What every woman of 45+ years needs to know about Hormone imbalances?

Hormones are chemicals, which transfer information and regulate many processes throughout the body. They serve many important functions in our lives. For women there are many specialized female hormones that affect them from the beginning of life right into old age so it is important to learn as much as possible about them.

40 Plus and All is Well: Balancing hormones – the ovaries and oestrogen
Source : 40plusalliswell.blogspot

As we grow up from childhood and begin to develop, hormones once held dormant, begin to be released and cause many changes in physical appearance. There are also many internal differences as well. Female hormones are responsible for all the specialised development that a girl goes through in becoming a woman. The process usually takes around four years and in this time varying hormone levels can be difficult to adapt to. As the process begins, the hypothalamus begins to release hormones that will in turn trigger another endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, to release two other hormones. These two hormones are luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These are sent to the ovaries, which are then stimulated to create their own female hormones.

Pituitary Gland - Anatomy and Physiology | Endocrine System
Source :

Female hormones are also necessary in regulating a womenís menstrual cycle, allowing her to give birth. The main hormones produced by the ovaries are progesterone and estrogen. These along with LH and FSH have a large role in a womenís natural cycle. Hormones take a drastic change when a woman becomes pregnant as well. Estrogen and Progesterone levels remain high in the body during this time. There are many different hormones as well. Each hormone involved in pregnancy serves a vital role in this complex cycle.

Inverted Balance – Headstand Pose in Yoga

After a pregnancy, hormone levels yet again take another drastic change, reverting back to normal levels. This can be difficult for some women to adapt to and there are a number of negative symptoms that are believed to be caused by the many hormonal changes occurring in the body. Female hormones and their affect on emotional and psychological behavior are still not very well known however.

Women undergo another change in hormone levels at around the age of 45-50. At this point the ovaries become unable to produce normal amounts of female hormones. This is known as menopause. When the process begins there may be irregularities in the menstrual cycle until finally it ceases altogether. This can have a negative effect on many aspects of health as estrogen serves many functions including protecting the heart and bones. There are also various other negative side effects caused by menopause such as hot flashes and bone loss. There are however, a number of ways to treat the side effects including with hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy may even be able to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease however this therapy requires a balance that should be discussed with your doctor.

From the very beginning of life, female hormones have a great effect on a woman’s life. They shape appearances, make having children possible and are responsible for many important experiences for a women. Knowing all you can about these important parts of your body is important in keeping healthy.

What are you ready to let go?

Last night marked the first Full Moon of 2022 and here’s what it could mean for you and me :

It’s the perfect time to start thinking about what you want to let go of or release from 2021.

Ask yourself: what’s holding you back? What do you need to shake free of so you can move forward on your spiritual path?

I was woken up from my sleep at 5:45 am to go and watch her set from the balcony and I witnessed this phenomenon and felt very blessed and overwhelmed with joy 🤩

This year I’m going to focus on what brings me true and release anything that brings me down or weighs me down.

I’m letting go of those modalities and practices that helped others but did not bring my soul the true Joy and sparkle ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

What are you ready to let go?

Decluttering challenge starts today ! Join me on a 21 day challenge to decluttering your home !

Back Strengthening with Yoga – Part 1

Folks Firstly a very Happy new year 2022 !

From the last 2 weeks in 2021 and first week of Jan 2022, I was sort of experiencing back pain and muscle spasms .

As it the number of cases are peaking I was looking for solutions from an alternative therapy side . I found some useful physiotherapy / yoga exercises that I started practising and thought It would be useful for you folks too!

Remember to consult your doctor / physician before trying out these exercises if there is severe pain or discomfort. Yoga/Physiotherapy is not a cure but a preventive cure to back pain or escalating the muscle from going soar.

Here are some from my archives : All these exercises need to be done on a flat surface with a comfortable yoga mat spread on the floor or ensure the surface is flat on the bed and you are lying on your back . All exercises can be done thrice ( 3 times )

Tail Bone Lifting

Both legs to chest , Alternate leg to chest lift

Both knees spinal twist ( right and left )

Lying on the Stomach exercises:

Right knee to the side for 5 mins

8 Yoga Poses You Can Do In Bed Before You Sleep - DoYou
Source : Internet

Cat and Camel Stretch

Exercises for low back pain: Detailed, easy to follow illustrations.

Push ups

Video: Modified pushup - Mayo Clinic

2 pillows under the hips and bend the knee and lift hip

No More Knee Pain! - Dance Spirit

Lie on the stomach and hands behind & lift chest up

Exercise for Iliocostalis Muscle Pain Syndrome | Osteopath in Hatfield

Numerology based crystal cabochon stones !

Numerology based crystal cabochon stones ! Use them for meditating or for manifesting !

Green aventurine 888

The number 8 relates to time-space alignment; abundance; strength; self-discipline; success; material manifester. Also associated with Shani /Saturn

Lapis lazuli 555
5 – The number 5 relates to inner reality; cellular level; sensuality; unattached; imaginative; knowledge seeker; teacher. Also associated with Mercury.

Tiger eye Number 444 –

The number 4 Opens to love, support, encouragement and inner-strength, which will enable you to achieve your goals with diligence and proficiency. Take positive action toward your highest intentions, aspirations and goals. Establish solid foundations and advance along your path. Trust that you have all the skills, talents and abilities to overcome any obstacles and achieve your highest aspirations. Create support systems and order to help you achieve your goals and aspirations
4 is also for Rahu or Uranus.

DM to order ! Also catering to bulk quantities 🙌🙌🙌

Divination through Angel and crystals card reading (Dec 18, 2021)

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White Tara ~ Sensitivity: “You are becoming increasingly sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations, and chemicals.”

Message From White Tara: “As you have purified your inner world of thoughts, actions, and intentions, it’s natural that you seek purity in your outer world as well. This is to acknowledge your heightened sensitivity, which is as real as it seems! you have stripped away the outer protective layers of unneeded defenses, which blocked your psychic ans spiritual awareness. Now you are on the path of ascension, which calls for your heightened awareness. And with this awareness does new levels of sensitivity to the impure and harsh. Your body is a trust worthy instrument of measurement of your tolerance level. Steer clear of that which your body signals you to avoid. Take excellent care of your body, and it shall serve you well!”

Various meanings of this card: Acknowledge and honour your sensitivity. take steps to protect yourself from negativity. Avoid chemicals. Steer clear of situations with loud noise, crowds, violent media, and other triggers.

About White Tara (pronounced Tair-uh): White Tara is an aspect of Tara, a female Buddha and Hindu Mother Creator. The many female faces of the Buddha and Mother Creator are represented as various colours of Tara. White Tara represents purity, maturity, and compassion. The eyes on her hands, feet and forehead allow her to be aware of all prayers. She helps us to live long and peaceful lives.”* becoming increasingly sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations, and chemicals.”

Message From White Tara: “As you have purified your inner world of thoughts, actions, and intentions, it’s natural that you seek purity in your outer world as well. This is to acknowledge your heightened sensitivity, which is as real as it seems! you have stripped away the outer protective layers of unneeded defenses, which blocked your psychic ans spiritual awareness. Now you are on the path of ascension, which calls for your heightened awareness. And with this awareness does new levels of sensitivity to the impure and harsh. Your body is a trust worthy instrument of measurement of your tolerance level. Steer clear of that which your body signals you to avoid. Take excellent care of your body, and it shall serve you well!”

Various meanings of this card: Acknowledge and honour your sensitivity. take steps to protect yourself from negativity. Avoid chemicals. Steer clear of situations with loud noise, crowds, violent media, and other triggers.

About White Tara (pronounced Tair-uh): White Tara is an aspect of Tara, a female Buddha and Hindu Mother Creator. The many female faces of the Buddha and Mother Creator are represented as various colours of Tara. White Tara represents purity, maturity, and compassion. The eyes on her hands, feet and forehead allow her to be aware of all prayers. She helps us to live long and peaceful lives.”*

Divination with Angel and crystals cards (Dec 3, 2021)


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Positive: a peaceful and balanced person who dislikes quarrelling and respects the law. In work this may be a supervisor or a person who watches over the procedures. Someone who likes harmony, is sensitive to the needs of others and delicate while contacting other people.

Negative: a conformist, someone who puts the blame for their faults on others, avoids taking ultimate decisions, is changeable, shallow, superficial and messy. May have problems with law and to be dishonest.

Professions: a lawyer, a judge, a clerk, an official, an auditor, a controller.


In this situation you must be honest, otherwise you will have to face serious consequences. Accept the responsability for the mistakes you have already made. May your thoughts, words and deeds be oneness. You must make choice. Legal or official problem. Ask an attorney or a legal counsellor for help. It is advised to continue studying or to improve qualifications.


If you are in the relationship: depending on your martial status this card signifies either marriage or divorce. It is advised to go to a mediator. Lie. Perhaps you are too hard on your partner and you critisise him/her too much.

If you are single: do not play with the feelings of other people. Make sure you are not giving someone false hope. Be responsible.


Court case. An official control at work. You should keep the letter of the law.


Possible problems with keeping a healthy weight. In negative meaning this card signifies an imbalance (surrounding cards inform what kind of imbalance it is and which system or organ it concerns). A deficiency or an excess. Psychosomatic diseases. Endangered parts of the body: kidneys, lumbar region of spine and back.

How I used counselling, NLP and EFT for emotional eating?

Are you constantly Binge Eating ? Do you feel that are you dealing with Self worth issues ? Do you always find yourself justifying your image and identity to people ? Have you been through Body shaming ? If you are nodding to any of these challenges then read on….

I fundamentally believe in tapping on the meridians and unlocking the trapped energies for creating a new association for the neurological pathways . It is possible that any negative or unresourceful behaviours and habits that are carried out at the physical level can be rewired and repatterned with new language , new words and affirmations provided there is a space created for awareness , stillness and pause . When one enters into a deep contemplation and peaceful state of mind , then one is infused with and surrounded with white Light ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Here is a video on How I used EFT Therapy with NLP and counselling for a client who had eating disorders and magic happened when awareness kicked in and realisations that made her feel powerful at the end session !

If you are Interested In joining me for a customised tapping sessions then DM me !

Divination through Angel card reading (March 2022)

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 Vesta: “Your household situation is improving, either through a move or a healthy change in the occupants.”

Your message from Vesta: “There is an undying flame within your soul, and it is the light, seed and spark of your consciousness. Your outer world reflects your inner world. Take a look around your home. Does it reflect warmth? If not, this is easily remedied and oh so important to do. It is a simple task of using your creative imagination to add warm energy to your household, such as lighting the fireplace or some candles, adding cozy blankets and pillows, or displaying greeting cards and fresh flowers. By warming up to your outer world, your inner flame responds to meet it. This increases your energy level, which automatically shifts all outward appearances toward the better. Watch how these simple steps recharge the flame within everyone in your household. This flame cleanses away negativity and brings in the new with vigor and irresistible invitation.”

Various meanings of this card: You are moving to a new home. You have just moved. A new person is moving in. Someone is moving out. There is increased romance and/or harmony in the home. A problem with neighbours is resolving. Clear the space in your home. Remodel. Know that your home is safe and protected.

About Vesta: (pronounced VEST-uh0: Vesta is the Roman goddess of home and hearth. Vesta is a fire goddess who brings warmth to house holds, both as a temperature and as an emotion. In ancient Rome, a temple in her honour bore a flame that burned continually. Call upon Vesta to oversee any changes you would like to make in your living situation.

Angel and crystals cards reading (Nov 29 2021)

Tiger’s Eye’s ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby you’d like to try?

A solution to a problem you haven’t considered? An aspect to yourself that you haven’t indulged? Tiger’s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.

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Photography :Own

Clear quartz bracelets ( small and medium )

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Clear quartz is the most iconic of the quartz family. One of the most abundant minerals in the world, clear quartz can develop in a wide range of environments and can be found on every continent. For this reason, quartz is tied into the lore of many ancient cultures from around the world. The term “quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.”

Ancient Greek philosophers like Theophrastus believed that the transparent stone was a form of permanent ice, so cold, it kept from thawing. Every ancient culture had a different clear quartz meaning. In Japan, the clear quartz meaning referred to a “perfect jewel” because they believed it symbolized space, purity and patience.

A scientist at IBM, Marcel Vogel, has studied the connection between human emotion and the molecular structure of crystals. He believed that the crystal’s cellular formation was susceptible to change depending on what he was thinking at the time. According to Vogel, the crystal reacts to your “program”.

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Carnelian crystals help you connect with your innate self and help you transform your feelings and emotions into state of gratitude so that you can manifest with creative feeling and taps into your third eye for clarity in thinking.

Multi flourite crystals bracelets 

#Fluorite often occurs with other common minerals, including #Quartz and #Calcite, which makes it an excellent healing tool for its overall cleansing and purifying effects. It typically contains green and purple colors, giving it an incredible synergistic energy that heals and rejuvenates the aura.

The green cleanses and purifies the heart chakra by aligning your mind with the true desires of the heart. The perfect prescription for a case of existential burnout, the purple colors in the Fluorite crystal stone helps you discover your divine purpose in life.

It opens and stimulates the third eye chakra, clearing the way for spiritual expansion. Keep the creative juices flowing by meditating with the Fluorite crystal, a stone that gives order to chaos. Sit quietly with Fluorite and call on its gentle healing powers to help you coordinate your physical and mental abilities. As you inhale, imagine its white light of healing vibrations infusing your spirit with it.

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Photography : Own
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Photography : Own

Draped in red saree, bedecked with gold ornaments, seated on a lotus, pot in hand, flanked by white elephants, the image of Lakshmi adorns most Hindu homes and business establishments.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfilment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant. 

Yellow Aventurine is a silicon dioxide mineral and member of the Quartz family. It can be found in a variety of yellow hues and gets its color from tiny inclusions of Mica or Muscovite.

Most of the Yellow Aventurine on the market today comes out of Brazil, but there are also important localities within India.

Yellow Aventurine Mala can help remove or unblock Solar Plexus Chakra, Jaap and prayer purpose, this is best energy gemstone for protection.