Browse Tag: neuro linguistic programming

What is NLP?

NLP -Neuro linguistic programming Is about changing the way you think about thinking.Thought experiments . Technology that reveals thoughts feelings and actions to be habitual programs open to manipulation .

NLP : The new technology of achievement best introductions to the discipline.

Benefits of NLP are :

Getting motivated

Discovering your mission

Achieving your goals 

Creating rapport and strong relationships 

Persuasion techniques and strategies

Eliminating fears and phobias 

Building self confidence 

Creating self appreciation and self esteem 

Securing a positive and mental attitude 

Achieving peak performance 

The 10 Principles of NLP are  :

1-Map is not the territory 

2-Experience has a structure 

3-If one person can do something anyone can learn to do it 

4-The mind and body are parts of the same system 

5-People already have all the resources they need 

6- You cannot not communicate

7- The meaning of your communication is the response you get 

8- Underlying every behavior is a positive intention 

9-People are always making the best choices available to them 

10- If what you are doing isn’t working , do something else . 

Watch the video here >>

How Beliefs can shape your destiny and Dreams?

How beliefs can shape your destiny and dreams ?

Here is a video where I share the truth about self doubt and how was keeping me in safe or comfort zone . Yes self doubt is a a certain way to remain in ignorance.

I remember someone last year told me I couldn’t do the things a certain way and it will never happen ! I proved them wrong again! And it was about keeping my beliefs to my bolster ie close to my Guru’s feet and surrendered it to the power of Universe!

The truth is once you sign an agreement with the “Light” , then everything must diminish by the “Law of diminishing” once self doubt diminishes from your core existence you must develop
Or add faith and purpose to start with .. and make it work towards you !

This is exactly where I was when I started my journey.

I had one of my breakthroughs in my belief systems yesterday and take super pride to sharing this incident so that no one allows themselves to be in ignorance or self doubt anymore !

Once you diminish or erase self doubt then you can start believing in your dreams and in yourself to making your dreams a reality !

Next time – will you fuel your self doubts or your powerful beliefs ?