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Imagination is the first step towards creating your new reality !

The ability to imagine things pervades our entire existence. It influences everything we do, think about and create. It leads to elaborate theories, dreams and inventions in any profession from the realms of academia to engineering and the arts.

The definition of imagination is the ability to come up with mental images of something that is not real or to come up with new and creative ideas. When a child is playing house and creates a pretend story, this is an example of a child using his imagination.

As per mentor – Bob Proctor his powerful quote actually means “Creation begins in the mind before it becomes physical.”

Everybody has the ability to imagine, but imagination becomes powerful when you turn it into “manifestation”. Every material thing that was created by humans was first imagined.

To imagine that which does not exist in your reality requires Discipline , Determination , Dedication and Belief & Faith. Learn to become a powerful manifestor or generator of positive outcomes in your life .

We are all creators of our destiny but very few people understand the power of imagination to create powerful experiences for themselves.

Mantras can Cultivate Inner Peace and Happiness!

Are you struggling with the fact that you really don’t know anything about getting and staying inspired and motivated?

You have to have incentive and drive for following your huge dreams, and likewise for the performance of minor daily jobs and chores,
otherwise, laziness, absence of vitality and procrastination will set in. Rather than suffering, feeling uncomfortable and passive, it would be much
more beneficial to produce enough motivation to take action and accomplish things.

This will make you feel much better, happy and gratified and more successful.

What if I can offer you a solution that will help you to attain greatness, to know exactly what you have to do to be a success, get inspired and inspire others?

In this book, you will learn about what comprises Of Personal Affirmations and Mantras and Inspirational words that matter and motivate yourself and others.

With great power comes great responsibility. Once you know
the secrets in this amazing series, there is no going back.

It’s time to get moving toward developing success in
your self growth and inspiration! Write to me here or comment on my post to learn more about this e-book that I am offering !

‘Becoming’ that Buddha

Wat Pho – Thailand , Temple of reclining Buddha

In Life there are areas where you feel stuck , isnt it ?

And nothing seems to create a shift for you? So how do we bring awareness to those areas?

By ‘Becoming’

By becoming the observer of your own feelings you will come to a greater understanding of yourself and be better able to let things go as negative emotions release their grip on you.

How to become an Observer?
I first came across the notion of being an observer in ‘Thresholds of the Mind’ by Bill Harris. Bill calls it, Finding the Witness.
The idea is that part of you observes what is happening even as it happens. When you observe in this way you feel as if you are standing outside yourself and observing how you’re feeling, what you are doing, and how you’re interacting with your environment.

You learn incredible amounts about yourself by doing this and after a really short space of time you begin to have a greater understanding of your emotions. This gives you a choice to respond better to your emotions.

5 Reasons Why Setting Intentions is Important in Every Area of Life?

When it comes to most areas of life, people tend to float around and embrace the idea of whatever happens, happens. But here are 5 reasons why setting goals is important, no matter what you’re talking about, whether it’s work, play, or even relationships.

  1. Intentions and Vision keep you focused. Imagine a ship setting sail without a destination in mind—as it traveled wherever the winds take it, supplies would eventually run out, and the crew would probably have to resort to cannibalism in order to survive.

Okay, so maybe a lack of goal setting won’t yield such dire results, but you certainly won’t get anywhere specific if you don’t have a plan. Whether you’re talking about work, hobbies, or relationships, setting an Intention with a goal will keep you moving towards success and fulfillment, without veering off course.

Without Goals or a Solid Plan – You wouldn’t know where you are going
  1. Goals help you make a plan of action. When you know how much you’ve accomplished, you can understand how much you need to achieve and pace yourself accordingly.

For example, if you set an intention or goal for yourself to save up a million dollars for retirement, you believe you’re two decades away from retiring, and have only saved up Rs.50,00,000 you need to know how much you may need to save around per month.

  1. Vision boards or Goal boards to get you motivated. Without an image or board thats placed right in front of you , your goal can end up only being in your mind, you can always say it will happen tomorrow—whatever it is. Of course, once tomorrow arrives, there will be a tomorrow after that, and so on.

Setting a goal with a timeline or date will force you into some accountability for your actions and force you to get up off the proverbial couch.

  1. Intentions and Goals can help you actualize your potential. Each and every one of us has incredible talents and abilities latently existing within, but very few people actually leverage those talents into something useful.

Setting goals and working towards them is a great way to put your skills to work, while developing and sharpening your natural talents.

  1. Goals keep you committed. One of the biggest deterrents to success is that people just give up along the road. If you set a goal for yourself and stick to it, you can block out unhelpful distractions and resist falling into depression or self-pity when things don’t quite go your way.

You know there’s an awesome view at the top of the mountain and you’re committed to seeing it, no matter how arduous the climb.

Listing your dreams- activity!

Image may contain: Ranjini Rao, standing and sitting
Photography Credits : Matar Media , Masterlife , Venue : The Hub Bengaluru ,

With A small list of wishes is how I started my journey into product + services entrepreneurship 💕💕

Are you amazed by the “power of journaling your wishes and dreams” from the heart ? 

Try it today ! Dreams come true ! We need to trust 🙇‍♀️ and surrender 🎈🎈🎈

Take a deep breath and relax 
Write down all your wishes with a fun mindset without any expectations and then place it in front of you ! 

Everyday in the morning – look at it and say “I’m truly grateful becoz this too shall come true !“ 

“Gratitude” is the mother of all attitudes 🌸

Mindfulness through Art and Qi from Srishti Vataa Healing arts centre

According to a HBR study — Organizations are demanding ever-higher performance from their workforces. People are trying to comply, but the usual method — putting in longer hours — has backfired. They’re getting exhausted, disengaged,and sick. And they’re defecting to healthier job environments.

Longer days at the office don’t work because time is a limited resource. But personal energy is renewable, say Schwartz and McCarthy. How might organisations buildworkers’ physical, emotional, and mental resilience for their employees?

Help your employees systematically rejuvenate their personal energy, and the benefits go straight to your bottom line.

Whats the ROI?

Wachovia Bank: Participants in an energy renewal program produced 13% points greater YoY in revenues from loans than a control group did. And they exceeded the control group’s gains in revenues from deposits by 20% points.


By giving their employees a space to express their true selves and manage their energy- at all 4 levels,

And….Here’s a great opportunity !

Introducing “Mindfulness through art and Qi” workshop that will help employees focus on building mental resilience which is an innate ability to overcome difficult situation, challenges and overall adversities that one faces on a daily basis.Its loaded with activity and action.

An action packed virtual hour of 3 hours :

  1. Understand employee challenges or pain points through non judgemental and non verbal method
  2. A mandala art therapy session complimented by a centering meditation technique
  3. Body movement to integrated and learn new behaviours or expressions
  4. Reflections and wrap up

It will help them in developing the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.

DM if any one interested : [email protected]

How to find your passion using IGIKAI?

Spending your your in self awareness means constructively using it on anything which motivates you and helps create or reinvent yourself or makes you more confidence and living the best version of yourself!

One such self awareness exercise is reading books; they not only help you add to your knowledge but also enable you to concentrate and gain something insightful and build your expertise.

Some books have such powerful content that you feel like they changed your life and one such book is ‘Ikigai’.

I have been using IKIGAI process with my clients to help them discover themselves again and get back into the flow.Sometimes, in the rush to achieve our goals and racing up to corporate game can exhaust you.

Ikigai is a Japanese secret for a long and happy life. The book takes you around true-life stories of men and women living in Okinawa, a small island in the south of Japan, who have essentially lived content over the ages of 100 and how? Where your passion, mission, profession and vocation collide is where you ‘Ikigai’ is born; the purpose of your life, the joy and fulfilment in your daily routine.

I suggest that everyone should try reading and applying this 5 step method during this phase and make it worthwhile your time and energy !

I am attaching a high rise design template for trying your IKIGAI process.

Give me a shout out if you need help in working with introspecting this with you!
