
Howlite is white colored beautiful stone named after a Canadian chemist Henry How who discovered it. It is found most often as white nodules with prominent grey, brown or black veins across them. This stands for the spiritual virtues of quietness, tenderness and openness.

Who should be considering wearing this?

Howlite stones are very useful to those who want to deal with their bad temper and calm the anger.  It has a lovely soothing energy which helps to relieve stress. It’s a blessing for students to use because they resonate within the crown chakra and can stimulate a deeper desire for information within you, as well as helping to improve memory. It also increases the level of tolerance that you have about what is going on. This is the ideal stone to use to get a better understanding of yourself and your life, of people and the world around you. If you are suffering from Insomnia it is a great stone for you.

Why should you consider this?

Howlite works well with compassion, because open-mindedness allows all ideas and thoughts to unite within us without judgement. It formulates goals and helps in their attainment. It will help you also to stop being too critical of yourself.

 It calms communication, encourages understanding and fosters emotional expression. It stimulates profound wisdom, and their restful rhythm is of great benefit to help you unwind and let go of any distracting thoughts that could disturb you. 

It encourages mental serenity and eliminates any kind of distracting thinking. If you appear to procrastinate, their vibration will also benefit you and they may inspire imaginative ways of achieving what you want.

How to wear it? 

Howlite is mostly used as beads in necklaces and bracelets. It can be dyed & commonly dyed in blue, green or red color. You can carry it in your pocket to control your anger. To relieve Insomnia, place a piece of Howlite under your pillow and you will have a better sleep.

Chakra Enhancer:  Howlite is beneficial in regulating Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra.

Third Eye Chakra: Third Eye Chakra or Ajna/Agya Chakra is located in between the eyebrows. It is our awareness and command center. It represents analytic abilities, concentration, intelligence and awareness. You will be free from all kinds of fear if this chakra is in balance. We’re open to fresh thoughts, fresh hopes and new visions. We can be quietly conscious and thoughtful. We can perceive visual signals and we are highly perceptive. The feelings and inner messages are safe and vivid inside us.

Crown chakra: Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the head.  It represents spiritualistic enlightenment, perfection, purity and blissfulness. It allows you to see the larger picture of life.  It leads you to conscious living and develops an unshakeable trust in our inner guidance.

Element: Air

Planet: Moon

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