Browse Tag: transformation

Transformation through Alchemy and Vedic Astrology!

I’m a magician and I am not into “woodoo” or “witchcraft”!

But I have been working behind the scenes with my transformational 1:1 coaching with clients to help them unlock & realize their creative , truest potential .Some sessions that I have been taking with young professionals have been truly transformational.

I cherish every client experience and makes me more grateful and make me want to do even more in 2021!

2021 – I cant wait enough for your energetic vibrations!
The number 5 ( 2+0+2+1 ) carries the energy of the Akasha or Ether element and connects you to your souls expression and wisdom and truth through the throat.

01+01+2021 is totalling to number 7 ie signifies completion of a Herculean task or tough lessons Saturn taught us around relationships and connecting us back to our roots.

The wisdom that I carry forward from 2020- is that of connecting back to my soul self,reconnecting to earth’s sphere and collective consciousness of Oneness,powerful Experiences & lessons.

As we usher into 2021, we will be called by the cosmic forces to resonate with “Love” and “Light” based energies and frequencies !

The key message from 2020 that stays with me in the now is Learn to create more “magic” and step into your own ‘Power’!

The world is your stage to perform! How would you like to perform your role in this world?

Are you willing to accept your shadow self ?

Shadow therapy or work is an illusionary web that the mind spins psychologically to create a veil of darkness .. We all have the veils of darkness ,don’t we?

Ever wondered why the moon is associated to shadow self and the Sun to light?
(metaphorically, it symbolises the mother / psyche / subconscious mind) and Sun symbolises the father / will power / conscious mind.

Ever remember our parents telling us -“You are stupid”. “You are like that only.” “You will never change your habits”. Where did this come from? Probably from their parents? and whom did they pass it on to – us!

The moon draws energy from Sun and that’s where she gets her power from.

Similarly the darkness in our minds could be drawing power from our environment and soul conditioning / patterning, and the negative suggestions / statements and imprints that form the basis of the shadow self building up.

At times,it could manifest from self limiting beliefs or thought patterns …emotions such as fear, anger, uncertainty or being in the unknown zone or untrodden path.

The layering of the veil constantly influencing our minds , is that keeps us thinking we can never change ! We tell our selves that and we imbibe it in our belief systems and we become that ..

The works of Maa Kali (Goddess of Transformation) she symbolises change and when she enters your life – she awakens that truth or true nature within you, somewhere nudges you to connect to your true self / Authentic self ie divinity and power, confidence and drives transformation.

She prompts you to look at the shadows and accept and embrace the whole self ( Mandala )and see that truest potential – you are that ‘illumined self’ and darkness is a veil that keeps you in the comfort zone.

Too much introspection or inaction leads to depression in the mind, fear , illusion etc. That’s why I ask my clients- How do you know you are depressed ?
It is dangerous to assume that psychiatric treatment is the answer to depression.

Do you recollect those darkest moments or shadow side of you? What did you do differently?