Blueprint Your Life

Create a blueprint to navigate your life towards success and fulfilment.

“A Blueprint shows you the path from where you are now to where you need to go”. It’s always easy to navigate with a good road map. Likewise, you can create a blueprint for your life to make it more purposeful and impactful. Save your time and effort to build a meaningful life that aligns with your dreams and vision.
Our ‘Blueprint Your Life’ workshop helps you create intentional imprints in key areas of your life to manifest a wholesome success. We guide you to create your own vision board that visually and consciously serves as a road map to your life’s journey ahead. When you begin to make an effort prioritizing and aligning your goals to your skills and unexplored potential, it transforms into a life-enhancing blueprint.
  • How ‘Blueprint Your Life’ workshop benefits you?
    • Aligns your skills and potential to your life goals.
    • Guides you to envision success in key areas of your life.
    • Helps you visualize your goals and vision with a hands-on approach.
    • Stimulates your lateral thinking skills to receive the best outcome.
    • Builds clarity through creative visual expression and fosters emotional well-being.
  • How can Ranjini Rao help you?

    Ranjini Rao is

    • Trainer and Facilitator in Design
    • Thinking for Business Innovation
    • Holistic Career Coach
    • Founder of Srishti Vataa therapy
    • Certified Holistic Wellness Counselor

    An ex-IBMer for about 16 years who understands and empathizes with the nuances of the corporate world. She has designed the ‘Blueprint Your Life’ workshop out of her own experience, and expertise as a successful trainer, facilitator, career coach, entrepreneur, and wellness counselor.

  • What’s unique about our workshop?
    • Align your strengths and opportunities with your astrological readings to achieve your true potential in life.
    • Understanding your Chakra energy quotient, Emotional Intelligence Quotient and Personality type at a much deeper level, holistically.
    • A guided activity-based learning path for visualization and manifestation.
    • A hands-on approach to applying creative art techniques like Vision Board and Art Collage to jumpstart your personal and professional growth.
  • How long?
    • 4 Hrs workshop for groups will you get you started.
    • Then, you can opt for personalized ‘Blueprint Your Life’ sessions for individuals.
  • For who?
    • Corporate employees and Individuals.
  • Mode of learning?
    • In-person through workshops
    • Online via Skype

What is Blueprint Your Life?

Let’s start with a reality check. Are you sure if you’re on the right path in your life? We often don’t make time or effort to create a practical road map for our life. Honestly, we don’t know where to start even if we want to do it. We understand you. We’ve got the solution! First, you’ll need to introspect and analyze yourself at different levels - body, mind, heart, and soul. Our ‘Reinvent Yourself’ workshop does just that. We help you pinpoint your pain points and address your true potential. Then, you’ll move ahead to ideating and visualizing your life goals and vision through our ‘Blueprint Your Life’ workshop. Once you’ve identified the pros and cons in the key areas of your life, all you need to do is to make a plan and follow it ardently to succeed.
Here’s the best part...
We introduce art as an effective tool towards your self-empowerment and self-development. You can create your vision board using your favourite artworks, pictures and much more through the Collage art technique. It’s fun and purposeful!
Art and creativity with mindfulness is a soul-enriching experience. You’ll practice how to align your true potential to your life goals and vision through art. It takes commitment and determination to consciously take action and propel yourself towards a successful life. Every dot, line and space matters in the design of your life. Take action right now to make it meaningful. Join today!