Browse Tag: corporatewellness

Reinvent yourself -An awareness session on Holistic Fitness & Lifestyle Strategies to deal with stress and women’s wellness related issues

I had partnered with @Lopamudra Banerjee, Founder , Entrepreneur for a joint session 2 hours talk followed by Q&A at Atta Galatta , Koramangala on Weight Loss Strategies for conditions like PCOS & Thyroidism. Lopa shared strategies on how food can impact the body,What are the causes and symptoms of weight gain,PCOS and Thyroidism,Exercise and Nutrition tips to deal with these conditions.

While I covered my personal journey on how I healed myself on PCOS condition by making conscious Lifestyle choices, dissolving stressors from my life by adapting a holistic lifestyle approach – spiritual, mental,physical and emotional wellness and holistic therapies and strategies.I also talked about wellness strategies for women and how they can recognise their emotions and manage stress effectively.Basically,How I reinvented my body and health and Reinvented myself!

A collaborative effort between #GetfitwithLopa and @srishti vataa Arts Centre to organise wellness sessions and motivational talk on how to deal with stress and women’s wellness issues write to us.

Srishti Vataa Arts Centre : [email protected]

Lifehacks : Wellness advisor tips on how to do holistic decluttering of your space and create more space in your life ?

Holistic decluttering – I want to share 3 very powerful questions that you can ask yourselves to help you declutter at mental , emotional and physical levels to create more space in your life. 
Use the waning phase of the moon cycle to dissolve or release any unwanted thoughts , feelings or actions that may be hampering your progress and growth! 

During the waning moon phase, its time to uncreate, destroy and deconstruct as well ! 

1- Start with writing down the things “I will stop Doing” list at least 15 of them for the coming calendar month 

Spending detox : “I am cautiously spending on the things I really need not what I want.” 

Social media detox : “I have stopped answering what’s app messages from 7 am to 8 am “ 

Diet detox : “I am no longer adding chips/ fried items/ processed foods to my shopping cart” 

2- Watch your thoughts list everyday for 14 days and catch them when you think negative and write them in your diary / journal 
“I will Stop thinking about “ list 

3- Notice your feelings and emotions and write down what you really felt or talk to yourself on why you felt so and offer gratitude to your feelings! 
Surrender those feelings to the universe! Stay positive!