Browse Tag: love

Numerology based crystal cabochon stones !

Numerology based crystal cabochon stones ! Use them for meditating or for manifesting !

Green aventurine 888

The number 8 relates to time-space alignment; abundance; strength; self-discipline; success; material manifester. Also associated with Shani /Saturn

Lapis lazuli 555
5 – The number 5 relates to inner reality; cellular level; sensuality; unattached; imaginative; knowledge seeker; teacher. Also associated with Mercury.

Tiger eye Number 444 –

The number 4 Opens to love, support, encouragement and inner-strength, which will enable you to achieve your goals with diligence and proficiency. Take positive action toward your highest intentions, aspirations and goals. Establish solid foundations and advance along your path. Trust that you have all the skills, talents and abilities to overcome any obstacles and achieve your highest aspirations. Create support systems and order to help you achieve your goals and aspirations
4 is also for Rahu or Uranus.

DM to order ! Also catering to bulk quantities 🙌🙌🙌

Transformation through Alchemy and Vedic Astrology!

I’m a magician and I am not into “woodoo” or “witchcraft”!

But I have been working behind the scenes with my transformational 1:1 coaching with clients to help them unlock & realize their creative , truest potential .Some sessions that I have been taking with young professionals have been truly transformational.

I cherish every client experience and makes me more grateful and make me want to do even more in 2021!

2021 – I cant wait enough for your energetic vibrations!
The number 5 ( 2+0+2+1 ) carries the energy of the Akasha or Ether element and connects you to your souls expression and wisdom and truth through the throat.

01+01+2021 is totalling to number 7 ie signifies completion of a Herculean task or tough lessons Saturn taught us around relationships and connecting us back to our roots.

The wisdom that I carry forward from 2020- is that of connecting back to my soul self,reconnecting to earth’s sphere and collective consciousness of Oneness,powerful Experiences & lessons.

As we usher into 2021, we will be called by the cosmic forces to resonate with “Love” and “Light” based energies and frequencies !

The key message from 2020 that stays with me in the now is Learn to create more “magic” and step into your own ‘Power’!

The world is your stage to perform! How would you like to perform your role in this world?