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Top Ways to Wake Yourself Up Right Now!

Feeling tired, low on energy or just not as lively and vibrant as you wouíd like to be? Join the queue!

The good news is that there are things you can do about it in the long term and things you can do in the short term to wake up right now.

Here are some of the best options

1-Splash Some Cold Water on Your Face

If you splash some cold water on your face, it will have the reaction of causing blood to rush to your face and head (thus oxygenating your brain), while simultaneously giving you more adrenaline and norepinephrine and which are released whenever we get cold. This is a great way to shock yourself awake and it is something you can do any time ñ just excuse yourself to the bathroom!

2-Jump Up and Down

Woman doing jump squats exercise flat Royalty Free Vector

Physical exercise is a great way to wake yourself up because it gets the heart pumping and blood flowing. This does not have to mean that you’re doing a full-blown workout though. Just jumping up and down or doing some press ups is enough to trigger the right result and you should find this can instantly give you a burst of energy.

3-Power Pose!

The visible midlife Wonder Woman | MIDLIFEXPRESS

A lot of tiredness is psychosomatic: which is to say that it is a combination of both psychological and physical factors. If you are slumped with your shoulders down and arms hanging for instance, this will actually make you feel tireder. Stand with your arms up and out in a V shape on the other hand and you’ll enjoy a surge in energy. This is a power position and it is a proven way to release more testosterone.

Likewise, if you’re feeling down, try smiling! Facial feedback is a psychological phenomenon that tells us you only have to smile to put yourself in a good mood and even if it is a fake smile, it works!

4-Go Outside

Not only will brisk air have the same effect as cold water but any sunshine you get will also trigger the release of positive hormones that help to wake you up and give you more energy. Have a Snack If you are low on blood sugar, then your energy levels will dip in accordance. Do not eat anything too sugary though, as this will cause a sudden spike followed by a serious dip. Instead, eat something that will slowly release energy throughout the day. A great choice is oats or a saturated fat source like avocado.

5-Take a Power Nap

8,775 Nap Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

If you have 10 minutes, grab a power nap. In fact, anything up to 20 minutes or over 90 minutes will work fine. Don’t stop in-between though, or you’ll wake up during the deepest stages of sleep, resulting in grogginess and the dreaded sleep inertia Otherwise, this is a great way to charge your batteries!

6-Listen to Rock Music

Rock music band vector poster flat illustration isolated over white  background, hard rock and heavy metal live sound festival | CanStock

Energizing music is a great way to give yourself a boost. If you don’t fancy rock music, start with something low tempo and then gradually work your way up to faster tracks.

4 Easy Ways To Headache relief with Reiki and massage

Having headache is annoying and sometimes it is difficult for us to avoid. Mostly when we are under pressure, headache appeared automatically. If it gets worse, we might faint due to the pain we felt.

A headache is a condition of mild to severe pain in the head. It can also attack at our upper back or neck. There are different types of headache, but most of the time headache brought on by stress, too long in front of computer, noise and others. 

One of the main causes of headache is tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and jaw. We usually deal with it by taking some sleep or consume over-the counter aspirin to release our pain. However, can we do this at any place? 

Obviously, we cannot sleep at the office or at the mall. In addition, we might run of aspirin when headache strike us.

Is Aspirin an NSAID?

Do not worry! The easiest way to handle headache and we can do it everywhere is through massage. Massage is the practice of applying pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, to heal injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

When we suffer from headache, we can help ourselves with self-massage. Simple and everybody can do it, either at work or home.

Here are four easy ways in massage to heal our headache. 

1. Eyes Area Massage — Close your eyes. Place your middle fingers to your eyes that are above cheekbones. Massage that area gently but firmly in circular motion for 1 minute.

Acupressure For The Eyes – 10 Massages For Better Vision

2. Eyes to Nose Massage – Using thumb, go along the underside of eyebrows (along the bone on top of eye socket). Feel where this bone meets the bridge of your nose and eyes and find a point where there is a small indentation. Very gentle pressure, press your thumbs into the points. You can do it four times by holding and press that area for 10 seconds in each press.

Self-Massages for 4 Different Headaches | Arapahoe Chiropractic

3. Neck Massage — Massage a point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands to the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specially, at the tops of your neck that meets the base of your skull. Massage for a minutes using finger tips gentle in circular movement.

Your Complete Guide to Self-Massages | Martha Stewart

4. Scalp Massage – Let your palms of your hands massage your scalp on the top of your skull for a minute gently. 

Self Massage: Facial & Scalp | Tiny Needle Acupuncture, LLC.

Once you have done all those massages, start taking a deep breath. Lift your shoulders towards your ears for five to 10 seconds to relief remaining pain, and then let them drop back down into their natural position. 

You are going to feel better when you can do that for a couple of times. Your massage will relief your headache and your head will feel less weighty.