Browse Tag: reiki

5 Tips For Better Self-Care ❤️

It can be difficult to make time for self-care in our busy schedules. We run from one commitment to another, filling every gap in our life with work, study, family and social events. The chaos of modern life makes it even more important that we take the time to care for our individual wellbeing, both physically and mentally. If you are struggling with your own self-care, consider these five tips to improve your habits.

1. Add self-care to your normal routine

When planning your weekly schedule, make sure that you have time for self-care. Cementing its place in your routine means that you will be more likely to commit to self-care as you will have allocated time specifically reserved for it. The more often you practice self-care, the more it will become a habit and part of your regular life.

2. Do what suits you

Self-care looks for different for everyone. Some people enjoy getting outdoors, others like catching up with friends and some people prefer sitting at home losing themselves in a good book or movie. Identify what makes you feel better and commit to that. Don’t feel pressured by what others consider self-care; long walks aren’t for everyone.

3. Practice gratitude

Engaging in regular gratitude practice is a valuable habit and a worthwhile way to spend your allocated self-care time. Take some time each day or week to write down three things that you are grateful for. Try to think of unique things that have happened for that week, rather than repeating the same common things each time. It may be difficult at first, but the more you practice gratitude the easier it will become. Regular participation in gratitude exercises trains your brain to be more thankful and positive about the things you have in your life, rather than focusing on the things you don’t have or things that aren’t going so well.

4. Be brave and try something new

Trying something new is a great way to break the monotony of everyday life. Your mental health will benefit and you will learn new skills, both through the actual activity but also in regard to managing your nerves and being open to new opportunities. It is a great way to take care of your mental, and depending on the activity, physical health.

5. Detox from social media Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with people, but in can also lead to resentment through comparison. If you are feeling overwhelmed or finding yourself in a rut, take a break of social media to become more present and rejuvenate in the real world.

How Awareness of her own emotions raised her ability to manage her emotional intelligence in a big way!

Here is a story of a Corporate mom who came to me initially when I had setup my counselling practice and then undertook Reiki practitioner course for her own emotional awareness and raise her level of socially being aware of her kids emotions.

I share the truth about the emotional baggages and unfulfilled dreams that parents hold back and how they are unaware of it at a deep subconscious level keeping them in a victim mindset or comfort zone. Yes, for sure Mom’s have a care giving attitude and it is natural to be over protective about their kids but it is certainly not a way to remain in ignorance as far as their emotions are concerned.

Her name was Raji and she told me she couldn’t bear the changes that her son was going through and he was misbehaving with her a certain way and it will never happen that he might listen to her in this lifetime! She said , “I think his behaviour bothers me much all the time”.

How I proved her wrong?

When we digged further, her deep rooted beliefs and her unhappiness about leaving her job for taking care of her family and raising her kids and she had gotten too much involved into his matters . He was growing into a teenager and had his own emotional needs however she was too obsessed about his habits and him being unorganised at home and constantly comparing her studious daughter and her unruly son !

I asked her some powerful questions – and she said her health was deteriorating and she wanted to let out her personal grievances one by one.

The truth was she was going through a mid life crisis and hormonal imbalances and once women get signals from the body -they kinda trigger emotions and cause inner turbulences, however women typically attribute t to their kids and house hold members…She had tried meditation and various other techniques but couldn’t focus much.

Women and Hormonal Imbalance | DietZones
Credit Image : Diet Zones

This is exactly where I come in as my role as a spiritual change catalyst and emotional intelligence facilitator and helped her understand her own emotional state and once she was able to bring awareness around her emotions and watch her behaviours and thoughts -they would shift her perspective about her son.

She had one of her breakthroughs her belief systems once she did Reiki and shared me her observations about her thoughts and feelings and decided to take full responsibility for herself. She became more understanding towards her son especially and tried not to compare too much.

She started on a daily routine and included self care and goals setting into her lifestyle design ! She messaged me one fine day and told me she undertook “Art of Living” course and was much more at peace and balanced state of mind.She also invested in her self care by spending more time with kids and tutoring other kids.

Will you fuel your anger or frustration or raise awareness on your emotions and beliefs ? Have you heard or been there in such a similar situation? Let me know here.

How does your holistic health and living impact women’s fertility?

Previously my eating choices were unhealthy and it was all linked to a lifestyle issue than a nutritional & fitness related one.

I tried as much to reduce weight and attempted many workout styles and routines ..the results weren’t impressive.

Image : Own Photography
Venue : Citrus Goa

However , the moment I Redesigned my Lifestyle by incorporating holistic and alternate therapies and developed a positive outlook and it transformed my life totally!

Read about my journey on

image being cropped

What I discovered during my health treatment journey was that a healthy gut wall is permeable , which means that it allows for the transfer of Nutrients. Digested fats, proteins, carbohydrates,vitamins , minerals, phyto-nutrients and water are transported across into the bloodstream.

My gut was allergic to gluten i.e. wheat and diary -they were the common triggers but they formed a major part of my daily diet. If you suspect you might suffer from a food intolerance , consider consulting a nutritionist for advise and a comprehensive allergy screening.

A healthy gut won’t allow toxins to enter , they can get across into the bloodstream if there is a low intake of beneficial minerals,such as calcium , magnesium and zinc ..If you tend to be an alcoholic then it is going to be extremely conducive to attack. Optimal levels of healthy bacteria in the gut are vital.

The startling truth is that the media, all the new magazines, television shows.They’ve secretly been keeping you fat for years.Even doctors for that matter want to see you more often at their clinic.

Or in the least, they’ve certainly not HELPED you lose weight or body fat or in fertility issues.

My biggest discovery was that >> Your fertility is not in the body it lies in awakening your mindset/soul consciousness and first creating an abundant lifestyle for yourself !

The biggest and truest honour one can do is to Honour one’s creator and creative power within. Once we do that – then everything is harmonious and balanced!

We will talk in the coming blog series on how doctors and media and societal pressure creates a negative influence on your creative mindset and how you can unlock your creative potential – including conception!

(Source : Articles by Dr Jan West,Internet)

Why should you take our Reiki101 Basics workshop?

Reiki was looked as a strange practice from the days it was originated in Japan in the year 1922. It was started by Buddhists in Japan with intentions to heal using the palm of the individual in order to release positive energy to the patient.

At times Reiki is considered as oriental method of treatment by specialized medical bodies.

Reiki 101 Basics

Learn The Natural Curing Energies Of Reiki

The Fundamentals

In general it is divided into 3 major stages of proficiency, which are first, second and third degree, those who practice Reiki will be able to prevent illnesses and heal themselves and others as well.

The second stage of practitioners has the capability to cure and heal anyone from a distance, which is referred as distance healing. The final degree (highest) is the vital level in which the practitioner is meticulously knowledge with the essential acquaintance and proficiency to edify and attune others to reiki practice.

In simple words, it is a simple method of healing concept with holistic methods and without using any medications at all. The method is done by the practitioner by placing his or her hands on the person who needs the healing.

If you want more information on Reiki workshops – you can write to [email protected] and we will keep you posted on our upcoming workshops.

Use the imagination of DNA Reiki and your Brain’s Software program to Free yourself from resentments from your DNA!

“Be your own person. Be a conscious co-creator.”

I thanked spirit and my inner divinity and goddess for guiding me as I channeled the message and set out to design the resentment code program.

One fine day I was posting inspirational messages for my clients on the computer and there came a download in my heart – Do you want to let go of Resentment? Of what use it is for you and what kind of energy is it fulfilling within you? I instantly said to my inner guides/Inner council – “Oh no, I’m not in favour of holding back any energy –please help me resolve it!”

(Photography : Ranjini’s own photography )

Let’s decode “Regrets” using the software developer lingo..using DNA Reiki 

The regret list can be longer or smaller depending on how you have been dealing or addressing regrets in your life. Some people do something about it by making new choices or taking action and changing their energy and mindset. Some people chose to live in regrets and resentments.

Here are the Instructions for decoding it as suggested by my council. Firstly before receiving this download you are giving your full consent to the Divine Creator ,Reiki Masters, Soul Guides and keepers of the Light to free yourself from this pattern. 

So for a moment, I’m going to ask you to take a piece of pen and paper and write down all the regrets that you have about your life or career or about relationships…Wish you had or Wish you hadn’t.

Once you have completed the list, Bring your focus and attention to your brain and heart and gut. Imagine this bug called ‘Regret’ has entered your system like a computer virus. 

And you have been wanting to let go of this energy but did not know how?

Suddenly you have access to an anti-virus software to it! It’s in the form of a USB or “Sei Hei Ki” key aka as a software program code (DNA). 

See yourself installing it with a CD or USB having SHK key- SHK is inserting into your brain, heart and gut. 

Turn the SHK key and enter the passkey (as per your creative Imagination) 

Let’s name the passkey as “Progress” & “Leap” and 10-17 (Switchword Number 10 raised to the power of -17 ) (*website )

See your organs processing these software codes. Imagine some clearing is happening inside…some spaces are clearing for new things to enter your life. 

Some creative visual images for Subconscious mind to believe it’s happening is to see it being deleted or uninstalled from your system.

Idea here is to visualise command prompt “Delete Regret Software” Confirm Y or N –Are you sure? Press Y button to continue.”Uninstall complete”100% to 0% .

Uninstalling the imprints. Formatting and re-installing New Blueprints for resentment from Heart Chakra.

Once you feel the job of completely uninstalling or deleting the VIRUS called REGRET is done, It will prompt you -Do you want to install “PROGRESS” or “UPGRADE to LEAP” software?

Again, Y or No as a command prompt to choose the software code and enter CHK symbol passkey to proceed…Once you press Y to confirm see the CHK symbol software installing into your brain,heart and gut and see it getting done from 0% in 100% in less than _3_ mins / 33 seconds. 

Intend and Intone CHK Symbol 333 (3 raised to the power of 33 times) 

And know you are ready to move forward in your life.

You are now FREE from any past regrets or resentments in your life ….

You could now reprogram the new software that you want …

Now re-designing a new empowering program is your choice! 

Give Reiki to the Mind ,Heart and Gut and close with GASSHO gratitude prayer and thank your guides.

This meditation was channeled from Ranjini Rao’s Light Council members on 03/03/2020        

Are you willing to accept your shadow self ?

Shadow therapy or work is an illusionary web that the mind spins psychologically to create a veil of darkness .. We all have the veils of darkness ,don’t we?

Ever wondered why the moon is associated to shadow self and the Sun to light?
(metaphorically, it symbolises the mother / psyche / subconscious mind) and Sun symbolises the father / will power / conscious mind.

Ever remember our parents telling us -“You are stupid”. “You are like that only.” “You will never change your habits”. Where did this come from? Probably from their parents? and whom did they pass it on to – us!

The moon draws energy from Sun and that’s where she gets her power from.

Similarly the darkness in our minds could be drawing power from our environment and soul conditioning / patterning, and the negative suggestions / statements and imprints that form the basis of the shadow self building up.

At times,it could manifest from self limiting beliefs or thought patterns …emotions such as fear, anger, uncertainty or being in the unknown zone or untrodden path.

The layering of the veil constantly influencing our minds , is that keeps us thinking we can never change ! We tell our selves that and we imbibe it in our belief systems and we become that ..

The works of Maa Kali (Goddess of Transformation) she symbolises change and when she enters your life – she awakens that truth or true nature within you, somewhere nudges you to connect to your true self / Authentic self ie divinity and power, confidence and drives transformation.

She prompts you to look at the shadows and accept and embrace the whole self ( Mandala )and see that truest potential – you are that ‘illumined self’ and darkness is a veil that keeps you in the comfort zone.

Too much introspection or inaction leads to depression in the mind, fear , illusion etc. That’s why I ask my clients- How do you know you are depressed ?
It is dangerous to assume that psychiatric treatment is the answer to depression.

Do you recollect those darkest moments or shadow side of you? What did you do differently?