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4 Easy Ways To Headache relief with Reiki and massage

Having headache is annoying and sometimes it is difficult for us to avoid. Mostly when we are under pressure, headache appeared automatically. If it gets worse, we might faint due to the pain we felt.

A headache is a condition of mild to severe pain in the head. It can also attack at our upper back or neck. There are different types of headache, but most of the time headache brought on by stress, too long in front of computer, noise and others. 

One of the main causes of headache is tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and jaw. We usually deal with it by taking some sleep or consume over-the counter aspirin to release our pain. However, can we do this at any place? 

Obviously, we cannot sleep at the office or at the mall. In addition, we might run of aspirin when headache strike us.

Is Aspirin an NSAID?

Do not worry! The easiest way to handle headache and we can do it everywhere is through massage. Massage is the practice of applying pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, to heal injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

When we suffer from headache, we can help ourselves with self-massage. Simple and everybody can do it, either at work or home.

Here are four easy ways in massage to heal our headache. 

1. Eyes Area Massage — Close your eyes. Place your middle fingers to your eyes that are above cheekbones. Massage that area gently but firmly in circular motion for 1 minute.

Acupressure For The Eyes – 10 Massages For Better Vision

2. Eyes to Nose Massage – Using thumb, go along the underside of eyebrows (along the bone on top of eye socket). Feel where this bone meets the bridge of your nose and eyes and find a point where there is a small indentation. Very gentle pressure, press your thumbs into the points. You can do it four times by holding and press that area for 10 seconds in each press.

Self-Massages for 4 Different Headaches | Arapahoe Chiropractic

3. Neck Massage — Massage a point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands to the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specially, at the tops of your neck that meets the base of your skull. Massage for a minutes using finger tips gentle in circular movement.

Your Complete Guide to Self-Massages | Martha Stewart

4. Scalp Massage – Let your palms of your hands massage your scalp on the top of your skull for a minute gently. 

Self Massage: Facial & Scalp | Tiny Needle Acupuncture, LLC.

Once you have done all those massages, start taking a deep breath. Lift your shoulders towards your ears for five to 10 seconds to relief remaining pain, and then let them drop back down into their natural position. 

You are going to feel better when you can do that for a couple of times. Your massage will relief your headache and your head will feel less weighty.

Just for today – I will respect elders,parents and living things !

text and logo along with a picture of a person

My favorite amongst the 5 principles of Reiki

“Just for today I honor my parents , elders and all living things.”

What does this really mean?

The Reiki principles are spiritual ideals.
By adopting these precepts you will add balance and substance to your life. It is important that you realise that you are not expected to live every moment of your life within the framework of these ideals.

As humans we are all imperfect, and that is why each principle begins with “Just for today.”

If you skip today, you can always begin again tomorrow.
The more you work with the principles, the more you will condition yourself to adopt them as a way of life.

The law of karma states that what goes around comes around. Send out love and you will receive love back in return. Send out kindness and you will receive kindness. Send out healing and you receive healing. Send out positive thoughts and you will receive positive results.

Karma is a double edged sword. Send out negative thoughts and you will get negative results. Living within this precept will give you a happier and less stressful life full joy peace and love.

It is important to remember that the Reiki principles are only guides for a happier and more fulfilling life. They will surely transform your life.

Just for today – I will count my blessings !

The 5th Fifth Principle of Reiki

Just for today – I will count my blessings !

Life tends to give us what we need, it may not be what we want but it will be what we need. Karmicly throughout our lives we receive what we need to grow and learn in this lifetime. 

If we grasp these lessons and grow accordingly we will become spiritually enlightened. Instead of wasting your life complaining of the things that have happened to you, and the problems you face. 

Step back for a moment on a regular basis and discover and appreciate the many blessings in your life. 

Make a list of all your blessings. You will be amazed at how many wonderful things there are to give thanks for. Leave the materialistic things aside.

They are shallow and meaningless. Pay attention to, and focus on the things that are free and bring joy and humility to your life. For example, your mind, body, spirit, health, family, friends, flowers, trees, sea, sun, love, faith, knowledge, the countryside, animals, birds, etc., the list is endless. 

I remember that my diary 2012, 2013 & 2014 was filled with gratitude statements everyday I have probably practiced gratitude as a habit since 10 years now. When I am stuck Im grateful . When I am in pain , I try and see the positive side of why this pain in the first place. I try to see the sunny side in everything.

When I appreciated the true wonders of life and let go of the materialistic needs ,I started to enjoy my life more. 

Just for today – I will not worry!

Just for today – I will not worry!

Worry causes stress and anxiety leading to an imbalance of the mind body and spirit and blockage to the energy system. 

The best way to overcome worry is to accept that all of us are faced with difficulties and setbacks in our lives. How we respond to them determines how we ultimately lead our lives. 

If you choose to respond negatively by getting upset and anxious towards one of life’s setbacks you have chosen to damage the balance of your mind body and spirit. 

If you respond positively by accepting the setback as an opportunity to learn you can live a happier and more fulfilling life. 

6 tips for finding optimism

Optimism…itís a four syllable word that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa. But believe it or not, you too can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good.

Location : Thailand
Own photography

My husband mind state very neutral in his reaction at times.He cannot find positivity nor negativity in any circumstances.But he is highly driven by his emotions -his triggers come from either someone dishonoring his value system or his ethics or morality. So he often tells me that I seem to look at every situation – however grave they are – I generally bring out positivity in a manner of reflections and arrive at some conclusions and move ahead with optimism. So , like him , there would be many of you who would be seeking answers or ideas to find optimism in circumstances where you need hope and faith .

Here are a few ways to do that.

1: Find laughter.

Dora and her pets drawing

These days, it isn’t hard to find. With Youtube and social media, there is not shortage of memes, videos, vines, and more to get you crackalackin. You could also rent a funny movie, watch stand up comedy, or hangout with funny people. Laughter will lead you to smiling, and smiling will lead you to feeling good. Which brings us to our next point.

2: Turn the frown upside down.

turn your frown upside down - YouTube
Source : Internet

It is hard to believe that something as smiling can improve your mood, but studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift. Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even it if feels cheesy, stupid, and inauthentic. Hold your smile for a minute, two minutes, five minutes…see how long you can go. Start the day off with a smile, and make a conscious effort to smile more.

3: Use positive words.

Studies have shown and confirmed what spiritual traditions have long held regarding the power of the tongue: words can literally shape the reality around us. If you want to build a more positive vibe, try using more positive words. Eliminate negative talk about yourself, and others as well.

4: Find positive people.

Credits : Hubspot Images – Employees working together

The impact of those we hang out with is enormous. Avoid negative influences and people who bring your down with complaining and criticism. Misery loves company, the old adage goes, and these people will quickly bring you into a downward spiral. Find friends who are upbeat, positive, and happy, and their resilience and optimism will pass on to you.

5: Stay healthy.

Aura Photography

If you’re feeling tired and sick, it is easy to get irritable and negative. By contrast, try maintaining an active lifestyle of healthy choices that can maximize your energy levels and build you up. It is easier to be upbeat and happy when you feel good inside and out.

6: Get spiritual and/or actualized.

Most spiritual traditions promote a positive outlook on life. If you’re not so into organized religion, find something that can provide a positive outlet for you, like exercise, music, art, or reading. Just like using positive words can turn our perspective around, filling our hearts and minds with good stuff will help optimism come easier.

How to open and heal the sacral chakra with crystals therapy?

Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra is located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body.

It is the center of the Life Force of the body. It is the reservoir of the life force and all life flows out from the sacral chakra. It controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other “non-linear” communication comes from this chakra.

When it is out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration and bitterness.

When it is in balance you have grace, feel pleasure in life, enjoy yourself, play, and find you are flexible in both body and mind.

You can “go with the flow” of your life and times, and do so in good spirits.

Treat imbalance with orange or gold crystals to unblock the energy flow and restore your sense of balance and understanding and appreciation of your place in life.

Augment the crystal therapy with yoga exercises that emphasise balance. Engage in creative activities, such as painting, writing, composing, and acting to free up the creative energy, and of course, nothing will help as much as getting out on flowing water and reconnecting with the flow of nature.

Crystal Chakra Photography : Coral and Carnelian are good for root and sacral chakra
Chakra healing card

CARNELIAN. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment – yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life. It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind, helping you to trust yourself and your perceptions.

SUNSTONE. Sunstone is highly effective in cleansing the aura and chakras, and for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers, or anyone draining of your energies. Sunstone surrounds these hooks with love and positive energy, and returns them to the source. It is especially beneficial when ties need to be cut, or if you have difficulty saying “No.”

GOLDSTONE. Although Goldstone is a manmade stone of glass, it contains flecks of copper which give it that shimmering effect and give the stone a lot of metaphysical properties. It is an excellent conductor of energy. It helps balances chakras and connect well with the higher realm. Goldstone is a primary talisman of trust and cheerfulness. 

MOONSTONE. Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. It is an excellent crystal for first or new love, and is a comforting talisman if love must be kept a secret. It was also believed to be able to reunite loved ones who had parted in anger. Moonstone bestows a depth of feeling, a gentleness within the self that brings happiness to the environment in which it resides. Associated with the feminine, it enhances the intuitive side of the mind.

QUARTZ. Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Resonating at the level of an individual’s needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms.

This may accelerate the fulfilment of one’s prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur.

Let me know if these resources helped open up your sacral chakra?

Source: various Internet sources

Images : Own Photography

Positivity Aura Sprays from Ranjinii Rao

Our Aura sprays are created using a blend of essential oils, sacred chants, Reiki Energy, purified water, essential oils and crystal essences.

There is approx 100 ml in all our sprays.

Positivity Aura Sprays

Spray a few mists into your space and walk through the mist to protect your aura for enhancing positivity energy.

Created with the essence of Clear Quartz, Citrine and Yellow Jasper, Carnelian , Pyrite , blended Lavender and Lemongrass essential oils and chants and energy mandalas related to Positivity !

Why Your Energy Comes in Waves and What to do About It?

To get the most out of yourself, whether it ís at work or during physical exercise, it is crucial to understand how the body’s systems work. Most particularly, it is very important to recognise how the energy systems work and how they help to keep us awake and focussed throughout the day and soundly asleep during the night. Once you understand this, you can create a routine that helps you perform your best at the right times.

The Sleep Wake Cycle

The first thing to acknowledge is the body ís sleep/wake cycle. This is called the circadian rhythm and it is essentially our body clock, which is set by both external cues (called external zeitgebers) and internal ones (called internal pacemakers).

Things like sunlight, the build-up of metabolites in our bodies and even social cues help us to understand when we should be awake and when we should be winding down ready for bed. Shifting your body clock is very difficult as it means that the external cues and internal ones will be out of alignment until your body is able to sync up again ñ this is why jet lag is so painful. This is also why Monday is so painful: after two days of waking up at 12pm, it is very hard to go back to getting up at seven. The unfortunate solution? That is right: stick to the same routine during your weekends!

The Anabolic/Catabolic Cycle

Throughout the day, your body will go through several more smaller cycles. These cause you to fluctuate between an anabolic state and a catabolic state. When we are anabolic, we are calm, relaxed and producing hormones and neurotransmitters that make us feel good. This is also when the body stores fat and builds muscle. When we are catabolic meanwhile, we are burning fat for energy, highly focussed and ready for action. In terms of our evolutionary history ñ catabolic states were the fight or flight states, while anabolic states were our rest and digest states.

When our blood sugar is low or we’re in danger, we go into a catabolic fight or flight mode. When we’ve eaten and when we’re safe and happy, the body takes stock and starts to recover in an anabolic state.

Of course ,we aren’t constantly going through these two extremes but we will always be somewhere on that spectrum ñ either highly focussed, or calm and relaxed. The key is to make sure that we are highly focussed at the right times and calm at the right times. And this is linked to a number of factors. Eating for instance causes an influx of sugar that puts us in an anabolic, restful state. If you’re having a big lunch then, do it at the start of your break so that you have time to rest and digest and literally. Likewise, recognize that you can’t spend your whole day in focussed, alert mode without it taking a toll. Make sure you schedule mini breaks and listen to what your body is telling you.

6 Reasons Why You Should Prioritise Self-Care?

Even if you weren’t personally affected by any one of the challenging events of 2020 — the pandemic, the economic crash, the protests, dangerous wildfires…

… many of us still felt the effects of added stress, anxiety, and grief, manifesting in things like headaches and sleep deprivation, or even the exacerbation of current illnesses or chronic conditions. 

There’s no doubt in my mind that the physical and mental effects of this year’s constant turmoil could linger in us for years to come. 

But as I reflect on the challenges of this year, I also think of what’s helped me through it: friends, family, online communities, and meditations and self care practices that helped keep the stress at bay.

Self-care refers to any activity that we engage in to maintain and nourish our health, including mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. While it may seem like an obvious concept, self-care often gets cast aside for more pressing priorities such as work, family and the everyday pressures of life. There are many reasons why you should prioritise self-care and I’ve listed six of the most important below.

1. Improves mood swings

Mood Images | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD

I started Investing time in my own care had a major impact on my mood, leading to greater optimism and positivity. It helped me to feel happier, more satisfied and better able to cope with the challenges that life throws you way. Even taking a small amount of time per week to nurture my physical, emotional and mental health can be hugely beneficial on my mood.

2. Helps relationships

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Self-care helps me to be the best version of yourself, which in turn as a positive impact on your relationships. Taking regular time to invest in my personal health allows me to be happier and more stable as an individual. This has a flow on effect as it allows me to be more patient and accommodating with others and therefore have better relationships.

3. Decreases risk of burnout

Premium Vector | Burnout concept illustration with happy and exhausted male  office worker sitting at the table with full and low battery.

I lead a busy life and I regularly invest in my self-care routine as it is necessary to avoid burnout. Find a form of self-care that works for you, whether that be taking a walk, spending time with family or getting a massage, and commit to engaging in it regularly. It will help to manage your stress and prevent burnout.

4. Makes you become more present

Download Mindfulness Concept Illustration for free | Illustration, Vector  art, Vector illustration
mindfulness vector images

Spending time managing yourself allowed me to become more present and engaged with my surroundings.

You are likely to have a better understanding of what it takes to maintain your mental, physical and emotional health, thus resulting in you having a greater focus on your current mood and trigger that have the potential to impact your health.

5. Better performance

Free Vector | Characters of a business people and performance growth icons

Self-care is often seen as indulgent, when in actual fact it can have a much broader impact. Looking after yourself helps to maintain your health, which in turn allows you to perform better in all aspects of your life: work, family, sport.

6. Increases quality of life

How to take care of yourself? - E2EXCHANGE

The overarching benefit of self-care is that it increased the quality of my life.

By helping you to be healthier, have better relationships and be more present, We help you to live a more fulfilling life.

How do you plan to take care of yourself this year?

Chakra Balancing and healing through Reiki , crystals with color and scented candles

Firstly- Have you known or heard about Human Energy Chakra systems?

The chakras are described as being aligned in an ascending column from the base of the back to the top of the head. New Age practices frequently associate each chakra with a particular color.

Chakra tapestry

In assorted traditions chakras are affiliated with multiple physiological functions, and facet of consciousness, a classical element, and other distinguishing features. They’re visualized as lotuses/flowers with a assorted number of petals in every chakra.

The chakras are thought to vitalize the physical body and to be affiliated with interactions of a physical, emotional and mental nature. The purpose of the chakras is to spin and attract in energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness of the body in balance.

They’re stated by some to reflect how the unified consciousness of humanity is divided to manage assorted facets of earthly life. It is as well associated to spiritual healing.

They carry the positive and negative energy circuits from the energy vortexes around us commonly known as the Bio Energy field or Human Energy field *HEF

The chakra energy system balances a person’s level and intensity of energy , magnetism and ability to manifest and function on the earth’s plane or earths platonic grid. As earth has her own magnetism and energy field measured commonly known as “the Schumann resonances (SR) ” they are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency resonance .

Chakra mandala designs of Ranjinii Rao @2020 Copyrights

The earths vibrational frequency is 7.83 hz and that is how we can connect to earth ‘s energy or frequency at the same time our frequency can reach higher planes with the help of chakra vortices. This video demo is a basic way of connecting to the chakras through distant or self healing method by using chakra tapestry symbolising the colors and images, with Reiki infused chakra crystal and candle essences to balance,energize and activate our chakras.

How to do a chakra energy self healing or distance healing session ?

There are 7 major chakras, or energy centers, along the spine–from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Each chakra has a assorted purpose, but they all work together to bring the body into balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Meditating or attunement by a Reiki or Spiritually Evolved Energy Master on the chakras may enhance this balance and, in turn, your life.

Below video demonstrates a holistic way of how to send energy to your own chakras or distance healing .

If you are located anywhere outside Bangalore (India) and are looking for a chakra balancing cum Reiki energy healing session through distance or face to face connect with us on or!