Browse Tag: pain

Just for today – I will count my blessings !

The 5th Fifth Principle of Reiki

Just for today – I will count my blessings !

Life tends to give us what we need, it may not be what we want but it will be what we need. Karmicly throughout our lives we receive what we need to grow and learn in this lifetime. 

If we grasp these lessons and grow accordingly we will become spiritually enlightened. Instead of wasting your life complaining of the things that have happened to you, and the problems you face. 

Step back for a moment on a regular basis and discover and appreciate the many blessings in your life. 

Make a list of all your blessings. You will be amazed at how many wonderful things there are to give thanks for. Leave the materialistic things aside.

They are shallow and meaningless. Pay attention to, and focus on the things that are free and bring joy and humility to your life. For example, your mind, body, spirit, health, family, friends, flowers, trees, sea, sun, love, faith, knowledge, the countryside, animals, birds, etc., the list is endless. 

I remember that my diary 2012, 2013 & 2014 was filled with gratitude statements everyday I have probably practiced gratitude as a habit since 10 years now. When I am stuck Im grateful . When I am in pain , I try and see the positive side of why this pain in the first place. I try to see the sunny side in everything.

When I appreciated the true wonders of life and let go of the materialistic needs ,I started to enjoy my life more. 

Art of letting go pain and misery – Part 1

We always talk about the pain people have caused us over the years. Surprisingly, we never talk about our own actions that are holding us back. Every opportunity that life offers us to find love, balance, stability in our personal and professional life, can have a positive or negative result. Meanwhile, we happily accept the positive outcomes and move on, we hold back the negative ones that make us excessively heavy.

It is of utmost importance that we address these negative feelings sooner than later. Letting go of old baggage will free up your body to store positive energy and get a new outlook towards life.

What is letting go and why it is important?

Imagine yourself as a clock, where all three hands have to work right to work properly. These three hands are mind, body, and soul. Holding up on your past, and not giving your life another opportunity, will burden either or all three, and the equilibrium of life is lost. Letting go is losing those feelings and set things right again. It is an exercise to become emotionally lighter. It is about leaving the hurtful feelings behind and moving on. Let go of the pain that has been holding you from reaching your full potential. 

Pain and misery are a part of life, sometimes these negative feelings feast on a person’s childhood to impact most of their adult life. This makes us realize that the practice of letting go is not just something that is for a full-blown adult but also, for the children that are currently seeing a bad childhood or battling trauma and misery.

Like no two people think alike, even letting go of something has no defined process. Every person has their own mechanism to process the pain to the extent that finally, it steams out. Holding back negative feelings is not doing any harm to the people who have caused you pain, rather it is disturbing your own equilibrium.

Above all, we should not forget that we humans can only move forward. That is how life is. Holding up to something and waiting to change something that has already been done is wasting your time and energy on something that will never happen. We have done enough damage by drinking the poison of fear, hatred, regret, and emptiness, let’s not make another by carrying it our entire life.

See it as, trying to jump higher and higher every time to reach a goal. The lighter you are the higher you can jump. You need to unbuckle these feelings behind to take a higher jump each time while aiming for pedestal.