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Top Ways to Wake Yourself Up Right Now!

Feeling tired, low on energy or just not as lively and vibrant as you wouíd like to be? Join the queue!

The good news is that there are things you can do about it in the long term and things you can do in the short term to wake up right now.

Here are some of the best options

1-Splash Some Cold Water on Your Face

If you splash some cold water on your face, it will have the reaction of causing blood to rush to your face and head (thus oxygenating your brain), while simultaneously giving you more adrenaline and norepinephrine and which are released whenever we get cold. This is a great way to shock yourself awake and it is something you can do any time ñ just excuse yourself to the bathroom!

2-Jump Up and Down

Woman doing jump squats exercise flat Royalty Free Vector

Physical exercise is a great way to wake yourself up because it gets the heart pumping and blood flowing. This does not have to mean that you’re doing a full-blown workout though. Just jumping up and down or doing some press ups is enough to trigger the right result and you should find this can instantly give you a burst of energy.

3-Power Pose!

The visible midlife Wonder Woman | MIDLIFEXPRESS

A lot of tiredness is psychosomatic: which is to say that it is a combination of both psychological and physical factors. If you are slumped with your shoulders down and arms hanging for instance, this will actually make you feel tireder. Stand with your arms up and out in a V shape on the other hand and you’ll enjoy a surge in energy. This is a power position and it is a proven way to release more testosterone.

Likewise, if you’re feeling down, try smiling! Facial feedback is a psychological phenomenon that tells us you only have to smile to put yourself in a good mood and even if it is a fake smile, it works!

4-Go Outside

Not only will brisk air have the same effect as cold water but any sunshine you get will also trigger the release of positive hormones that help to wake you up and give you more energy. Have a Snack If you are low on blood sugar, then your energy levels will dip in accordance. Do not eat anything too sugary though, as this will cause a sudden spike followed by a serious dip. Instead, eat something that will slowly release energy throughout the day. A great choice is oats or a saturated fat source like avocado.

5-Take a Power Nap

8,775 Nap Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

If you have 10 minutes, grab a power nap. In fact, anything up to 20 minutes or over 90 minutes will work fine. Don’t stop in-between though, or you’ll wake up during the deepest stages of sleep, resulting in grogginess and the dreaded sleep inertia Otherwise, this is a great way to charge your batteries!

6-Listen to Rock Music

Rock music band vector poster flat illustration isolated over white  background, hard rock and heavy metal live sound festival | CanStock

Energizing music is a great way to give yourself a boost. If you don’t fancy rock music, start with something low tempo and then gradually work your way up to faster tracks.

6 Tips to avoid side track syndrome and focus on your tasks!

Tips on how to avoid multi tasking by prioritising your tasks or To Do lists!

444 Sidetrack Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock
Images :

1-Learn to list down all tasks for the day and prioritise the tasks as urgent and important vs not so urgent / Important

2-Identify the tasks you don’t need to do today

3-Have a definite schedule with a timeframe for each task and put a timer ⏱

4-Manage your time in portions ( just like eating )

 5-Cluster tasks that are similar and correlated to each other

6-Interruptions are unmanageable , keep a pause and resume in your stopwatch to see how much time you have spent on side track conversations!

Hope this helped you to stay focused on your track and achieve more!

5 Tips For Better Self-Care ❤️

It can be difficult to make time for self-care in our busy schedules. We run from one commitment to another, filling every gap in our life with work, study, family and social events. The chaos of modern life makes it even more important that we take the time to care for our individual wellbeing, both physically and mentally. If you are struggling with your own self-care, consider these five tips to improve your habits.

1. Add self-care to your normal routine

When planning your weekly schedule, make sure that you have time for self-care. Cementing its place in your routine means that you will be more likely to commit to self-care as you will have allocated time specifically reserved for it. The more often you practice self-care, the more it will become a habit and part of your regular life.

2. Do what suits you

Self-care looks for different for everyone. Some people enjoy getting outdoors, others like catching up with friends and some people prefer sitting at home losing themselves in a good book or movie. Identify what makes you feel better and commit to that. Don’t feel pressured by what others consider self-care; long walks aren’t for everyone.

3. Practice gratitude

Engaging in regular gratitude practice is a valuable habit and a worthwhile way to spend your allocated self-care time. Take some time each day or week to write down three things that you are grateful for. Try to think of unique things that have happened for that week, rather than repeating the same common things each time. It may be difficult at first, but the more you practice gratitude the easier it will become. Regular participation in gratitude exercises trains your brain to be more thankful and positive about the things you have in your life, rather than focusing on the things you don’t have or things that aren’t going so well.

4. Be brave and try something new

Trying something new is a great way to break the monotony of everyday life. Your mental health will benefit and you will learn new skills, both through the actual activity but also in regard to managing your nerves and being open to new opportunities. It is a great way to take care of your mental, and depending on the activity, physical health.

5. Detox from social media Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with people, but in can also lead to resentment through comparison. If you are feeling overwhelmed or finding yourself in a rut, take a break of social media to become more present and rejuvenate in the real world.

Reiki ,Mantra therapy and Vedic Astrology

As a vedic astrology student and learner in life , I am pursuing Vedic astrology from SIVA – Sarvamangala Institute of Vedic Astrology , It sort of integrates my journey into Life Design mandalas with astronomy. I want to share my perspectives of being on a spiritual quest from a long time -led me to the mystical workings of the planetary energies.

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Whenever there is an eclipse or Retrograde , you can pray and surround your aura with positive vibes and the best is chanting mantras and lighting a lamp or a strong intention for protection against the negative effect of the lunar or solar eclipse.

Also as Channels of Reiki , me and my Reiki friends, lately have been experiencing or observing thought waves having lower & negative energies and not so pleasant to deal with .- which are universal or collective projections.

If you have been experiencing or noticing the same let’s all put an intent that these fears and anxieties and lower vibrations dissipate and dissolve along with the eclipse. Please feel to ask for help. Do not take hasty decisions or actions. These global phenomenons don’t have power over us but they do affect people who are extremely sensitive or with a weaker mind/disturbed emotional state. They could be driven to take decisions that may not be fruitful later on .Hence care needs to be taken to not hurry up any decisions till the air or atmosphere around becomes clearer. I am no expert but just sharing a few mantras that can come handy during these times.

I have been listening to some of these and they do have powerful vibes. Chant Aum Namah Shivaya 1008 times

Chant Navagraha mantras Prayers for The Sun Lord either Surya Gayatri or Aditya Hrudhayam

Also chant Hanuman Chalis or listen to it here

Universal Peace Mantra

|| Loka Samantha Sukhino bhavantu || 3 times

To your health and abundance and protection.

Stay safe. My guru’s are Dr Bala Chandra ji and Shailaja Iyer ji PS This is purely my personal opinion and perspective I may be wrong and hence be corrected by my gurus.

Mandala Image : All Copyrights reserved @2021

Passion and Purpose

Do you ever feel confused? Pulled in so many directions at one time that you cannot figure out what you are interested in or how it all could possibly fit together? 

Underneath the indifference and confusion, there is still a voice saying, “There has to be more than this!” 

There is. 

The great news is that it DOES all fit together, because YOU fit together. You would not be the you that you are without all the fabulous bits that come together into the delightfully human you are. 

for eg : 

Do you dream of being on stage? 

• Writing a bestselling novel? 

• Producing a life-changing film? 

• Changing the way people think about their spirituality? 

See, you were designed this way. You have a purpose and a plan and your soul signed you up for ALL the challenges and opportunities you are experiencing. 

Your soul knows what it knows. You would not be called to it if you did not have it in you. If you are called to it, it is part of your purpose! So what are you waiting for ?

My perspectives on Following your Passion and Purpose

Increase your Public Speaking Confidence today!

When it comes to making a success of any public speaking exercise there are several tried and true methods that can be successfully adopted to ensure all endeavours proceed smoothly in order to garner the right kind of results or responses. By exploring the many and often varied techniques, the individual will be able to make an informed assessment as to which “tool” would be most beneficial to be used in any specific public speaking foray.

There are some basic points that should be understood and accepted as a given when it comes to the public speaking basics. In the quest to present material that is both relevant yet exciting and engaging one has to be able to understand and relate to the receiving party at all times.

Failing to note these very important elements will cause the entire exercise to be ineffective and a waste of time for all parties involved. Therefore there is a need to understand the audience before making any presentation.

When engaging in the public speaking exercise the main and perhaps most important point to bear in mind is keeping the attention of the audience from the beginning to the end of the presentation. If this is successfully done, then the presenter has been able to achieve his or her goal in imparting the material.

In order to establish one’s self as an effective presenter the element of being able to successfully connect with any audience at anytime is very important. The importance of the connection capability should never be underestimated.

When there is no proper connection between the presenter and the audience, the material presented will seem boring and uninformative. This will then cause the attention span of the audience to waver and even dim altogether. When this happens the audience may cause disturbances or distractions due to the restlessness as a result of the boredom.

Contact me for the e-book today!

5 Ways to declutter your mind

When it comes to decluttering your home, there ís a simple solution: put everything on eBay (this is a bit oversimplified, but it ís possible, isn’t it?. Yet, when it comes to decluttering your mind, it ís not really possible to unload your thoughts onto eager internet buyers…or is it?

Here are a few ways I suggest that you can declutter your mind.

1: Declutter your space. We are what we eat…and what we see. While people may argue about whether or not violent movies can raise a generation of messed-up, angry kids, let us just err on the side of caution and declutter the space around us. With less things in our field of vision, we have less garbage to stew over and worry about…freeing up the space in our mind.

2: Declutter your schedule. Another thing that can drive us crazy is the constant rush from one activity to another. Take a look at your schedule and start eliminating things that aren’t necessary. All they’re doing is adding stress to your day and giving you more food to throw into the ever-spiralling mental stew of stress.

3: Unplug from the party. Would you be able to sleep and rest easily if you were attending a party of several thousand people say, like Times Square on New Year is Eve? That is pretty much what is going on with your smartphone, tapped in as you (probably) are to several social media networks. The pings, dings, and rings from various contacts, along with the thrill of finding a new message are all adding small but unhealthy doses of stress to your day.

4: Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is all about engaging with the present in a fully, alive way. There are lots of ways to practice the skill of mindfulness, from meditation to just staring at an object (like a candle) and contemplating its existence. Mindfulness will help you learn how to push relevant concerns out of your conscious thought process, leading to increased concentration and a decluttered mind.

5: Let go. Remember that scene from Titanic where Kate says to Jack, I’ll never let you go? Well, sometimes it is best to let old memories die. From broken relationships to diabolical bosses, we tend to have a whole lot of backstory spinning in the back of our mind. Just let it all go, and like a computer that suddenly operates faster, you’ll find your mind in a much more free and easy state.

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10 Small Steps To Improve Your Health

source : angelweekly

Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or join the neighbourhood health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health.

“Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine,” says James O. Hill, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. “They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change.”

Here are 10 to try:

  1. Stop gaining weight. Even if you gain just a pound or two every year, the extra weight adds up quickly.
  2. Take more small steps. Use a pedometer to count your daily steps; then add 2,000, the equivalent of one extra mile. Keep adding steps, 1,000 to 2,000 each month or so, until you take 10,000 steps on most days.
  3. Eat breakfast. Breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and have better diets overall. For a filling and nutrition-packed breakfast, top Whole Grain TotalÆ with fresh fruit slices and low-fat or fat-free milk.
  4. Switch three grain servings each day to whole grain. If you’re like the average American, you eat less than one whole grain serving a day.
  5. Have at least one green salad every day. Eating a salad (with low-fat or fat-free dressing) is filling and may help you eat less during the meal. It also counts toward your five daily cups of vegetables and fruits.
  6. Trim the fat. Fat has a lot of calories, and calories count. Purchase lean meats, eat poultry without the skin, switch to lower-fat cheeses, use a nonstick pan with only a dab of oil or butter.
  7. Consider calcium by including two or three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt. Dairy calcium is good for bones and may also help you lose weight.
  8. Downsize. The smaller the bag, bottle or bowl, the less you will eat.
  9. Lose just 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are huge-lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
  10. Keep track of your eating. Write down what you eat over the next couple of days and look for problem spots. Often, just writing things down can help you eat less.

What is Chakra Meditation?

Your health is one of the most important things that you have to take care of. Because of this, a lot of people are doing everything they can just to get the perfect balance of chemicals in their body in order to obtain perfect health. You also need to consider that a lot of people find it hard to relax and control their emotions. You have to remember that anger can contribute to poor health and this is the emotion that you should minimize bringing at as much as possible.

Chakra tapestry

It is important that you should never be angry if you don’t need to be angry in order to balance your spiritual self to promote good health and good healing.

Today, a lot of people are not participating in different kinds of meditation in order to achieve balance in their #emotions and also in their spirit. You have to consider that meditating can contribute a lot of great benefits for your body.

With meditation, you will be able to relax more and you can effectively control your emotions and never be angry if you don’t need to be angry.

Venue : Aroma Home Wellness Centre, Brookefields Bangalore

By not wasting precious energy on being angry, you can put all these negative energies and turn it into positive energies that can be useful in your everyday life. Always remember that nothing uses up a lot of energy more than anger.

Venue : Aroma Home Wellness Centre, Brookefields , Bangalore

So, if you are having problems controlling your emotions, problems in relaxing, or you simply want to experience oneness with yourself, you have to try chakra meditation.

To sign up for a personalised chakra meditation cum therapy session, DM me today!

5 Reasons Why Setting Intentions is Important in Every Area of Life?

When it comes to most areas of life, people tend to float around and embrace the idea of whatever happens, happens. But here are 5 reasons why setting goals is important, no matter what you’re talking about, whether it’s work, play, or even relationships.

  1. Intentions and Vision keep you focused. Imagine a ship setting sail without a destination in mind—as it traveled wherever the winds take it, supplies would eventually run out, and the crew would probably have to resort to cannibalism in order to survive.

Okay, so maybe a lack of goal setting won’t yield such dire results, but you certainly won’t get anywhere specific if you don’t have a plan. Whether you’re talking about work, hobbies, or relationships, setting an Intention with a goal will keep you moving towards success and fulfillment, without veering off course.

Without Goals or a Solid Plan – You wouldn’t know where you are going
  1. Goals help you make a plan of action. When you know how much you’ve accomplished, you can understand how much you need to achieve and pace yourself accordingly.

For example, if you set an intention or goal for yourself to save up a million dollars for retirement, you believe you’re two decades away from retiring, and have only saved up Rs.50,00,000 you need to know how much you may need to save around per month.

  1. Vision boards or Goal boards to get you motivated. Without an image or board thats placed right in front of you , your goal can end up only being in your mind, you can always say it will happen tomorrow—whatever it is. Of course, once tomorrow arrives, there will be a tomorrow after that, and so on.

Setting a goal with a timeline or date will force you into some accountability for your actions and force you to get up off the proverbial couch.

  1. Intentions and Goals can help you actualize your potential. Each and every one of us has incredible talents and abilities latently existing within, but very few people actually leverage those talents into something useful.

Setting goals and working towards them is a great way to put your skills to work, while developing and sharpening your natural talents.

  1. Goals keep you committed. One of the biggest deterrents to success is that people just give up along the road. If you set a goal for yourself and stick to it, you can block out unhelpful distractions and resist falling into depression or self-pity when things don’t quite go your way.

You know there’s an awesome view at the top of the mountain and you’re committed to seeing it, no matter how arduous the climb.