Browse Tag: coaching skills

8 Traits of a Great Leader in Any Context

What are some of the qualities and traits that differentiate between the good and the extra-ordinary leaders?

Through history we have known hundreds of thousands of leaders -and probably millions today, leading the economy or workplaces to their capacities.

1. Integrity: If a leader isn’t honest and doesn’t adhere to a moral code, how can they willingly expect other people to follow them? When people see that a person walks the walk in addition to talking the talk, they have more respect for that person, and more natural desire to follow them.

2. Confidence. A good leader is confident in their ability to lead. If they’re timid and afraid, nobody is going to feel confident following them. A leader who speaks with assertion will find their orders followed effectively, while a leader who hems and haws will frequently open themselves up to negotiation.

3. Commitment. A good leader needs to have resolute commitment to their goals if they want their team to unflaggingly follow them uphill. When a leader shows passion, drive, and a willingness to get their hands dirty, the team will rally to the cause.

4. Communication. It’s incredibly frustrating to work with someone who doesn’t clearly spell out what they want. While miscommunication has literally lost battles and felled empires, good communication can help a leader and their team carry out a mission effectively.

5. Accountability. Nobody wants to work for someone who points fingers and passes the buck. It’s whiny, childish, and almost pitiful to see someone in power try and lay the blame on others, especially when those others are the proverbial little people beneath them. By contrast, people appreciate the humility that comes with a sense of accountability—they find it endearing and bonding.

6. Empathy. The best of leaders not only commands a team—they know their team. A leader who knows names, faces, and stories is someone with a team that feels appreciated, which in turn translates into success.

7. Empowerment. You may think that people have a natural tendency to avoid work, but that’s not entirely true. People actually want to feel useful, and appreciate a leader who can empower them to make the right choices without micromanaging.

8. Intelligence. You don’t have to be the brightest crayon in the box about everything, but you better know what you’re talking about if you’re a leader—and if you don’t, at least surround yourself with people who do.

What comes to your mind when you think of extra ordinary leadership?

5 Tips to Maximise your Efficiency

5 Tips to Maximise your Efficiency

Everyone has only twenty four hours a day, whether you are a beggar or the richest man in the world. There is simply no exception. Why, then, is it that some people manage to accomplish so much in a day, while some simply while their time away and end up wondering where all their time went to?

Since there is no way to make a day last more than twenty four hours, the next best thing we can do is to maximize efficiency in using our time. Here are five tips to help you accomplish that end.

1) Make a to-do list

Having a to-do list gives you a sense of direction and lets you know exactly what you are supposed to accomplish for that day. A common mistake for beginners is trying to stuff in too many things at a time, and ending the day disappointed at failing to accomplish all of them. This is normal and as time goes by, you will have a firmer grasp of your own abilities.

2) Block out your time

Blocking out your time enables you to create a to-do list more effectively. It allows you to set how much time you should spend on each individual activity, and the sense of urgency prevents your mind from wandering and improves your focus.

3) Focus on one thing at a time

The power of focusing on one thing at a time is of utmost importance and ties in with the rest of the points. While multi-tasking is a common activity in today’s fast-paced world, we must be realistic and realize that many items cannot be grouped together and done simultaneously. Focusing on one thing at a time not only allows you to maintain full concentration on that one activity and allowing you to complete it fast, it also results in a high quality of work as your attention is not diverted to other issues.

4) Give yourself a break

All work and no play, makes Jack (and the rest of us) a dull boy. Workaholics often have this thinking that giving yourself a break is being too indulgent, and is something to be avoided at all costs. However, the truth is that this is not only detrimental to your health and absolutely boring, it also zaps you of the energy required to function effectively. In short, an occasional break or reward for yourself is essential.

5) Set goals

Setting goals is somewhat similar to writing a to-do list. The difference is that it instead provides you with a big picture view of your objectives. Classify your goals into short-term, middle-term and long-term for a clearer picture of what you hope to achieve.

If you diligently take action and implement the give steps in this article, you will be well on your way to maximizing your efficiency and to having a renewed sense of vigour in carrying out your daily activities!

When Executive Coaches meet coaches from Sports field !

Leadership lessons can be learn from any sports field – especially cricket! 

As an Executive Coach what I learnt from Rahul’s leadership and what are some of the successful attributes of a leader .We pick the attributes of whom we relate and connect to. There’s always something to learn or unlearn.

Rahul Dravid (Leader , Cricketer , former captain ) and myself on the right

This wisdom comes from a learning circle group run by Anil Santhapuri where we triggered some beautiful conversations around coaching and sports and there was an avalanche of pictures and memories shared by the group members ! 

These are some of the cherished autographs in life 😊

Did you know I used to be the vice captain of girls cricket in Godrej Hillside Staff quarters colony ? This was way back in 1980’s.When girls cricket wasn’t that popular yet.

I learnt to play cricket naturally and we used to play weekend matches and celebrate those winning . Moments as a group of teenagers back then ! We were a strong set of players!

It used to be Godrej Boyce v/s Soaps girls cricket matches and very competitive and gripping moments for audiences 🙂

We can learn a lot of lessons in life and at work from cricket !

Later in life , I bumped into several cricket players and it was a chance of opportunity and luck coming together!

Feels blessed and my heart is pouring with gratitude 💕💕 for these moments with Rahul Dravid!

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If you are wondering whose autograph this is – none other than the legendary captain and leader commonly known as “The Wall “ – Rahul Dravid.

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But why did I bring this up today as an executive coach ?

Because as an Executive and Life wellness coach , I look back and admire some of the traits these people have in them.

I always ask myself what is it that I can learn even without interacting with them? They have seen failures , leadership , success , fame and money , disappointments , regrets !

Does life spare them because they are celebrities ?! No way !

But their achievements and performance and results was evidence as it reflected their “true” potential .

Just having Potential won’t be sufficient. When “Potentiality” meets action that often leads to Results & outcomes for oneself and for the society,then self actualization is attained”

Ranjini Rao

The one who knows to handle it all and be humble and grounded are the ones I admire !

So thank you Rahul Dravid for “being” you !

What did you learn from your role model in sports or any other field ?

  • Humility 
  • Grit 
  • Courage 
  • Authenticity 
  • Silence is powerful ( while interacting with him on video shoots for IBM software group events .) I even remember prompting him to retake a video because he didn’t say “I’ll be there at Software Universe , see you there!” I made him do it again and he willingly agreed . 😁
  • Never display arrogance 
  • Prove your worth in your game on the field and improve the performance of the players and team’s excellence 
  • Focus your energies and frustration to drive excellence not tangled into Politics,Power and Authority

But I also acknowledge that I was true to my role as a digital marketing presence leader for getting the best out of what was required for audiences to relate to Dravid!

The Best version of Yourself is built this way! Being better than you were before ! 

Ranjini Rao

What do you learn from Sportsmen/women and what is the one trait or attribute you like about them?

Type here 👇👇👇

PS :I also have a business card with his autograph taken in the flight and a priceless pic with him at #theRenaissance Powai #celebrity encounters