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Angel and crystals cards reading (Nov 29 2021)

Tiger’s Eye’s ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby you’d like to try?

A solution to a problem you haven’t considered? An aspect to yourself that you haven’t indulged? Tiger’s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.

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Clear quartz bracelets ( small and medium )

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Clear quartz is the most iconic of the quartz family. One of the most abundant minerals in the world, clear quartz can develop in a wide range of environments and can be found on every continent. For this reason, quartz is tied into the lore of many ancient cultures from around the world. The term “quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.”

Ancient Greek philosophers like Theophrastus believed that the transparent stone was a form of permanent ice, so cold, it kept from thawing. Every ancient culture had a different clear quartz meaning. In Japan, the clear quartz meaning referred to a “perfect jewel” because they believed it symbolized space, purity and patience.

A scientist at IBM, Marcel Vogel, has studied the connection between human emotion and the molecular structure of crystals. He believed that the crystal’s cellular formation was susceptible to change depending on what he was thinking at the time. According to Vogel, the crystal reacts to your “program”.

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Carnelian crystals help you connect with your innate self and help you transform your feelings and emotions into state of gratitude so that you can manifest with creative feeling and taps into your third eye for clarity in thinking.

Multi flourite crystals bracelets 

#Fluorite often occurs with other common minerals, including #Quartz and #Calcite, which makes it an excellent healing tool for its overall cleansing and purifying effects. It typically contains green and purple colors, giving it an incredible synergistic energy that heals and rejuvenates the aura.

The green cleanses and purifies the heart chakra by aligning your mind with the true desires of the heart. The perfect prescription for a case of existential burnout, the purple colors in the Fluorite crystal stone helps you discover your divine purpose in life.

It opens and stimulates the third eye chakra, clearing the way for spiritual expansion. Keep the creative juices flowing by meditating with the Fluorite crystal, a stone that gives order to chaos. Sit quietly with Fluorite and call on its gentle healing powers to help you coordinate your physical and mental abilities. As you inhale, imagine its white light of healing vibrations infusing your spirit with it.

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Photography : Own
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Photography : Own

Draped in red saree, bedecked with gold ornaments, seated on a lotus, pot in hand, flanked by white elephants, the image of Lakshmi adorns most Hindu homes and business establishments.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfilment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant. 

Yellow Aventurine is a silicon dioxide mineral and member of the Quartz family. It can be found in a variety of yellow hues and gets its color from tiny inclusions of Mica or Muscovite.

Most of the Yellow Aventurine on the market today comes out of Brazil, but there are also important localities within India.

Yellow Aventurine Mala can help remove or unblock Solar Plexus Chakra, Jaap and prayer purpose, this is best energy gemstone for protection.

Ways to Stay Motivated in Business

If you own your own business or are an entrepreneur, you can often be faced with challenges that strike down your motivation to go on.

But here are a few ways you can reign in the troops and find the spirit to keep going.

  • Define your core values. I realised it late in my journey that it is important to understand and identify my Core business values encapsulated in my mission statement.It guided my actions and my venture through times good and bad times by helping me find direction and bringing me through turbulent times.
  • “Making money” is not a goal that’s sure to keep you motivated when clients aren’t coming, but “delivering sustainable sources of energy” or something similarly specific will help you stay motivated towards a goal that forms the bigger picture.
  • Take a look at the checkpoints. There was initially a gap between my desired results and the actual results of what’s happened so far because my goal was monolithic and too far into the future. I took a look at smaller components to get a more accurate picture of how things were progressing, which also bolstered my motivation to continue carrying the torch for others.
  • Surround yourself with friends. The people around me played a big role in my success. When it came to running my own business, there are a lot of naysayers out there who would throw in their two cents, but I learnt to take it all with a grain of salt. Instead, seek out like-minded visionaries and entrepreneurs, both at networking events and in casual contexts. Get inspiration and motivation from those in a similar station who also have an imaginative vision for the future.
  • Remember that the grass isn’t always greener. If you’re one of those business owners who have previous experience in the nine-to-five economy, remember what it was like to sign away your schedule and practically your soul to a corporate overlord. While running your business is tough, it sure beats being underpaid, unappreciated, and overworked by someone who can just flick you away at the drop of the hat. Do you really want to return to that kind of environment?
  • Figure out what you want. Desire is the motivating force behind almost anything, and business is no different. If you’ve pegged your desires as shallow goals like making more cash, it can be easy to get discouraged. But if you dig a little deeper and get to some core reasons for being inspired, it’s easier to stay the course—for example, a better home, providing for your family, or enjoying life to the fullest.

Top Ways to Wake Yourself Up Right Now!

Feeling tired, low on energy or just not as lively and vibrant as you wouíd like to be? Join the queue!

The good news is that there are things you can do about it in the long term and things you can do in the short term to wake up right now.

Here are some of the best options

1-Splash Some Cold Water on Your Face

If you splash some cold water on your face, it will have the reaction of causing blood to rush to your face and head (thus oxygenating your brain), while simultaneously giving you more adrenaline and norepinephrine and which are released whenever we get cold. This is a great way to shock yourself awake and it is something you can do any time ñ just excuse yourself to the bathroom!

2-Jump Up and Down

Woman doing jump squats exercise flat Royalty Free Vector

Physical exercise is a great way to wake yourself up because it gets the heart pumping and blood flowing. This does not have to mean that you’re doing a full-blown workout though. Just jumping up and down or doing some press ups is enough to trigger the right result and you should find this can instantly give you a burst of energy.

3-Power Pose!

The visible midlife Wonder Woman | MIDLIFEXPRESS

A lot of tiredness is psychosomatic: which is to say that it is a combination of both psychological and physical factors. If you are slumped with your shoulders down and arms hanging for instance, this will actually make you feel tireder. Stand with your arms up and out in a V shape on the other hand and you’ll enjoy a surge in energy. This is a power position and it is a proven way to release more testosterone.

Likewise, if you’re feeling down, try smiling! Facial feedback is a psychological phenomenon that tells us you only have to smile to put yourself in a good mood and even if it is a fake smile, it works!

4-Go Outside

Not only will brisk air have the same effect as cold water but any sunshine you get will also trigger the release of positive hormones that help to wake you up and give you more energy. Have a Snack If you are low on blood sugar, then your energy levels will dip in accordance. Do not eat anything too sugary though, as this will cause a sudden spike followed by a serious dip. Instead, eat something that will slowly release energy throughout the day. A great choice is oats or a saturated fat source like avocado.

5-Take a Power Nap

8,775 Nap Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

If you have 10 minutes, grab a power nap. In fact, anything up to 20 minutes or over 90 minutes will work fine. Don’t stop in-between though, or you’ll wake up during the deepest stages of sleep, resulting in grogginess and the dreaded sleep inertia Otherwise, this is a great way to charge your batteries!

6-Listen to Rock Music

Rock music band vector poster flat illustration isolated over white  background, hard rock and heavy metal live sound festival | CanStock

Energizing music is a great way to give yourself a boost. If you don’t fancy rock music, start with something low tempo and then gradually work your way up to faster tracks.