upon his destiny. But when he did, he created electricity, Similarly, the skyscrapers, the space stations everything in this world and outside. In different parts of this world, people had it imprinted in their destiny, and they believed in fulfilling it; it gave them happiness and that changed the world for the better.

So was decided for you by your soul’s calling. You would never be ready outside, but always be ready inside. Take one step that would alter the world around you, change your life, and people who get in touch with the wonders you create. In the end, focus on nourishing your soul with happiness, leave the details for the universe.

Watch my interview with India’s best coach and hear her wisdom :

Ashu khanna can be reached via a tweet away : @coachashukhanna Website :

You can check out her books here !

To that .. with love and Reverence :

I am .. Life is … :

I am freedom :