Browse Tag: spiritual technology

Inner Preneur v.s Entrepreneur mindset

Are you geared with your “Inner-preneur mindset & skill-sets” before you become an “Entrepreneur” !

Meditation for an IOT Analytics startup – Inner Engineering or Inner-Preneur

So many engineers and Software product / service led entrepreneurs undertake e-learning courses and certifications for building humanised robots & cool apps & develop software.I realised if you want to build for humans then understand the human psyche and energy psychology. #Spiritual Technology is the art of seeding the ‘energy in the mind’ before you set out to design or code anything in the external world. 

“Begin with the end in the mind” – 7 Habits of Highly Effective people

During 4 years of my entrepreneurial journey,I have been able to accomplish at least a dozen energy psychology related and holistic wellness & 21st Century aligned skills certifications than I had ever imagined in my life ! 

The biggest lesson learnt so far is to Get your ‘inner’ emotional issues and mental strength and resilience working as an ally for you , before you get out there and be the change in the world! Time to upgrade your minds software & install new Program codes!

Expressions and reflections from a participant of Virtual Mandala workshop

Mandalas also help in re engineering the mindsets and change the code of your DNA software ! Talk to me today to explore this further!

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for anyone, as it is the bodyguard’s stone that protects and extracts harmful energy. These stones symbolize darkness as the place of initiation and transformation that comes from facing your greatest fears.

Who should be considering wearing this?

Black Tourmaline is considered as a strong protective stone. It allows you to maintain your spiritual limits and it can purify any misplaced energy that comes along. Black tourmaline bases divine strength during dark periods for increased radiance and illumination. It strengthens the spiritual consciousness and makes life easier for non-believers. It relieves panic attacks, especially those triggered by dark or cramped spaces or in places where the environment is scary. It is a vital component of daily cleaning activities, owing to its strong ability to remove negativity. This may be helpful to control obsessive or compulsive behaviors, and to abandon chronic issues.

Why should you consider this?

Black Tourmaline is a purification stone, purifying the emotional body from negative emotions, anxieties, rage or feelings of indignity. This helps to resolve misuse of drugs and prevents any suicidal feelings or signs to self-harm. It can be used to break addictions, spiritual liberation, psychic attacks, mitigate curse effects, cleanse the healer’s aura, mental sabotage, self-sabotage, uncursing and shielding the aura from the harmful energies of the above. It has strong Earth energy which makes it a perfect choice for people experiencing changes who feel unfunded or removed from the sense of place. Black tourmaline decreases stress and increases vitality. This provides an excellent protection against contaminants from the atmosphere, electromagnetic smog and radiation connected to mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment.

How to wear it? 

Wearing black tourmaline beaded bracelets or a pendant is a smart idea for empathies that are influenced with the energy from other people. 

In the workplace, hold Black Tourmaline for a couple of minutes when you need to awaken your mind or when you need maximum attention.

Chakra Enhancer:  Black tourmaline helps in balancing the Base Chakra.

The Base or Root Chakra: also known as Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine. Root chakra is the corporeal source of physical and spiritual energy. When physically out of control the symptoms show as lethargy, reduced activity rates, reduced excitement and a need for continuous stimulation.You can feel transient, detached from reality and distant when its spiritual forces are out of control. The base chakra governs our earth grounding and is connected to all our survival instincts and self-reservation. The base chakra also relates to the body, individuality, stability and defense.

Element: Earth Planet: Saturn