Browse Tag: personal development

What are your biggest Learnings from life?

“You have got to do your own growing , no matter how tall your grandfather was.”

Irish proverb

When I read this proverb ,for the first time, a few years in a book by #Shishir Srivastava (author of the book) namely “The Eight Powers within you” , it didn’t make sense to me.

When I look back today ,after 8 years, it just made me feel powerful and I honored myself and my soul with immense gratitude. I said what a wise saying by a wise person. I used be carried away by motivational speakers and personal development leaders and entrepreneurs – for eg Vishen Lakhiani Tony Robbins Robin Sharma and many others.

I used to follow whatever strategies and talks and think that oh! they can do the stuff but I cannot because of umpteen reasons I could think of !!

But when I started on my journey to self realization,I got to know one thing..there is something common that we all have within us – It is that Will Power, that divine spark and each one of us are given a new day with an opportunity to learn , reflect , act , unlearn , let go and grow.

And if we keep doing one thing out of this again and again -we can certainly grow. You cant see this in a tangible way , it can be only experienced through your reflections , thought process , behaviours and feelings of happiness, inner tranquility, mental equilibrium, joy.

So I invite each one of you today, is to look within and identify that one big learning or area of growth . write down in one statement – Where has the biggest learning come from, in your life ?

* Does it come from relationships ? Career ? Fitness? Community ? Business ? Profession? and let me know here!

Chances are that the person who has done the qualitative analysis between Becoming and Doing by pausing , reflecting ,regathering their energy and have acted wisely have grown immensely and not the ones who are constantly busy in the act of ‘doing’ …

I’d rather ‘Become’ who I want to ‘BE’ than ‘DO’ the things I don’t wan’t to ‘BE”. That’s what defines my growth and learning.

Passion and Purpose

Do you ever feel confused? Pulled in so many directions at one time that you cannot figure out what you are interested in or how it all could possibly fit together? 

Underneath the indifference and confusion, there is still a voice saying, “There has to be more than this!” 

There is. 

The great news is that it DOES all fit together, because YOU fit together. You would not be the you that you are without all the fabulous bits that come together into the delightfully human you are. 

for eg : 

Do you dream of being on stage? 

• Writing a bestselling novel? 

• Producing a life-changing film? 

• Changing the way people think about their spirituality? 

See, you were designed this way. You have a purpose and a plan and your soul signed you up for ALL the challenges and opportunities you are experiencing. 

Your soul knows what it knows. You would not be called to it if you did not have it in you. If you are called to it, it is part of your purpose! So what are you waiting for ?

My perspectives on Following your Passion and Purpose

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing to pursue Goals

If you’ve embraced the wonderful practice of setting goals for yourself, kudos to you—but a new challenge can often arise when we start picking too many goals. Here’s a way to sift through the stars and find which ones to reach for.

1. Think about the biggest picture possible. Sit down for a little reflection, journaling, and exploration of who you are as a person and what matters to you. Try making a list of your ten most important values. Once you’ve done that, think about what you want more than anything else in life, and write that down.

Keep it short, sweet, and to the point, in one sentence—no more. You’ll be amazed about how having clarity on the big picture will help you sort through your goals and find the ones that matter.

2. Think about your budget and compromise accordingly. When it comes to goal setting, it’s important to think about the constraints you face and be realistic. If you’re holding down a nine-to-five gig within the median salary range, saving up a million dollars in one year is not feasible (probably).

Drop that goal or put it aside for the future, and instead pick something more reasonable like saving up a few thousand dollars. Money is not the only factor; time and physical limitations are also important to consider…which brings us to our next point:

3. Think about your health. If you have a work-related goal—say, to hit six figures or something similar—and your  doctor has also told you that your health is in trouble, it may be time to set aside your money related goals and focus on your health.

Perhaps taking a thirty minute walk or run on treadmill every day is more important than squeezing in an extra few hours of work every week. If you don’t pick the former goal, the latter one might drive you to a point where neither goal can be reached.

4. Remember those around you. If you’re in a situation where other people are dependent on you, say a family or colleagues, you may need to set aside some of your personal goals in favor of meeting their needs.

For example, if you’re a parent of several kids and you want to get a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but your kids are struggling in school, you may want to set aside your drive to be Jackie Chan and spend some time each day helping them with their homework. 

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