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Healthy Breakfast Choices

Breakfast Location : Hotel Cirrus ,Goa

Here’s why breakfast is critical. When you first wake up in the morning, your body is prepared to hunt for food! Your metabolism is all fired up and your levels of cortisol and adrenaline are at their greatest. 

Beginning your day with a healthy breakfast not only helps to boost your metabolism and keep you burning off calories throughout the day, but it kicks you into a favorable mindset that begins your day in the life of a “dieter” strong! When I visit restaurants during my holidays , I used to binge eat on everything that is sweet and heavy on the calories.

Later on , I did realize that choosing raw veggies and healthy snacking did really boost my metabolism and made me feel lighter throughout the day.

Initially it was difficult to resist the temptation to eat all thats on the table , but slowly ,with a lot of mind control and focused on my fitness and health goals , I could totally overcome the food cravings.

A lot of the foods consumed these days are the precise reasons why most weight loss prayers go unrequited. Conventional foods are full of pesticides, chemicals, and hormones that go directly into our system. Think about it, if the beef you eat is cut from a cow that has been shot with hormones in order to make it grow faster and larger, it’s inevitable that those hormones will have the same impact on you. 

Add a fruit or raw veggie to each meal starting with your breakfast. Even if you’re eating something truly unhealthy adding fruits and vegetables will help fill you up quicker and give you healthy nutrients that you don’t commonly get. This helps your body “look great” inside and out. 

By consuming a healthy and hearty breakfast that’s packed with protein, you could be saving yourself from calories intake and jump starting your metabolism too!

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5 Ways to declutter your mind

When it comes to decluttering your home, there ís a simple solution: put everything on eBay (this is a bit oversimplified, but it ís possible, isn’t it?. Yet, when it comes to decluttering your mind, it ís not really possible to unload your thoughts onto eager internet buyers…or is it?

Here are a few ways I suggest that you can declutter your mind.

1: Declutter your space. We are what we eat…and what we see. While people may argue about whether or not violent movies can raise a generation of messed-up, angry kids, let us just err on the side of caution and declutter the space around us. With less things in our field of vision, we have less garbage to stew over and worry about…freeing up the space in our mind.

2: Declutter your schedule. Another thing that can drive us crazy is the constant rush from one activity to another. Take a look at your schedule and start eliminating things that aren’t necessary. All they’re doing is adding stress to your day and giving you more food to throw into the ever-spiralling mental stew of stress.

3: Unplug from the party. Would you be able to sleep and rest easily if you were attending a party of several thousand people say, like Times Square on New Year is Eve? That is pretty much what is going on with your smartphone, tapped in as you (probably) are to several social media networks. The pings, dings, and rings from various contacts, along with the thrill of finding a new message are all adding small but unhealthy doses of stress to your day.

4: Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is all about engaging with the present in a fully, alive way. There are lots of ways to practice the skill of mindfulness, from meditation to just staring at an object (like a candle) and contemplating its existence. Mindfulness will help you learn how to push relevant concerns out of your conscious thought process, leading to increased concentration and a decluttered mind.

5: Let go. Remember that scene from Titanic where Kate says to Jack, I’ll never let you go? Well, sometimes it is best to let old memories die. From broken relationships to diabolical bosses, we tend to have a whole lot of backstory spinning in the back of our mind. Just let it all go, and like a computer that suddenly operates faster, you’ll find your mind in a much more free and easy state.

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