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The Law of Attraction

Ask and it is given – Abraham Hicks

Sourced Photography : Purchased Stock Images Copyrights @ 2021

The law of attraction is, in some ways, similar to the power of positive thinking. You must think positive thoughts and try to eliminate negative thoughts in order for it to work.

However, instead of working solely based on thinking positive thoughts, it requires you to actually imagine yourself as already having whatever it is you desire.

With the power of positive thinking you would say, “I know I can become wealthy.” With the law of attraction, you would close your eyes and imagine what your life would be like if you were already wealthy. You would picture yourself living in the home of your dreams, taking the vacation you’ve always wanted, or owning everything you’ve always hoped to own.

There are two theories as to why this may work. One group says there are magnetic forces all around us. If you think positive thoughts, you attract things to you like a magnet. If you think negative thoughts, you repel them – pushing them further and further away.

The other group claims that the theory is good in principle, but only because it works on the same principle as the power of positive thinking. If you think positive thoughts, good things naturally happen.

If you’re skeptical about the theories regarding mystical energy flows and magnets, it’s understandable. Many people have a hard time grasping the concept, and for those people, it can sometimes hinder their use of the methods.

However, you don’t have to believe in the mystical side of it to actually take advantage of the techniques. Like the power of positive thinking, the law of attraction can work simply by helping you turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

Let’s say you lost your job and now you are homeless. Most people who are homeless are constantly thinking negative thoughts. It’s natural. Most people in a situation that bad would feel negative.

They think things like:

  • “Why me?”
  • “This sucks. I will be homeless forever!”
  • “Man, why is everyone else warm and cozy in a home, and I’m freezing on the streets?”

Those are negative thoughts. They put that person into a constant state of depression. When you are depressed and angry, it’s hard to get anything done. How can you change your situation when you feel hopeless? You can’t. Unless you change your thinking, you’re stuck!

However, if that person would spend some time each day imagining themselves with a good job they really enjoyed, living in a lovely home, their bills paid and food on the table, they would probably feel a little more hope. In fact, the more often they pictured it, the more real it would become to them.

Once their brain finally began to see that situation as “possible”, they would probably become passionate about making it happen. Because their brain finally believes it really is possible to have that kind of life again, they can shift out of their negative mode and into a positive one.

Someone who is depressed and negative cannot function well. Many people who are severely depressed cannot even get out of bed! But when you begin to picture yourself in a better position and your brain begins to believe it could happen, you will work much harder to make it happen.

I don’t know which group is right. What I do know is that the law of attraction certainly does work. Whether there are invisible energy forces at work, or just good old fashioned brain training, the law of attraction can make a difference in your life!

Just for today – I will not worry!

Just for today – I will not worry!

Worry causes stress and anxiety leading to an imbalance of the mind body and spirit and blockage to the energy system. 

The best way to overcome worry is to accept that all of us are faced with difficulties and setbacks in our lives. How we respond to them determines how we ultimately lead our lives. 

If you choose to respond negatively by getting upset and anxious towards one of life’s setbacks you have chosen to damage the balance of your mind body and spirit. 

If you respond positively by accepting the setback as an opportunity to learn you can live a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Just for today – I will earn my living honestly

“Just for today I will earn my living with honesty”

What does this really mean?

My career reinvention success factor keeps revolving around being my most or best authentic self !

By adopting these concepts you will not only add balance but also life giving force energy back to yourself.

Each Reiki principle begins with “Just for today.”

Honesty means different things to different people. Many people feel it is fine to take home a few pens from the office, the company turn over millions in profit each year so they can afford to lose a few items of stationery. 

While another person will judge the same incident as an act of theft and believe that anyone found stealing stationery should be dismissed and charged with theft and even prosecuted. 

Everyone at some point is dishonest. You may not steal from another person or company, but instead steal from yourself. 

For example if you a have a talent to help people and you choose not to then you are stealing from yourself by denying your gift. 

You are also stealing from the people who could benefit from your talents. I wasting my time on meaningless pursuits such as watching television for hours each day and that was stealing from my sacred and special time on Earth.

Try to live your life to the best of your ability as authentically and honestly as you can. Honesty lives inside of you and doesn’t care about being placed where others can view it. 

Finally, in your pursuit of a happier life I urge you to encapsulate the words from Michael Landon (the father in the television series “Little house on the Prairie”) in his last interview before he died prematurely of cancer. He urged us to “Live Every Second”.