Crystals Therapy

Empowering yourself with the magical therapy art and attracting abundance through Crystals 101 Course for Beginners

Are you looking to creating magic and attracting abundance into your life with crystals connection?
  • You want to discover how to help yourself & others with the energy of crystals
  • You feel drawn to working with the energies of crystals & stones but you’d like to be more confident with how to use them & what to do with them
  • You feel you have a special connection with crystals & would love to enhance and attract that abundance in life - money, relationships, wisdom, intuition, creativity, love, will power, expressions, clarity, and spiritual connection?
  • You know that there’s an inherent mystical power in crystals & stones. Now you would love to experience the magic?
  • You’re looking for a crystal therapy cum chakra therapy course with vibrant a community, authenticity & earning a certificate?
  • How ‘Crystals therapy’ benefits you?
    • Guides you to enhance therapy and recovery from illnesses/injuries.
    • Supports self-love, self-care, and self-empowerment to succeed in life.
    • Balances and aligns you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for your highest good.
    • Unravel your inner Self with Divine Guidance from the therapy Crystals.
    • Builds wholesome well-being for yourself.
  • Imagine how it would feel
    • Becoming a Certified Chakra Crystal Healer
    • Forming lifelong kindred bonds & friendships with a like-minded global community
    • Your confidence as a healer soaring because you create the magic with crystals?
    • Empowering yourself to earn a decent income doing something you absolutely love doing?
  • This course includes

      1. What are the crystals?
      2. How to work with basic therapy crystals?
      3. What are the magical properties and characteristics of crystals?
      4. Family types aligned to Chakras
      5. Crystal therapy methods & techniques
      6. Practical ways of using crystals
      7. Q & A

  • What’s unique about Crystal therapy with Ranjini Rao?
    • A guided learning path receive and/or learn to heal from the therapy Crystals.
    • Explore your strengths and shortcomings while discovering your true life purpose and life path.
    • A hands-on approach to applying holistic tools and techniques like Crystals with Mandalas, Crystals meditation and Color therapy with therapy crystals for your personal and professional growth.
    • Empower your mind, body, and soul through energy channeled from therapy Crystals. It helps you resolve your conflicts and realize your aspirations.