
Rhodochrosite is a lovely pink color crystal with distinctive white band patterns that creates a beautiful contrast. The name Rhodochrosite is synonymous with rose in Greek. It is also called the stone of a compassionate heart. It is a self-loving stone which stimulates emotional healing.

Who should be considering wearing this?

It is a loving stone that fosters emotional healing. When your charm is undermined by envy, rage and distrust, Rhodochrosite is the perfect healing crystal for you. If you are going through any trauma it assists you to come out with this the way that this does not remove the pain, or what lessons we might have learned from working through it, but instead it enables exposure to what we are and will be. It is really useful for those who lack self-affirmations.

Why should you consider this?

Rhodochrosite can aid this cycle by offering a gentle, caring support that relieves self-criticism and self-restraint that can often accompany unhealed traumas and emotional wounds. It holds the powerful frequency which allows your mind to expand to a higher consciousness, encouraging you to combine feelings of love with acts of the same mind. It increases self-esteem and alleviates mental stress. Rhodochrosite promotes a positive mindset, imagination and invention and heightens vision states. It is also known as “The Inner Child Stone and enhances the feeling loved and joyful, like a happy child. 

It is a stone in which physical and spiritual energies are combined, stimulating love and passion while energizing the soul. It opens the spirit, relieves stress and fosters an optimistic and happy attitude. With Rhodochrosite you experience an extraordinary healing transformation in your relationships as envy and rage turn into forgiveness and caring acceptance. It makes one face the truth about one self and others, without excuses or denial, but with a good conscience.

How to wear it? 

Rhodochrosite mostly worn as a pendant to keep it close to heart, it will be helpful to balance the heart chakra.

Chakra Enhancer: Rhodochrosite can balance Root Chakra & Heart Chakra,

Root Chakra: Also known as Mulaadhara Chakra, is located between the perineum and the base of the spine. Physically it is related to the tail bone and emotionally is related to feelings of fear & attachment. You feel independent, detached & centered in your power if this chakra is in balance. It also increases your energy levels.

Heart Chakra: Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra is located in the heart region. Its calming vibrations are great for activating and clearing heart chakra. It is related to feelings of love, compassion and trust. By balancing this chakra you can get rid of mood swings and have a very optimistic approach towards life.

Element: Earth Planet: Venus

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