Browse Tag: hormonal imbalance

A Guide To General Female Health and Holistic wellbeing

Source: Magazine Holistic Well-Being and Wellness

A number of novels and stories of the early 18th and 19th centuries often portray women as mad and irrational beings, thus, espousing the creation of mad women literature. But, modern medicine dispels this “mad” attribute.

By establishing that women’s hormones are more sensitive and susceptible to change than that of men, we drive more attention to female health. Menstruation, menopause, PMS, and perimenopause – these are all part and parcel of general health topics related to women.

Aside from that similarity of being part of female health, these phenomena are due to one thing: hormonal changes. Hormones are fickle, they change with the slightest variation in diets or physical activity. Sometimes even emotional upheavals are enough to make women’s hormones go haywire.

I have read several research studies on female health that have come up with the relationship of female psycho-emotional well-being and their physical health. More often than not, hormones are the established links between this relationship.

Hormonal imbalances are the usual culprits for a number of health disorders in women. Although some of the symptoms are associated with other illnesses, their root remains to be unbalanced hormones. As varied as general health topics are, they range from physical manifestations to psychological and emotional troubles. Physical manifestations of hormonal imbalances include fatigue, weakness, weight gain, weight loss, digestive problems, hot flashes, and joint pain. Other symptoms are more pronounced and less insidious like hair loss and dry skin.

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Unfortunately, with the demands of career and family life, I have met many women who have often ignored these symptoms as merely due to excess work and overall tiredness. Some attempted to cure their symptoms with remedies and rest that did not work.

In my opinion,Hormonal imbalances need medical attention and hormonal supplements must be treated properly.

Otherwise, symptoms grow worse with heart palpitations, increased nausea, urinary dysfunction, breast pain, and vaginal dryness.

I have had clients who had extreme cases for counselling

Mad irritated young woman screams loudly and gestures actively, being dissatisfied and annoyed with something, expresses her displeasure and annoyance Free Photo
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If the symptoms and conditions above are bad enough, they are just the hormonal imbalances’ physical aspect. Usually cropping up as manifestations of other psychological disorders, the psycho-emotional aspect of these imbalances are often disruptive.

There are so many cases where woman confess of being unable to function at their normal levels.

Some of the minor symptoms include cravings and mood swings.If women don’t receive timely treatment, they progress to worse conditions like lack of sexual desire, depression, insomnia, and unclear reasoning. It’s no wonder that general health topics and concerns about women often include well-being exercises.

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But, I feel these imbalances are not permanent afflictions. With proper diet, exercise, supplements, and counselling, women are able to get their hormones back on track. However, early detection is a key factor in treating hormonal imbalances. According to me, its imperative not to dismiss the symptoms as just belonging to general health topics or issues.

Hormonal imbalances are not just topics — they are real, and they happen to more women everyday.

Let me know what you think?

How Awareness of her own emotions raised her ability to manage her emotional intelligence in a big way!

Here is a story of a Corporate mom who came to me initially when I had setup my counselling practice and then undertook Reiki practitioner course for her own emotional awareness and raise her level of socially being aware of her kids emotions.

I share the truth about the emotional baggages and unfulfilled dreams that parents hold back and how they are unaware of it at a deep subconscious level keeping them in a victim mindset or comfort zone. Yes, for sure Mom’s have a care giving attitude and it is natural to be over protective about their kids but it is certainly not a way to remain in ignorance as far as their emotions are concerned.

Her name was Raji and she told me she couldn’t bear the changes that her son was going through and he was misbehaving with her a certain way and it will never happen that he might listen to her in this lifetime! She said , “I think his behaviour bothers me much all the time”.

How I proved her wrong?

When we digged further, her deep rooted beliefs and her unhappiness about leaving her job for taking care of her family and raising her kids and she had gotten too much involved into his matters . He was growing into a teenager and had his own emotional needs however she was too obsessed about his habits and him being unorganised at home and constantly comparing her studious daughter and her unruly son !

I asked her some powerful questions – and she said her health was deteriorating and she wanted to let out her personal grievances one by one.

The truth was she was going through a mid life crisis and hormonal imbalances and once women get signals from the body -they kinda trigger emotions and cause inner turbulences, however women typically attribute t to their kids and house hold members…She had tried meditation and various other techniques but couldn’t focus much.

Women and Hormonal Imbalance | DietZones
Credit Image : Diet Zones

This is exactly where I come in as my role as a spiritual change catalyst and emotional intelligence facilitator and helped her understand her own emotional state and once she was able to bring awareness around her emotions and watch her behaviours and thoughts -they would shift her perspective about her son.

She had one of her breakthroughs her belief systems once she did Reiki and shared me her observations about her thoughts and feelings and decided to take full responsibility for herself. She became more understanding towards her son especially and tried not to compare too much.

She started on a daily routine and included self care and goals setting into her lifestyle design ! She messaged me one fine day and told me she undertook “Art of Living” course and was much more at peace and balanced state of mind.She also invested in her self care by spending more time with kids and tutoring other kids.

Will you fuel your anger or frustration or raise awareness on your emotions and beliefs ? Have you heard or been there in such a similar situation? Let me know here.