Browse Tag: ranjini rao mandala arts coach

Mandala art for healing and insights!

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates to mean “circle” or “center.”

We often associate the word mandala with the circular designs that have repeating colors, shapes, and patterns radiating from the center. Mandalas can be precise, carefully measured, geometric, and perfectly symmetrical, or in contrast, free flowing, organic, and asymmetrical. Mandalas are often drawn in circles but they can also be drawn in squares.

Hindu and Buddhist Traditions

In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, mandalas are an object of meditation to aid in one’s spiritual development. The imagery depicts the universe and the symbols represent one’s spiritual journey, the cycles of birth-life-death, and the interconnectedness of all living things.

The Hindu tradition focuses on the realization of the self as one with the divine. Whereas in the Buddhist tradition, the emphasis is on the potential for enlightenment (Buddha-nature) and the pictures within the mandalas illustrate the obstacles that one has to overcome in order to cultivate compassion and wisdom. Drawing mandalas in this tradition follows strict rules.

Mandalas help you to reconnect to your nature and the earth & cosmic nature. Perhaps the most important thing is that mandalas are a communication vehicle or tool for connecting to GOD,your higher self or your inner voice or the source-in other words that which is greater than yourself.

Several people use mandalas for meditation and contemplation , others use them for therapy and healing. Some people color in mandalas in order to feel relaxed and centre themselves and bring order within the chaos.

Mandala art for therapy and healing

Carl Jung – The renowned swiss psychologist extensively used mandalas with his patients,who would create them as a means to connect with their subconscious , enabling them to work through their issues. For a period , Jung created a mandala every day – an activity that he credits with his personal transformation and healing. Many psychologists like me and therapists in cancer centres today use mandalas as preventive healthcare and form of palliative therapy.

Exhibitions and Art for Cancer Care patients

This is me participating as a Mandala Artist during the ArtforCan Care exhibition exhibiting my healing mandalas. Both of them got sold and went to lovely souls.

Womb cellular healing mandala
Me at ArtforCancare exhibition

Content source:

Images :Own Photography

Mindfulness through Art and Qi from Srishti Vataa Healing arts centre

According to a HBR study — Organizations are demanding ever-higher performance from their workforces. People are trying to comply, but the usual method — putting in longer hours — has backfired. They’re getting exhausted, disengaged,and sick. And they’re defecting to healthier job environments.

Longer days at the office don’t work because time is a limited resource. But personal energy is renewable, say Schwartz and McCarthy. How might organisations buildworkers’ physical, emotional, and mental resilience for their employees?

Help your employees systematically rejuvenate their personal energy, and the benefits go straight to your bottom line.

Whats the ROI?

Wachovia Bank: Participants in an energy renewal program produced 13% points greater YoY in revenues from loans than a control group did. And they exceeded the control group’s gains in revenues from deposits by 20% points.


By giving their employees a space to express their true selves and manage their energy- at all 4 levels,

And….Here’s a great opportunity !

Introducing “Mindfulness through art and Qi” workshop that will help employees focus on building mental resilience which is an innate ability to overcome difficult situation, challenges and overall adversities that one faces on a daily basis.Its loaded with activity and action.

An action packed virtual hour of 3 hours :

  1. Understand employee challenges or pain points through non judgemental and non verbal method
  2. A mandala art therapy session complimented by a centering meditation technique
  3. Body movement to integrated and learn new behaviours or expressions
  4. Reflections and wrap up

It will help them in developing the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.

DM if any one interested : [email protected]