Browse Tag: reinventyoursself

Every Person Should Have These 5 Life Goals aligned to values

I have heard about goals, they often sound like something that changes year to year, and frequently has to do with my money or my weight loss. I have spent years in weight loss strategies and in gyms and paying trainers . I realized something deeper – it was never about my weight loss at all .. when I started focusing on these top 5 areas in my life and made them my core values – things started shifting immensely.

Here are 5 goals that every person should strive toward every day :-

#1: Finding and Realizing that True Happiness within

Happiness is not really a destination as much as it is a state of mind. A billionaire could be miserable about what they don’t have, while a homeless dude could be happy to score a hot shower and a cooked meal at the local shelter.

Happiness is all about perspective. While goals relating to tangible things like money can prove unsatisfying quests, the search for genuine happiness is one that will help you gain a more fulfilled and serene life.

#2: Integrity

From business to interpersonal relationships, when you live life with honesty and commitment to ethical values, you’ll find that a rewarding sense of wholeness awaits you. Integrity is a goal that will help you feel like you’re making the world a better place with your presence.

#3: Fulfillment

You can plug away at a nine-to-five job until you retire, but chances are that’s not going to make you live life to the fullest. You’ll be one of those faceless people in the crowd who live for the weekend—then trudge back to work.

Instead, reflect on who you are, your strengths, your desires, and act accordingly. Whether it’s learning to find meaning at work, a career path that challenges you, or engaging with some satisfying hobbies, fulfillment in life is a great goal.

#4: Meaningful and Healthy Connections

Human beings are social creatures, so forging good relationships is the key to thriving and feeling happy. Family, professional, and personal relationships are all crucial components to providing a sense of connectedness with the rest of humanity—so make good friendships and foster existing links with family.

At the same time, relationships do need boundaries, so learning how to create healthy interactions is also crucial for developing your sense of identity.

#5: Self-Worth

Nobody can be successful in life if they’re down in the dumps, so fostering a sense of self-worth is an esteemed goal that every person should pursue. There are many simple ways to do this—for example, treating yourself with dignity and respect by wearing clean clothes and practicing good hygiene.

Education is also a key component to developing a sense of worth, because with that knowledge comes better opportunities a sense of security.

Lifehacks : Wellness advisor tips on how to do holistic decluttering of your space and create more space in your life ?

Holistic decluttering – I want to share 3 very powerful questions that you can ask yourselves to help you declutter at mental , emotional and physical levels to create more space in your life. 
Use the waning phase of the moon cycle to dissolve or release any unwanted thoughts , feelings or actions that may be hampering your progress and growth! 

During the waning moon phase, its time to uncreate, destroy and deconstruct as well ! 

1- Start with writing down the things “I will stop Doing” list at least 15 of them for the coming calendar month 

Spending detox : “I am cautiously spending on the things I really need not what I want.” 

Social media detox : “I have stopped answering what’s app messages from 7 am to 8 am “ 

Diet detox : “I am no longer adding chips/ fried items/ processed foods to my shopping cart” 

2- Watch your thoughts list everyday for 14 days and catch them when you think negative and write them in your diary / journal 
“I will Stop thinking about “ list 

3- Notice your feelings and emotions and write down what you really felt or talk to yourself on why you felt so and offer gratitude to your feelings! 
Surrender those feelings to the universe! Stay positive!

How to find your passion using IGIKAI?

Spending your your in self awareness means constructively using it on anything which motivates you and helps create or reinvent yourself or makes you more confidence and living the best version of yourself!

One such self awareness exercise is reading books; they not only help you add to your knowledge but also enable you to concentrate and gain something insightful and build your expertise.

Some books have such powerful content that you feel like they changed your life and one such book is ‘Ikigai’.

I have been using IKIGAI process with my clients to help them discover themselves again and get back into the flow.Sometimes, in the rush to achieve our goals and racing up to corporate game can exhaust you.

Ikigai is a Japanese secret for a long and happy life. The book takes you around true-life stories of men and women living in Okinawa, a small island in the south of Japan, who have essentially lived content over the ages of 100 and how? Where your passion, mission, profession and vocation collide is where you ‘Ikigai’ is born; the purpose of your life, the joy and fulfilment in your daily routine.

I suggest that everyone should try reading and applying this 5 step method during this phase and make it worthwhile your time and energy !

I am attaching a high rise design template for trying your IKIGAI process.

Give me a shout out if you need help in working with introspecting this with you!


Five Elements of Design for your Life’s blueprint

Just like there are elements of Design while designing marketing campaign , Mobile / Websites , Spaces or Homes – Can we have a different perspective or wear a designers mindset to design our life/ Career/ Business success roadmap?

So , Why #Designthinking is a novel approach to problem solving?

Also , I am sharing my videos and interviews around “How I designed & Reinvented my career roadmap” using Design thinking principles and frameworks and gained success – Balanced Career & Mindset , Balanced Lifestyle ( working for 16 -20 hours a week as against 40 hours a week , and living a life of meaning , purpose and contributing towards self and others.

I know most of you would be looking for clarity on how to get started ,so a few years ago, I had delivered a very powerful Design Thinking talk about how I applied this powerful framework to redesign my entire life. You can Check out more talks like this by joining the Design Thinking Community via

So I Trust and Hope this gives you inspiration to redesign your own life and career to achieve a balanced lifestyle and meaningful and purposeful career or business model !

If you have any queries or questions on how I do provide coaching & mentoring services on Lifestyle Design for Career / Life / Business .

Reach out on Linkedin or reach out to me through Contact Us page