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What is Abundance and how does it bring Happiness?

What Is Happiness?

Different individuals have different feelings on what makes people happy. Some would say it’s getting a raise. Others would say it’s having a marvellous and meaningful life. There have even been rather a few who have more particular answers pertaining to their personal life.

All of these answers strike a chord, naturally. While everyone has their own belief, some universal matters like the ones below might be conceived as what makes individuals happy.

1. Family and friends

Among the things that make individuals happy and pleased is the company of loved ones and friends. The emotional back up these individuals give you is priceless.

You probably don’t enjoy being smothered by your mother or your father, but attending family reunions or getting together for a picnic or a cook out once in a while hearts up your happiness level. Having individuals around you that you love, trust, cherish and care for makes you feel that you’re not alone.

2. Giving back

Assisting others, whether in small or big ways, elates a person’s spirit like nothing else.
Doing something for nothing may be completely opposite of what you’ve been taught, but acts of generosity & unselfishness always leave you with feelings.

Sharing your wealthiness or time with others puts you in the position to encounter the same positive energy back from other people. Likewise, making a difference in someone else’s life has a way of returning to you.

3. Meaningful work A job with an elevated salary isn’t always what makes individuals happy. As a matter of fact, these jobs often make individuals miserable (unless your heart is in what you do). Regrettably, not everybody can afford to go after their dream job. And not everybody finds meaning in their work. You may try to correct for this by volunteering at hospitals or environmental campaigns in your spare time. By discovering meaning in what you do, you’ll feel accomplished and have a purposefulness.

4. Freedom It’s impossible to become truly happy when you don’t have even a small ounce of freedom in your life. Whether it’s being able to convey yourself creatively or being able to make a choice for yourself, personal freedom is crucial. Suppressing yourself only generates a lot of damaging emotions and discontent.

5. Success Who doesn’t prefer to succeed? Individuals who have accomplished personal or professional success in their life are more prepared to go after other goals and try fresh experiences. They become more contented with the centering their life is taking and are generally happier in the long-run.

What does abundance and happiness mean to you?

4 steps to Inner Richness or Wealth mindset

If your desire is to enjoy riches and wealth, then you need to create an environment for that to grow and prosper.

These 4 steps are key to bringing you closer to enjoying riches.

1. Set Your Money Goals

It ís time to get your pen and paper out, and make some decisions. What is your goal for earnings for the next 6 months? 12 months? 5 years? 25 years? Write it down and in addition create a dream board that is a vision of what wealth is going to look like for you. What are you going to do with your wealth? What are some of the things you are going to buy with your wealth? Think big and don’t hold back.

2. It’s Time to Track Your Spending Habits

It is time to create a journal of how you are spending your money. There is software that can help you do this tracking just where your money is going not just by where you spend it but by category as well. For example, entertainment, utilities, housing, etc.

3. You Need to Create an Income Stream

All around you are business opportunities and you don’t always require a large amount of capital to get started; however, you may need to think outside the box, change the way you are thinking about getting your start. You also need to set at least one goal and more is better. Here are some examples of goals:

  • My goal is to own my own business
  • My goal is to be my own boss
  • My goal is to have financial freedom
  • My goal is to be in control of my life
  • My goal is to create residual income

When you begin to focus on the goals that you set, you will actually reprogram your subconscious suddenly opportunities will begin to pop up everywhere. Isn’t that so exciting?

4. Don’t Be Afraid to be Generous

Be generous with your money. If you have not had money you might tend to want to hang on to your new found money and your growing wealth. But you need to begin to think and act like you have abundance and share it freely. This does not mean that you are being careless. It means that rather than giving the basic 10 % tip you give 20 %. It means helping someone that’s down on their luck, or it means sending flowers to someone that’s important to you. Make a pact with yourself to be generous once a week.

Do try these hacks to prosperity and let me know how it goes!

To your wealth and prosperity! I pray and send you prosperity blessings !