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How to Purify and cleanse your crystals at home!

Purifying and Focusing Your Crystals

Purifying Your Crystals

As crystals hold the energetic charge of everyone who comes into contact with them and absorb emanations from their surroundings, as well as your personal energies, they need regular purifying. This is particularly so when they are being used for healing. It is sensible to purify and re-energize a crystal every time it is used. The method employed will depend on the type of crystal. Soft and friable crystals, for instance, and those that are attached to a base can be damaged by water, and soft stones such as Halite will dissolve. These are best purified by a ‘dry’ process such as brown rice or sunlight, but sturdier crystals benefit from being placed under running water or in the sea.

Purifying and Focusing Your Crystals

 Purifying Your Crystal

As crystals hold the energetic charge of everyone who comes into contact with them and absorb emanations from their surroundings, as well as your personal energies, they need regular purifying. This is particularly so when they are being used for healing. It is sensible to purify and re-energize a crystal every time it is used. The method employed will depend on the type of crystal. Soft and friable crystals, for instance, and those that are attached to a base can be damaged by water, and soft stones such as Halite will dissolve. These are best purified by a ‘dry’ process such as brown rice or sunlight, but sturdier crystals benefit from being placed under running water or in the sea.

The task at hand as this activates them. By taking the time to attune a crystal to your own unique frequency, you enhance its vibratory effect and amplify its healing power.


 1-Running water

7 Ways to Cleanse Healing Crystals and Gemstones

Source – Angel Grotto

Hold your crystals under a running tap, or pour bottled water over them, or place them in a stream or the ocean to draw off negative energy (use a bag to hold small crystals). You can also immerse appropriate crystals in a bowl of water into which a handful of sea salt or rock salt has been added. (Salt is best avoided if the crystal is layered or friable.) Dry the crystal carefully afterwards and place in the sun to re-energize from any niches or cracks in the crystal as otherwise it will absorb water in the future and could cause splintering.) Place the crystals in the sun to re-energize.


Sage, sweetgrass or joss sticks are excellent for smudging as they quickly remove negative energies. Light the smudge stick and pass it over the crystal if it is large, or hold the crystal in your hand in the smoke if it is small. It is traditional to fan the smoke gently with a feather but this is not essential.

How To Smudge (and Sage) Your Space and Body - YouTube
Youtube :

3-Visualizing Light

Hold your crystal in your hands and visualize a column of bright white light coming down and covering the crystal, absorbing anything negative it may have picked up and restoring the pure energy once more. If you find visualization difficult, you can use the light of a candle.

Sending Pure Unconditional Love Healing Energy - Female Hands.. Stock  Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 95432094.

4-Focusing and Activating your crystals ( new moon to full moon phase )

Selenite | Crystal Properties, Appearances & Origins - Stoned Crystals
Tips : Use a selenite plate or wand to re-energize the crystals

Once your crystal has been purified and re-energized, sit quietly holding the crystal in your hands for a few minutes until you feel in tune with it. Picture it surrounded by light and love. State that the crystal is dedicated to the highest good of all who use it. Then state very clearly your intention for the crystal – that it will heal or protect you, for instance. If it is intended for a specific purpose such as healing a particular condition, state that also. Repeat the intention several times to anchor it into the crystal.

See What Happens When You Start Bonding With Crystals - AtPerry's Healing  Crystals
Atprerys healing crystals

Refer to for new moon and full moon phase cycle / calendar.

Please leave your comments and suggestions if you need any further help or you are looking for supporting in healing yourself through crystals!

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for anyone, as it is the bodyguard’s stone that protects and extracts harmful energy. These stones symbolize darkness as the place of initiation and transformation that comes from facing your greatest fears.

Who should be considering wearing this?

Black Tourmaline is considered as a strong protective stone. It allows you to maintain your spiritual limits and it can purify any misplaced energy that comes along. Black tourmaline bases divine strength during dark periods for increased radiance and illumination. It strengthens the spiritual consciousness and makes life easier for non-believers. It relieves panic attacks, especially those triggered by dark or cramped spaces or in places where the environment is scary. It is a vital component of daily cleaning activities, owing to its strong ability to remove negativity. This may be helpful to control obsessive or compulsive behaviors, and to abandon chronic issues.

Why should you consider this?

Black Tourmaline is a purification stone, purifying the emotional body from negative emotions, anxieties, rage or feelings of indignity. This helps to resolve misuse of drugs and prevents any suicidal feelings or signs to self-harm. It can be used to break addictions, spiritual liberation, psychic attacks, mitigate curse effects, cleanse the healer’s aura, mental sabotage, self-sabotage, uncursing and shielding the aura from the harmful energies of the above. It has strong Earth energy which makes it a perfect choice for people experiencing changes who feel unfunded or removed from the sense of place. Black tourmaline decreases stress and increases vitality. This provides an excellent protection against contaminants from the atmosphere, electromagnetic smog and radiation connected to mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment.

How to wear it? 

Wearing black tourmaline beaded bracelets or a pendant is a smart idea for empathies that are influenced with the energy from other people. 

In the workplace, hold Black Tourmaline for a couple of minutes when you need to awaken your mind or when you need maximum attention.

Chakra Enhancer:  Black tourmaline helps in balancing the Base Chakra.

The Base or Root Chakra: also known as Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine. Root chakra is the corporeal source of physical and spiritual energy. When physically out of control the symptoms show as lethargy, reduced activity rates, reduced excitement and a need for continuous stimulation.You can feel transient, detached from reality and distant when its spiritual forces are out of control. The base chakra governs our earth grounding and is connected to all our survival instincts and self-reservation. The base chakra also relates to the body, individuality, stability and defense.

Element: Earth Planet: Saturn

Are you willing to accept your shadow self ?

Shadow therapy or work is an illusionary web that the mind spins psychologically to create a veil of darkness .. We all have the veils of darkness ,don’t we?

Ever wondered why the moon is associated to shadow self and the Sun to light?
(metaphorically, it symbolises the mother / psyche / subconscious mind) and Sun symbolises the father / will power / conscious mind.

Ever remember our parents telling us -“You are stupid”. “You are like that only.” “You will never change your habits”. Where did this come from? Probably from their parents? and whom did they pass it on to – us!

The moon draws energy from Sun and that’s where she gets her power from.

Similarly the darkness in our minds could be drawing power from our environment and soul conditioning / patterning, and the negative suggestions / statements and imprints that form the basis of the shadow self building up.

At times,it could manifest from self limiting beliefs or thought patterns …emotions such as fear, anger, uncertainty or being in the unknown zone or untrodden path.

The layering of the veil constantly influencing our minds , is that keeps us thinking we can never change ! We tell our selves that and we imbibe it in our belief systems and we become that ..

The works of Maa Kali (Goddess of Transformation) she symbolises change and when she enters your life – she awakens that truth or true nature within you, somewhere nudges you to connect to your true self / Authentic self ie divinity and power, confidence and drives transformation.

She prompts you to look at the shadows and accept and embrace the whole self ( Mandala )and see that truest potential – you are that ‘illumined self’ and darkness is a veil that keeps you in the comfort zone.

Too much introspection or inaction leads to depression in the mind, fear , illusion etc. That’s why I ask my clients- How do you know you are depressed ?
It is dangerous to assume that psychiatric treatment is the answer to depression.

Do you recollect those darkest moments or shadow side of you? What did you do differently?